
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasía
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74 Chs

Whispers from Beyond

Decades had passed since the Harmony Festival that birthed the tradition of incorporating melodies from distant worlds. Nova Harmony thrived, a beacon of unity in the vast sea of space. Tara, Maya, and Anya, now elders revered for their wisdom, watched with pride as a new generation embraced the melody's unifying power.



One seemingly ordinary day, however, a ripple of unease disturbed the colony's peaceful routine. A distress signal, faint and distorted, reached Nova Harmony's communication center. It originated from a remote outpost, a small research station nestled on the edge of a newly discovered asteroid belt.

The message was garbled, but one chilling phrase sent shivers down everyone's spine: "Discordant echoes... consuming us..."

The council, led by the now-grown Luna, convened immediately. Memories of Dr. Volkov's twisted manipulation of the melody surfaced, a dark reminder of the music's potential for destruction.

"We can't ignore this," Luna declared, her voice echoing with the same resolve Tara once possessed. "We need to investigate."

Despite the risks, a rescue mission was assembled. Tara, Maya, and Anya, their bodies weathered but their spirits resolute, volunteered to join. They knew the melody, and they might be the key to understanding what was happening on the outpost.

The journey was arduous, a long and desolate stretch of space. As they neared the asteroid belt, the distress signal grew stronger, its distorted melody a harbinger of the horror that awaited them.

The research station, once a gleaming outpost, stood eerily dark, its metallic hull scarred and warped. Stepping inside, the rescue team found chaos. Instruments lay shattered, research equipment malfunctioned, and a single survivor, a young researcher named Kai, cowered in a corner, his eyes filled with terror.

"The music," he stammered, pointing at a central console. "It changed. It became… wrong."

The console displayed a twisted version of the melody, a grotesque caricature of its original form. As Tara listened, a horrifying realization dawned on her. It wasn't a deliberate manipulation like Dr. Volkov's; this was something different, something alien.

"It's not human," Maya whispered, her voice trembling. "It's... something else."

Suddenly, a wave of the discordant melody washed over them, a sonic assault aimed at their minds. It was chaotic, filled with an unsettling hunger, drawing upon their deepest fears and anxieties.

But then, Tara, fueled by a surge of defiance, began to hum the true melody. Maya and Anya, their eyes meeting in understanding, joined in. The melody, weak at first, grew stronger, a beacon of light in the encroaching darkness.

The discordant music faltered, as if surprised by this unexpected resistance. Kai, his eyes regaining focus, fumbled with the console. "There's an override code," he gasped. "But I need time!"

Tara, Maya, and Anya poured their hearts into the melody, a desperate plea for harmony to overcome the discord. The air crackled with tension as Kai, with shaking hands, entered the code.

With a deafening screech, the console overloaded, silencing the discordant melody. The monstrous energy that had infiltrated the station dissipated, leaving behind an unsettling silence.

Exhausted but relieved, the rescue team emerged from the research station, the desolate beauty of the asteroid belt stretching before them. They had faced an unknown enemy and emerged victorious, the melody once again proving its power to defend against chaos.

Back on Nova Harmony, the news of their encounter spread like wildfire. The melody, it seemed, wasn't just a human creation. It was a universal language, one that could resonate with, and potentially repel, entities beyond their comprehension.

The discovery sparked a new wave of curiosity within the colony. The whispers from beyond, once a chilling reminder of danger, now held the promise of a new chapter. A chapter where the melody wouldn't just bridge cultures within humanity, but forge connections with the vast unknown. As Tara gazed at the star-dusted canvas of space, a single thought echoed in her mind: The melody's journey, it seemed, had just begun.