
Chapter 20: The Great Hunt

Upon her arrival, Lutsey was greeted by her sister who hugged her with an emotional embrace. Of course, the clan surrounded the duo, concerned about their property despite the conservative side of some. All except one person watching the scene was leaning against a branch of the tree with arms and legs crossed.

Joltsyn: You look more relaxed to me, big sister.

She answered with a smile, confirming the impression of the Tsahik. Indeed, she could feel Lutsey's joy and relaxation as if it were her own and that pleased her.

Lutsey: Seeing Father, Mother and Neytiri again, as well as my Omatikaya brothers and sisters, did me the greatest good.

Joltsyn: I'm glad to hear that.

So was the clan and manifested it with shouts of joy and joyful gossip. However, one person did not share this joy and walked away once the first laughter was heard.

When the lull was over, Joltsyn went to fetch his sons and the two played with their aunt, which delighted her. The younger sister had not seen her sister smiling like this since Tsylan joined the clan and she was happy to see that.

Joltsyn: Are you still going to want children, Lutsey?

Lutsey playing: That hasn't changed, little sister.

Joltsyn: Even though you know she will be a mixed blood?

Lutsey: I don't care, little sister. She'll be my child and I'll love her, even if she has Tawtute blood in her.

The Tsahik could observe a great change towards her sister since the coming of Tsylan. She was more tolerant about it, even if she doubted that she could forgive the People of Heaven for their actions.

Joltsyn: You have changed, Lutsey.

Lutsey : Is that a reproach?

Joltsyn: I don't know, to be honest.

With these words, little Roltyun climbed on his aunt's back and put his legs on her shoulders and his chin on his head with a smile on his face, as if proud of himself.

Roltyun: I'm on to you, Auntie Lutsey!

Lutsey with a smile: Smart guy!

Then she turned to her sister who had Siwey between her legs and was playing with a wooden Ikran.

Lutsey: How did it go with Tsylan?

Joltsyn with a sigh: He's a bit stubborn at times.

Lutsey: What did he do?

Joltsyn: He hurt his hand saving a small natang despite my recommendations. However, he's hard-working and progressing well, I must admit.

Lutsey by taking a serious look: Uniltaron?

Joltsyn: Not yet. But soon.

Lutsey's change of tone did not go unnoticed in Roltyun.

Roltyun: Worried, aunt? Tsylan looks strong!

The young olo'eyktan gave her nephew a tender smile.

Joltsyn: You've been worrying them lately, big sister.

Lutsey: Oh, I see I have three guardians to wish on me!

That made the young family smile, as a certain tawtute walked away to join some musician friends.

Two weeks later,

Lutsey was confronted with Koltyey's protests because of Tsylan's presence. Lutsey sighed. Indeed, shortly before his apprentice's arrival, Koltyey had made an advance on him which she had rejected because she felt nothing towards him, even though her brother had suffered the same tragic fate as her adoptive sister and her parents. Moreover, her movement was followed by other "suitors" who were not happy about Tsylan's coming, despite the sign of Eywa. And as if not to help her, the dream walker seemed to avoid her, which frustrated her as much as it worried her.

Koltyey: Olo'eyktan Lutsey, how can you accept this demon?

Lutsey: He is in no way responsible for the actions of his people.

Koltyey Do you believe him? How can you believe him? After all the damage his people have done to us!

Ilyun; Koltyey is right. His presence is an insult to the sacrifices of your parents and our brothers and sistersLutsey sighed and his sister felt her anger and frustration mounting at the accusations against Tsylan which she finds exaggerated.


Koltyey: You've changed since he's been here. And not in a good way. You used to hate them before. You even kill them! A tawtute is here and you're teaching him our way of life! This is betrayal to our dead and to your parents. These words stung the lively Lutsey who did not hesitate to put his dagger on his throat and eyes showing a contained fury. This abrupt gesture had startled the congregation who had not seen the movement coming.Lutsey: Repeat what you said? I thought I heard wrong. Are you calling me a traitor? Given the tone of voice, the oloeytan was ready to kill him and Joltsyn could not blame her. Koltyey had gone too far and insulting the olo'eyktan was heavily punished.

Faced with Koltyey's silence due to the threatening blade, the olo'eyktan took the floor.

Lutsey: The life of my People is above my own! Dare to insinuate the contrary, is the greatest insult you can make to me, idiot!

She was always threatening him with her gun. His sister thought that she should intervene because she could kill him and this was not the time for that.

The crowd turned around and saw the pilot approaching the center of the circle.

Lutsey: That's my problem Tsylan! He insulted me and he has to pay!

Tsylan: And you'd just be giving your detractors more strength. Let me deal with this problem which is my problem first.

Joltsyn: He may be Tawtute and not yet part of the clan, sister, but his words are relevant. This assembly of detractors is just waiting for an opportunity to undermine your authority.

She remained stoic for a moment before she unhooked her weapon, but she couldn't help but give Koltyey a nice right.

