
The Three Little Liars

3 friends like to investigate supernatural things, and love to tell the stories about them. They made a contest in their town, everytime they tell a story they would add a Lie each one, and the public can Guess the lies in the story, If someone can unravel the lies they would get the prize money. Two news reporters came to town after they heard about the 3 liars, and engage into a mystery and guess battle with them. Would the 3 liars win every time?, the reporter Theodore and Veracity would win? Will the reader win? Come and read the short stories of ghost legends around the world.

Dini_Jimenez · Horror
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8 Chs

White Shadow, Black Shadow and the Third Duel

Luis, Leonardo and Lucas were three children who lived in a small village, they were great friends, the people knew them for the peculiarity that their names coincided with the initial letter of each, but they were also known for their stories, they had adventures in that little village, and each week they told a new story in front of the other boys in the village, but within these stories were always 3 lies, they challenged people to guess their three lies and for almost 1 year no one had succeeded, until two weeks ago that appeared that person who with the right mental process, had defeated the friends 2 times in a row, their pride could not agree that they would defeat them, so that this week they planned to their first victory in this duel, the audience this time had grown, the note of the newspaper that reporter boldly had created, I managed to attract people, Louis approached the stand and standing with his two friends pointed to the reporter and said to him, "Prepared Mr. Times?" "Ready as always, Little Trio." I say it with a smile in response.

Louis told the people the rules and began the story:

Some time ago, while I was uncovering myself doing the task, since you have to keep good notes, I encountered some supernatural phenomena in my house, since I am very perceptive I assumed that they would not present any harm to my person, such as the pale face, the Sonar of the Stereo, the Silvido of the night, The whispering Portico and the one I call the attention, The Shadows that are pursued, that Miercoles I was sitting in the living room and while joyfully towards my algebra task, a Cold began to denote itself in the atmosphere, I repeat as I am already accustomed to it remains importance, continue with my hard work while the pale face appeared next to my face and read my work notes, greet the face with a smile and change page to finish the problems of the next day, It was 3 o'clock in the morning and I was still working on the assigned exercises, when something drew my attention, I saw a shadow passing through the wall, running to my room and coming out with the same speed, I entered my parents' room and went into the bathroom disappearing, this time I focused my attention and tried to give some explanation to my encounter, the shadow could not be mine, or of something that blocked the light, I continued to observe where I had disappeared and from where it had appeared for nothing happened, but the feeling of curiosity had been planted, I could not concentrate and without realizing I finished the 100 exercises, I did not review them because I assumed that I had done them well, I closed my notebook, checked some things on the computer, and I went to bed...

The reporter lifted up a waist, since it seemed that the story had ended, I recorded a few things in his booklet and I watched Leonardo who seemed to be next, but the one who rose up to continue was Lucas, the reporter smiled, a tactic such as the change of order would not affect him.

Luke arose and continued the account:

The next day at Luis' school we told us what had happened, and our enthusiasm increased obviously, Leo and I looked at each other with a smile and we told Luis that that same day we should go to uncover ourselves and see the shadow that walked around his house, This agreed and we planned some team work, the easiest to lie were the laboratories since on Fridays we had that class, we dedicated ourselves to attend the classes, we had to keep the good grades, finally in the penultimate period I play the mathematics class, I handed over the works and the teacher put us more exercises in what he reviewed the one of us three, since with them he revised the other one, generally our grades in the exertions were about the 90 right and we generally mistaken ourselves in different, The professor began to review Luis's and after 5 minutes he got up from his seat, went to ask Luis something, then returned to his table and with a look of doubt and astonishment continued reading, after a few seconds the teacher got up suddenly and stopped the class, wiped out all the exercises from the board and hitting the table with both hands yelled; "There are young people pay attention, I will teach them a simpler method of solving these problems, forget what I have taught you", We were all surprised, since the teacher had already given us a method to solve these problems easily, having read several books, we knew that they were difficult problems and of long work to resolve but he had taught us an infallible method to cut from 12 steps to only 4 and now he was going to give us an even simpler method, enthusiastic Leo, Luis and I, we paid attention, the professor wrote on the board the problem, the first step and the result, and then I pointed out a note of why the exercise was joined together with the first steps and how the result was given, and it was so obvious and so simple that we could not contain a smile of astonishment, Then I closed his hit folder and the teacher pointed to Luis, saying, "This method has been found by your companion, I would like a round of applause," we all applauded and the professor put a 100 to his work, Luis was not exactly a brilliant person, and he sat down while we saw his face of astonishment with a smile, Leonardo and I approached him and knocked on his back as a sign of congratulations, and we asked him, how he had achieved it, why he had succeeded in that method, and why he didn't tell us, Luis shrunk his shoulders and told us that yesterday he could not concentrate after seeing that event and that it all happened by chance, we both smiled because Luis did not believe in "luck" but seemed so convinced of himself that we let him be, instead we finished the exercises and we devoted ourselves to planning what work we could invent to see that shadow, the arrival of the night we were waiting but nothing happened that day.

