
The Technology System

How will Jin survive in a world where superpowers and magic is everything but he doesn’t have any magic or superpowers Join Jin’s journey to save conquer the cosmos….

Tayflow · Ciencia y ficción
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20 Chs

More shocking

Once the students get into the school the teachers inside the school building told them to gather in the Auditorium for the test to see what kind of ability they going to awaken…..

Jin knows he won't awaken any ability but he still went to the Auditorium it was huge it was like two football stadiums combined worth of space Jin was surprised at this sight.

Thousands of students were in the auditorium waiting for the test then a man came out he was in his 20s with brown hair and eyes as blue as the blue sea then a girl step out she was in her 18s with blue hair that reached her chins with blazing eyes like fire they were the teachers don't be fooled by their age because they are smart the girl name was sheng xing and her IQ is over the roof whopping 450 next to her is John his IQ is 460...

This was their first year as a teacher because when they were students they skipped some grades John has superpowers and his powers are he can copy any powers he sees once and he will keep it for 20 days until they ran out he was dangerous whoever is his opponent….. and sheng was a mage she has an affinity for hell fire…!!!!

John announced to everyone today we will test what king of superpowers you have or what kind of mage you are when I say your name please come to the stage and test if you have powers or magic...

Then John took out a paper that have everyone's names that are freshman's then he started to call some names sung fei come up to the stage said John then a male student came up….

Then John said to place your hand on the crystal and wait for the results said then John said go ahead place your hand...

Then sung Fei place his hand on the black crystal that was 7 feet sung Fei was handsome looking 6 feet tall with white hair when he places his hand on the black crystal the crystal started to glow yellow then John and sheng xing raised an eyebrow…..

Then John announced you have superpowers and you have lightning powers and its rank is B.

Everyone was shocked...

John then goes to sheng she will tell what class you're going to do move on...

After all the students have took their ability test only two people were left, Jin and a kid whose name was Peter, Peter and Jin just became friends while the other students were going onto the stage...

Then Jin said said "ahead Peter I will go last" and then Peter said, "okay wish me luck"...

Peter got to the stage he placed his hand on the crystal in glowed white and John was shocked so was sheng...

Then John announced "you have the superpower of immortality" both Jin and Peter were shocked...

Then John said "it's ranked is SS" even more shocked everyone in the auditorium...

Then it was Jin's turn he walked up to the stage and before he touched the crystal he heard a 'Ding' sound...