
The Anonymous

Zark enter the underground dungeon with this displeased look that could kill a person once and they all greeted

"Good morning boss"

He didn't even give them a glance at they all bow their head down while he went straight to the mighty room where he's meeting his friend John.

They been together since high school and he is the only friend Zark had,they were like a blood brother.

"Hey buddy" he greeted him" and please drop that cold face right now " he said and Zark smiled .

"How are you" he said smiling as they hugged each other.

"How is it going have you find her".

Amaya had Been pacing back and forth in her friend room,her company shares in on the line.

Her friend,a computer genius who cam perform miracle with anything technology has been trying to locate the address of the owner of a particular email claiming to help Amaya get the company for her permanently.

"Best common the meeting is starting in the next one hour " said impatiently by Amaya.

"Calm down ok, I should be done ... fuck!"

She shouted, slamming her hand her computer desk frustrated.

"Damn,I must admit whoever is behind this email is damn good Amaya I swear ".

"So what do I do,I can't just sit back and let my dad's company go like that." Said Amaya.

"What about your uncle"

"He's not picking my call since yesterday night" she replied .

Best face her computer again typed on the keyboard for some minutes and the computer chimes showing that the messager is typing and she goes back typing slapping the keyboard back and forth with this determined look on her face.

"Now let's see where you areeee" she said excitedly

And the chimes again while Best zoom the location for more clear view

"Wow Amaya your helper is at Bletchley"

"What!! The country's capital?" She asked surprisingly.

"And he just said you should go to the meeting that everything has settled already and he will tell you what he wants later. Wow Amaya I'm having a bad feeling about what he mean by "what I want from you later" babe" said,Best.

"What could he want than marriage,I mean that is how things work in movei right and besides I don't care about what he want because I'm ready to give him anything for saving my father's company Best anything he wants".

She gets ready for the meeting,just pack her hair together making it fall her left face,carry her bag with some documents.

"Bye Best,see you later" she waved

"Ok dear go and rock it baby" she replied her "and don't forget to call me when you're done" she shouted following her.

"WTF" slamming his palm on his desk"how can I fall for that stupid trap" he said while grabbing a bottle of water and start drinking it all.

"I thought I was the best in hacking in judging from how I have manage to disrupt various attempts of people to find my location so many times" he said inside his mind.

"No wonder Zark was interested in her suddenly,she's gcalledood on computer I must say".

"See Zark the problem is that there is no information of her anywhere,its as if she never existed" John said trying to explain what is happening to Zark.

"And how is that possible, have you checked the camera footage at the hotel?"

"Yea buddy that was the first thing I did before trying every other method "

He sigh knowing something is wrong somewhere, his regret was that he did not even have the chance to see her face the only thing he remeber about her was her body saint that smells like vanilla sweet and it been almost two months now and he still can't figure out who she is.

"Something is wrong somewhere but pI will figure it out" he said " and how is it going, he's been silent lately which is weird".

Knowing fully well that his step brother is so troublesome,always looking for his trouble in one way or the other.

"Yes, I mean I was expecting a lot of trouble after I heard you claim the mafia group but I was surprised you me to find a girl" he said laughing

" I even bought fill my fridge with energy drink" he said laughing opening the fridge as evidence.

Amaya walk straight to the meeting room trying to remain calm while answering the emplers who greeted her on her way the meeting.

"Good morning " she greeted everyone smiling but no one answers

"Let the meeting begins" one of them said

"First on the agenda is the appointment of the new chairman of Deacon Empire and we have two candidates, Miss Amaya and.... sorry I don't know his or her name'.

Just like that Amaya was shocked

"How can it be two I was the only candidate who is this fucking other person" she thought.

"And let the arguement begins before the voting commence" the man announced.

Amaya first uncle was the first to speak,he doesn't know who the person was when he sell his shares to him collecting a very huge amount of money that he could use to start another company of his own.

"We all know my niece is inexperience in running a company and she wasn't prepared by my brother before he died" and everyone in the room all agreed with leaving Amaya speechless.

"And as much as I will like her to take the position of chairman of this company,I can't also let an inexperience person destroy the company image while still learning how to manage it' he said.

"So what are you saying exactly " one them asked.

"I vote for the anonymous person" he finally said.

Everyone else also vote for the anonymous person leaving only Amaya second uncle who is don't show up for the meeting nor pick up Amaya's call.

"Haa fuck" she curse inwardly " and here I was thinking I'm getting the company without marrying Mark"

"Now the highest shares holder is Mr or mrs .... anonymous " said the man

This time Amaya was surprised

"What do you mean ?" She asked.

"Please I have seen enough drama here" said frustratingly while facing Mark

"Let get married, I'm not losing this battle" said said

"Ma'am even if you eventually gets your father's share it won't be enough"

"What!" Now she's sweating,confused

"What is going on, can someone please explain to me" she demanded

"The anonymous person bought everyone shares execpt yours and Mr George, and Mr George already gave you his shares yesterday afternoon plus your father's shares you have a total of 49 shares while the anonymous person has 51 in total "

"WTF!" She grabbed the water beside her and gulped it down her throat.

Hi dear reader,thanks for checking on my book. Like comment and vote for it and let me know what you think in the comments sections,let's shape it together. I love ya'll

Patrich_Adeoyecreators' thoughts