
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 77 Red hooded warriors!

" Alin, what are you murmuring? What can't you do? " Jae asked,

Alin said, " No! Nothing. "

" By the way, I was asking your next step? " Jae said,

" Is it still necessary? " Alin said,

"Necessary! Tell me, what will you do?

How will you do? I wanna Xavia cried tears of blood. " Jar said,

" Xavia! Xavia! Xavia! Please stop it, today I was thought that we will discuss each other. But, you are thinking of your vengeance! Can you see else thing! " Alin yelled,

" Alin, I was just asking a common question. Why are you behave like this? So annoyed! " Jae asked,

" You can see only your! You can't see another person, tell me what do know about me? Tell me what do I like? What're my likes? Tell me only three things which I like? " Alin asked,

Jae was silent because she don't know Alin's likes and dislikes.

" Oh! Why are you so silent? Ok, I make it easy for you. Tell me at least one thing which I like? " Alin asked,

Jae inclines her eyesight.

" I get my answer. Your incline eyesight is telling me everything. " Alin said,

" Alin..." Jae said,

" Still, I am not in good mood. So, please stop it! " Alin replied,

Alik crouches his hand afore Jae.

" I am going. " Alin said, then Alin goes from that place.

Jae has convened him, Jae said: " Alin, Alin, Alin please stop. Don't go Alin. Don't go Alin. "

Alin's anger was on the seventh sky, so he went.

"Jae! Are you stupid? How could you such careless, you disappointed him. " Jae said to herself.

" We have reached here. "a red hooded person said,

" That dead shoulders are not here! " another red hooded person said,

"Why aren't they here? " another red hooded person said.

Some warriors were in the forest and they all wore red hoods. They all were looking conjointly in a team.

They have marvellous weapons. They were not common on human beings, but their bodies shape were as human beings err size was 15 to 20 feet volumetric and they all hid their faces.

They all were owners of natural powers.

One of them said, "Where's that hell's army? We came here to destroy them. "

Then a warrior comes forward and said, " They all are here, but we can't see them. "

" But captain, if we don't see them then how will we destroy them? " a soldier said,

" We have to break their shield which hides them behind it. " a female warrior came afore and said,

The second master is female warriors captain and also the second captain of their army.

" First we 'll raze off shied, then we 'll be able to quash them. " the first captain said. All warriors agreed.

The second captain scoops up a weapon from her hand. She draws up a big rode from her left hand. That big rod appears in her right hand. That big rode was made of arthrosis. Some occult were printed on it.

" What will you gonna do? " the captain asked,

" You'll see! "The second captain said,

She recurves the rod in her right hand at 180 °angle, which she applied to them and threw it frontwise.

That rod strikes on a shy when it hits shied then that protective shield appears.

Her weapon comes in her hand. Now, everyone can see hell's army.

One-shoulder goes ahead, he tries to crosses the shield.

" No! Don't do this kind foolish thing ! " the second captain said,

When he crosses, within a sec. he burns as a paper.

" We all have to affixation our powers, then we will smash it. " Captain said,

" Ok captain, we all are ready. " Soldiers shouted in a tone.

They all connect their powers, when they were connected then they all come into their true incarceration.

Some soldiers' aura transmutation in deadly giant snakes. Some changes in half human and half monstrous, their upper bodies were as human and lower bodies change in a long tail; two legs were compagination slightly supra their tails.

But a thing was common in them, their shine of aura was bright as moonlight.

The second captain's aura transmutes into a blue moon dragon. She opens her mouth and spits out the blaze of fire.

That blazes of fire reach altitude to clouds.

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