
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasía
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144 Chs

Chapter 76 Will Sya save?

That stone was falling on Sya, and Sya was completely unaware.

That stone was falling at high speed, it had approached the head of Syria. It was gonna fall on Syria. But! A hand pushed Sya toward him, That stone falls on the road.

That stone fell insomuch speed, when it impinges on the road, it broke in several places.

When Sya saw, that she was saved by some inches of her death, then her heartbeat goes fast.

She closed her eyes eerily.

" No, no, she can't save! She can't save! " Rina yelled. Rina bears down her hands on the wall in ire, when she saw, Sya has been saved.

" Calm down, calm down. You are safe. " A sound consoles Sya.

" But, I was almost dead! " Say said, Sya 's eyes were still closed.

" But, nothing occurred something like this. You are safe, open your eyes. " He said,

Say opens her eyes, she sees who's save her.

" Aryan! " Say said. That person was an Aryan.

" What's a coincidence! " Say said,

" Get up! " Aryan said,

Say handles herself and raises her hand to help Aryan.

" Hold my hand. " Say said,

Aryan holds her hand and stood. When Sya looks at Aryan then she forgot her all troubles.

" Thanks, Aryan, You are of my life. Whenever

I falls in danger then suddenly you appeared. " Say said,

Aryan was listening to her but he saw not showing any interest in her talk.

" You didn't answer me! Are you still irked? " Say asked,

Aryan goes his way, Sya tries to stop her and wanna say that what's in her heart.

But, she didn't pick up insomuch the courage to say him.

" Where did you reached? " Alin asked,

" I am in a way. " Jae said,

Alin was waiting for Jae because today is his first date with Jae.

Jae approached the date's site, she looks none is there. She calls Alin, " Alin, You told me to come here and you still not reached here! Where are you?"

" Look behind. " Alin said,

As soon as Jae turned behind, red rose petals rain on her. She looks upward, petals were continued falling on her.

She smiled, when one by one petals were falling on her then she was smiling. As if she is feeling the touch of petals.

" Wow, It's so beautiful," Jae said,

" Look at in front. " A sound came,

Jae looks afore, she surprised! Because Alin brought the biggest bouquet here where real couldn't stop herself to take it, she goes and took that bouquet in her hands.

" Oh! It's too heavy " Jae said,

" I know because this is made of 1000 red roses.

So, it's heavy. " Alin said,

" It's made of 1000 red roses! Are you not telling lie? " Jae surprised,

" You can count to it. You don't know, where was I go to make this surprise. " Alin said,

" I didn't understand! " Jae said,

" I mean, during this season it was hard for me to me find these all roses. I wandered hither and thither! " Alin said,

" Oh! You are so sweet. " Jae said,

Then Jae kisses Alin's cheek. Alin serves as chair to sit Jae.

Jae sits on it, she asked, " How did you get, that I love red roses and I like a beach site to date? "

" It's a secret. " Alin said,

" Why aren't other peoples here? " Jae asked,

" Because I booked this beach to our date for today. " Alin and.,

" You mean, you booked the entire beach! " She surprised,

" Yes, it was not a big deal. " Alin said,

" I have a question in my mind. " Jae said,

" Ask me. " Alin said,

" When will you start to like me? " Jae asked,

" Ah... When I saw you the first time. " Alin and.,

" Ok, that means I am your first sight love? " Jae Que.,

" Then I thought that it's just an attraction and nothing is more than it. But, day by day my feeling became more strong to you. " Alin replied,

" But, you still didn't complete your task. So, still don't see bigger dreams, which can breakage...

What's your next plan? " Jae asked,

" Next plan! " Alin be amazed,

" Yes, your next plan. How will you make a place in her heart? " Jae said,

Alin remembered Xavia is upset about her father's behaviour. Alin thinks about Xavia 's lesions, he was feeling bad for Xavia. Ever and anon he was thinking to her circumstances.

" No! I can't do it. No, I can't do it. " Alin said.

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