
The Technology System

How will Jin survive in a world where superpowers and magic is everything but he doesn’t have any magic or superpowers Join Jin’s journey to save conquer the cosmos….

Tayflow · Sci-fi
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20 Chs


When Jin got up from the crash his heart was broken because his favorited bike had been broken into pieces he got to his broken bike and he remembered when he bought the he used all his saving and now it was broken….

Jin got up from the ground and screamed "who was responsible for this" while tears start to fall from his eyes then a beautiful girl step out of the car all the students that were standing and watching the incident when they saw the girl come out of the car their mouth dropped to ground girl or boy their jaws dropped at the beauty of this girl!!!!!

Her name is Sophia a junior year the students recalled all of them and one student asked what kind of abilities does she have said a student one said "you don't know she is a mage an A ranked at that she can control the space and time around her" all the students gasped she was one the most powerful student in the junior class

Then a handsome young man came out all the girl's screamed one of them said "he is hun mori and he is the strongest in junior class he is a mage too he control gravity at a master level he is S rank"

Jin was standing there shocked at what he heard he said in low voice "gravity and space and time such rare affinities"…

Sophia had red hair it reached her shoulder and green eyes she was 5'3 feet tall and hun mori had yellow hair with some red in it he was 6'3 feet tall…

The ranking goes ass E, F , C, B, A, S, SS, SSS even the strongest sss will be considered the weakest of weak in the multiverse….

Sophia looked at Jin she disappeared and reappear in front of him Jin was shocked at her speed with out using her ability she stared at but he didn't look away he looked back at her….

They stared at each other for five seconds before she said something "interesting kid I am sorry about your bike I'll get you another one with a smile on her face" she said before she tear space which shocked not only Jin but everyone!!!!!!

Sophia took a bike out of the space she teared then the space closed the bike look the same Jin's bike

Then Jin said this the dimensional space she can place anything in there even herself to protect herself.. then Jin came back to reality and said thank you then Sophia just smiled both hun mori and Sophia walked right pass Jin before Jin looked back they already disappeared using portal that Sophia used Jin wanted to do that too but that is just a dream…..

Then Jin and the other students started to walking into the building...