
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

A Song for the Ages

Years flowed by on Nova Harmony like the slow, steady hum of its machinery. Tara, Maya, and Anya, their hair now streaked with even more silver, became revered figures – living legends who had safeguarded the melody.



One starlit evening, a new generation of colonists gathered in the central plaza, no longer a site of past battles but a vibrant hub of music and community. Tonight, they were celebrating the Harmony Festival, a tradition established after the Dr. Volkov incident.

The air hummed with anticipation as a young woman, Luna, stepped onto the stage. Her eyes shone with the same fire Tara recognized in herself all those years ago. Luna held aloft a simple, intricately carved wooden flute, a stark contrast to the advanced instruments that now filled Nova Harmony.

"Tonight," Luna declared, her voice clear and strong, "we celebrate not just the melody, but the journey it has taken us on. We remember those who fought to protect it, and we commit to carrying its message forward."

A hush fell over the plaza as Luna began to play. The melody, familiar yet infused with a new, lunar quality, filled the air. It wasn't just the notes; it was the subtle incorporation of the rhythmic hum of the colony's machinery, a testament to their unique lunar identity.

As the music soared, a hush fell over the crowd. Then, something unexpected happened. A faint, almost imperceptible melody began to weave its way into Luna's playing. It was a simple, repetitive sequence, yet it held a strange power.

Tara, her heart pounding, recognized it instantly. It was a fragment of an ancient Earth melody, a lullaby passed down through generations in her own family. A melody, she had never shared with anyone on the moon.

Tears welled up in her eyes. The vastness of space, it seemed, couldn't sever the connection music fostered across galaxies. The melody, born on Earth, had traveled through her to Nova Harmony, where it had intertwined with the lunar soundscape, creating a new, richer tapestry of music.

As Luna finished her performance, a thunderous applause erupted. But the most profound reaction came from a small group of children gathered near the stage. One by one, they stepped forward, each holding a simple, hand-crafted instrument – a flute carved from lunar wood, a drum fashioned from recycled materials.

These instruments, imperfect yet imbued with a spirit of creation, joined Luna on stage. Together, they played a new variation of the melody, incorporating the ancient Earth fragment and the rhythmic hum of the moon. It was a song of unity, not just for the colonists, but for all beings across the vast expanse of space.

Looking at the young faces filled with joy and the twinkling stars above, Tara knew the melody's journey was far from over. It would continue to evolve, carrying its message of unity and hope to future generations, a testament to the enduring power of music to connect hearts and bridge the gaps between worlds.

From that day forward, a new ritual was born on Nova Harmony. Every Harmony Festival, a young musician would incorporate a fragment of a melody brought from their home planet, weaving it into the ever-evolving song of the moon. A song that, like the stars themselves, would forever echo in the vast emptiness of space.