
The Three Faces of Null

"This is a story of about an entire race how they grew to be so powerful and what they did with that power to earn themselves different nicknames showcasing both their kind but also powerful strength that was before a single member folly lead to the once peaceful race going on a quest for conquest around several galaxies from hundreds of millennials. The hate, curses and prayer for their destruction which they accumulated from the denizen of thousands of different worlds they have invaded harassed an oppress was finally heard and answered The prayers awoke a nightmare, a terrible concept, an illusion, an impossibility to rain down wrath upon them which spread to their younger generation has they must fulfil a certain goal to finally free themselves and the next generations from this being's wrath. This is my first book ever, so I would like to hear your opinions and thoughts on the novel."

Tempest12e · Fantasía
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91 Chs


In space, three 'beings' could be seen doing what could only be described as looking down on the world. The world, as big as some stars, made them appear small, not even comparable to specks of dust in comparison to its sheer size. Yet, the world rumbled, trembling in fear at their presence. All beings within the planet were left in a state of confusion and fear. As if sensing a signal, the weaker creatures hid while the stronger ones heightened their awareness to ensure the safety of their people. A never-before-seen event was about to unfold, and its outcome, whether a great disaster or a great boon, was already known by these 'beings'.

Suddenly, they dropped as if commanding the force that held them up to stop. They descended so rapidly that the very planet they were on lost sight of them. Then, 'BOOOOOOOOMMMM'—a massive crater formed, one that the planet believed would take several million years to heal. They had landed in the heart of 'Birnin ilimi,' the city of...

You can see the image representation of this chapter at

https://youtube.com/shorts/GYBf_vwEFPY?si=KSTR4vtxrAgtVZAO, on YOUTUBE,

https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMDS7qtv/, on TIKTOK

and AT-"Tempest12e" for Instagram, which is also my YouTube and Tiktok name


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