
The Three Little Liars

3 friends like to investigate supernatural things, and love to tell the stories about them. They made a contest in their town, everytime they tell a story they would add a Lie each one, and the public can Guess the lies in the story, If someone can unravel the lies they would get the prize money. Two news reporters came to town after they heard about the 3 liars, and engage into a mystery and guess battle with them. Would the 3 liars win every time?, the reporter Theodore and Veracity would win? Will the reader win? Come and read the short stories of ghost legends around the world.

Dini_Jimenez · Horror
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8 Chs

First Encounter and the Crazy Nurse - Conclusion

Luis looked at the reporter and told him "So? Which lie do you think you have unraveled?"

The reporter put his notebook in the chest pocket and looked at Luis. He opened his mouth saying "I can see that the story you told us is true, the lies are the little things, the stuff people take by heart, and they need to understand your actions and feelings" He smiled at them and said "Luis lie is the time frame of the tale, it wasn't on Wednesday and it wasn't this week, it was a long time ago, Wednesday is school day and you don't look like people that skip classes"

He looked at Leo and continued "Leonardo, the curiosity in you guys is amazing, so you couldn't run to the exit so soon, you need to undercover the truth, maybe you only check if it was indeed closed, but your lie is to run to the exit after the surgery room"

Then he looked at Lucas and said "Lucas your Lie is, to find the salt in the lockers, if you were going to look for ghosts you three already hold the salt within yourselves, or maybe copper to repel them, your lie is to "FOUND" the salt"

The three friends stood with their mouths wide open, certainly, the tale was from a long time ago, they were too curious to escape too easily and they always carried all they could need, they learned from mistakes, the reporter saw their show from another perspective, looking for the obvious lies, that took them by surprise, the three took a step forward and clapped to the reporter, it was the first time someone found the lies, and even the three by the same guy, they told him the guessing was right and made a reverence, the people started to clap with a huge uproar, following a congratulation to the reporter.

The three friends told the people to check on the next week show and with a great smile let the show end, not without making a challenge to the reporter: "Congratulations, Sir, we wait for you next week I assure you, that you can't defeat us again", and the reporter answered with a grin: "And that's your first Lie", both of them turned their back to the other and with a smile they left until the next encounter.




They spell LIES

Reporter name: Theodore Ruth aka: T.Ruth