Lutsey: Idiot! Then she walked away and let her apprentice observe the critic neutrally, without casting an evil eye at the assembly. That some brothers and sisters might doubt her loyalty to the clan disappointed and annoyed her deeply. But it was, for the most part, those who were hostile to her taking office as an olo'eyktan. Nevertheless, her anger was just as great and she had to use the lessons of her adoptive father to keep her calm.

Tsylan: If you have a problem with me, come and tell me to my face instead of seeking refuge in your olo'eyktan. It's like seeing children!

This provocation caused flashes of hatred towards the dream walker, but he didn't care. He folded his arms, his gaze showed a deep anger that he had never shown before.

Koltyey You...

Tsylan: You, shut up! I'm sick of your whining all day long! You sound like a four-year-old who hasn't had his candy!

Koltyey tried to punch his opponent in rage, who parried him firmly and began to twist him with icy strength and coldness. This caused Koltyey to groan in pain and he tried to free himself but the firm grip of the former soldier and the pain that was coming out of his limb prevented him from acting. The twins were shocked to see such rage show in a single gesture. However, Lutsey came to his senses and ordered Tsylan to let go.

Tsylan, after a moment's reflection, let go before facing the assembly. His one eye showed his deep anger at their actions.

Tsylan: What right have you to judge me? On what evidence?!

Ilyun: You are a demon from heaven! That alone is enough!

He turned his gaze to him and walked forward.

Tsylan: Are you blaming me for existing?

Lutsey: Tsylan...

He gave him a brief glance, but it was enough for Lutsey to understand that he was not in the mood for conversation. He looked Ilyun straight in the eyes, without flinching before speaking.

Tsylan: I thought Koltyey was the bottom of the hole. I didn't imagine there would be anything worse than him, in terms of debility.

Ilyun: Dare you call me an idiot?

Tsylan: Okay, prove me wrong. In what way am I a danger to the clan other than my belonging?

The silence that followed was animated by the deep tension between the dream walker and the group.

Tsylan: Continue this behavior and you will lead the clan to its destruction. Do you insist on endangering families, your whole history and your future, just out of hatred and revenge? If this is the path you have chosen, you are no better than your executioners.

The tone was dry, destined to strike where it hurts and it succeeds. Even Ilyun and Koltyey did not know how to react to such words. They tried to find an answer but nothing happened and they had to concede defeat. It was as if the human had cut out their tongues or sucked out all will by the choice of words that deeply affected their beings.

Tsylan: Now, don't come and hide from your olo'eyktan anymore if it concerns me. If you are warriors, come and tell me to my face! If not, shut your mouth and stop wasting his time for your stupidities!

Lutsey was surprised to be intimidated by the human tone. It was chilling, as if all the violence he wanted to give was through words and it was just as violent as gestures, but what the olo'eyktan felt was as if he was a father blaming his children. Or...

Lutsey of a murmur: A leader repressing his members.

Once he was sure that his words were well grounded in the spirits, he turned and walked away, without a glance at the olo'eyktan.

The next day,

The pilot was accompanied by his tutor and was concentrated. The two participated in a big hunt with other Ikrans and Pa'lis riders. Their prey was a herd of Metabetes that were fleeing from the group of hunters both from the air and on the ground. Nevertheless, they remained dangerous and this was the first great hunt of the Dream Walker.

The latter was on Txon and Lutsey, on Tahni. She watched with attention, Tsylan who continued not to look at her. The young olo'eyktan still had a stubborn grudge against the fact that he was spending more time with Vilya and the last few days did not help matters between them. Indeed, both of them simply avoided each other and neither one wanted to let the other take the first step.

While observing the Metabetes fleeing for their lives, pursued by hunters on Pa'lis, a memory came back to the pilot's mind.

TOP of the Tsylan

"Don't move. Stay still. Take your time. »

I was holding a sniper rifle in my hand, watching an animal. A deer frolicking in the forest. Although trembling, I was pointing my gun at the animal with my right eye in the scope of the shotgun. I was 15 years old at the time and I saw two hands of matt skin on my shoulders, giving me the relief I needed.

The deer continued to frolic in my sights. Patience. I took care to aim at the head and zoom in so I didn't miss my target.

"Always aim for the weak spot. Don't give your target a chance."

He continued to advance but seemed to slow down. I gently put my finger on the trigger. Finally, he stopped and grazed.

"Once you have the perfect angle, don't hesitate. »

This angle, I finally found it when he raised his head. I pulled the trigger to shoot this virtual animal with an equally virtual bullet.

I returned to my mind and my eyes finally found the perfect prey in the herd. The angle of fire allowed me to see the hole from her chest and I was in a good position to shoot, being parallel to her. In a flash, I held out my bow, armed with an arrow and aimed at my target before releasing the rope. The arrow whistled and landed right on my target, leaving me with a smile on my face.

Every time I was about to shoot, I would relive that memory in my head and my mother's wise advice. Then I heard Lutsey's cry of joy beside me. Although I was happy in my heart, I did not show her any of this and kept my cool. I wasn't going to take the first step until she explained her problem with me.