Louis sat down and made a signal to Leonardo that it was the next one, he rose up and with anticipated emotion in his face began his account, while the reporter had made some annotations and a wrinkles between his eyebrows had formed, apparently had trouble to find this time some flaw in the account, but even so after a moment smile and quick attention to Leonardo who had just opened his mouth to begin:

The next day being in the lab class, Luis, Lucas and I had the body tired and the eyes sleepy, the eyelids weighed on us, but we finished the work without mistakes, we have to keep the good notes, on the exit we gathered again and hoped he appeared in the night, but nothing happened this day, Luke and I left it and Luis also stopped thinking about it, and so the days passed, until he returned on Wednesday and commissioned us advanced methods of Calculus of potences and reverse trigonometry, Luis tells us that he was uncovered and working on the exercises when they gave two in the morning and I looked up, seeing the shadow of black running, escaping from something, and immediately a shade of white chasing it, He got up from his seat and ran toward where the shadows were heading, the enthusiasm of his skin appeared in an electrical spasm, and his smile widened, he followed them to the bathroom of the first floor, and with accumulated excitement opened the door, but there was nothing, with a little disappointment he returned to his seat to continue with the work, and after 4 o'clock of the night he lay down, the next day we were again in class of Algebra but nothing happened, there were no new methods, we went back to our notes on the nine, and Luis tell us what had happened, under Lucas' suspicion, we concluded that the shadows come out every Wednesday near the time that Luis had commented on us, and we eagerly waited for the third Wednesday to observe them and actually saw them, but no way to stop or use them or capture them, at the end we determined that as every strange thing in this Leonardo's house was also harmless, and leaving this happening for peace, we continued with our routine.

Leonardo in his arms at the end of telling the story and sitting next to his two colleagues, looking at his audience in a sign of self-sufficiency, the three settled smiling for them.

Louis was convinced that it was the most difficult story they had ever told, the three lies were really hidden, and did not leave aside the event, which although there was not much excitement, was intriguing, as not all stories have fights or escape.

Lucas felt very well with himself, Louis had given him the opportunity to change the order of history something that they had not done before, Louis determined that Lucas was the most appropriate for that part of the story.

People stopped murmuring among them and finally a 16-year-old girl raised her hand and began an attempt to unmask the 3 companions; "I think Leonardo's lie is the color of Shadow!, there can be no shadow of White!"

They smiled and assured him that the shadow, however strange it seemed, was of that color.

The next was an older gentleman about 43 years old, crawling and setting his glasses before starting to speak and with a smile on his face said: "Everyone's lie was that they have good grades, with so many outputs and so many lies I don't think they've got good grads, and each one repeated it, they said, "We have to keep the best grades", so they put the lie in our minds."

Louis opened his mouth, but was interrupted by a lady, whom the three identified as her tutor of the course, Mrs. Justa, laying down her ribs and touching her glasses, with her left while her right arm wrapped her, said to the gentleman; "These three boys, despite all their disillusions and stories full of imagination and fantasy, keep the highest grades of the year, not the best in each subject, but their average grades are the best."

All three smiled and gave the teacher a reason, and now it was the reporter's turn, and they looked at him curiously, since he had remained silent for a long time, with his eyes fixed on his notes, finally lifted up his gaze and prophesied to clarify everything.

"Luis your lie is of the most curious, this week they worked very hard with all this, I would say that your lies are, the "Pale Face", you could not just smile to him and continue with yours".

"Lucas your lie is that the teacher reviewed his work for the others, a teacher who enjoys minimizing methods always has an answer sheet."

"Leonardo your lie is that "they stopped thinking about it" after the first Thursday, they should have investigated it further."

The reporter stopped speaking and I looked at the three with a smile, although a drop of sweat passed through his face, he was about to say what the gentleman had said, the thing of keeping the good notes was too marked in the story and it seemed that that was each of the lies, the story of this week was well formulated and flawless, but he had succeeded in uncovering everything, he smiled again for himself and I observe the three friends, and his faces of astonishment for the third week in a row, but as he lifted his gaze he stumbled upon the smile of each of them, the reporter opened his mouth and escaped a "no" without any sound.

Leonardo was the first to speak, Indeed, Mr. Times, We never stopped thinking about it, but that was "after" having found the shadow, we continued invasing it even now, we have confirmed that the black shadow is from a woman in her 20's and the white shade is of a man around 25 with exercised complexion, but when on the first Thursday we didn't see anything really let it pass, after Leonardo Lucas got up and told him, I assure you Mr. Times, that the teacher checks our work first, he simply orders us problems made by his mind at the moment, he has never used a book to order us exercises, and likes to review such problems because that's how he sees each method, Lucas stopped speaking and immediately I added, "oh, and my lie was to say that it was a pizzarrón, at this time everything is already pignarrones", a technicism that we knew would let go, finally it was Luis who got up, and with a smile in his gaze he said to the reporter, The pale face, and everything that happens in my house is harmless, we were studying each of the phenomena until we got tired, so when I have Tare I like to concentrate on it and not think of the things I can investigate for later, my lie was simple and deceptive, or maybe "curious" as you said; only one word I said, "I checked some things on the computer, and then I went to sleep", well because at 3am, the computer is off there is no way that I use the computer so late, those were our three lies.

The reporter dropped his booklet and his pencil, his eyes opened more and his mouth could not close, sketching a small smile and then turning into a scratch he grabbed one side and with tears in his eyes he continued laughing for more than 20 seconds, the three friends looked at each other arching the eyebrows, and the reporter stopped laughter, cleaned his tears, picked up his libretto and extending his arm said to them, "Well played boys, Well played little Trio", now we go 2 to 1, this week was very well planned and have defeated me, the column of this week will be of the most interesting, I will bring them a copy of the newspaper the next week, although I don't think they will defeat me again", ending this I turned and with a hand raised out of the place.

Luis, Leonardo and Lucas looked at each other containing a smile, and with the excitement exploding the three shouted for having obtained a victory, the people who looked at them smiled, and finally breathed, the audience contained the breath every time they faced each other, and this week had been of the most exciting, even being a free event people left a propina that was not requested, but many of them went full of emotion and it was a very vague price, for the healthy feeling of adrenaline, the public put what they wanted in Leonardo's hat and went dissipating as the boys continued celebrating, the overall thought of the people was that they could not wait for next week and the next confrontation.

The three friends stopped celebrating and Luis sketched a smile, saying: "Next week the scoring will be flat."