

"WTF!" She grabbed the water besides her and gulped it down her throat then she asked

"So what are this people doing here voting"

"Well the chairman... technically now appointed them as the board of directors and also you as the ceo"

"No no, I want the chairman position" she thought inwardly.

Tears started forming on her eyes thinking about how fast people turn their back on her including her father's blood, her own uncle.

"How can you guys be human" she said to them while trying to fight her tears from dropping at all costs because she think they don't deserve it.

"Are you guys not ashame at all?,you all and my father started this company from scratch and now you all sold your shares to an unknown person to take over as the chairman just because I'm a female?" She said now wiping the tears on her face with her wiper.

"So now what are your gain, giving the post of directors?, and you all prefer it over company shares holder,where you could have the chance to become ceo of the company and work your way up" she said angrily or rather irritated.

"I'm disappointed in you all" she said picking up her hand bag

"At least I become the ceo and I will be ordering you all around"

And she left the meeting room with her middle finger up in the air.

Back at her house.

On getting home she saw her sister at her door step,remembering what she saw her and Mark doing at her back she just smiled and greeted her.

"So sis,how did it go, did they vote for you?"


"Shit" she said inwardly "but how come sis,its our dad's company we can't lose it like that" said Coop

"Yes" came Amaya's reply

Notice how she kept on answering her with one word,she decided to play the sympathetic card.

"People are so heartless,how can they just turn their back on someone just like that over a small thing" she said while they enter inside Amaya house and sat down on the couch.

"I'm sorry sis,I am sorry I couldn't help you in anyway" she said hanging her head down

"Well you're right considering how you're helping and sleeping with my ex fiance" she said in her mind

"Or can't we just go to court sis,its our father's business we're talking about here" said Coop while trying so hard to play the white lotus .

Seeing where the conversation is leading to and at the same time Happy that at least she had another person to console her except her best friend even though her sister sympathy is not a genuine one she felt relieved.

"Its ok Coop don't cry anymore ok" she patted her back caressing it slowly.

"I'm here for you at any time if you need me" she said to kissing her forehead and huge her dearly.

"Hmm sis about the house can I have my own keys now I wanna sell them and start a business you know " she said smiling awkwardly

"I know your up to something" Amaya said in her mind.

"Ohh your keys,wait here I'm coming back in a minute" she said, went inside,come back and gave her the keys she requested for.

Inside the huge mansion of the Spencer

Mr and Mrs Spencer sat down on the dinning table waiting for their two sons to join them for dinner.

"Ma'am the foods are ready, should we start serving it now? One of their maid said.

Sensing the atmosphere in the room the maid know she's in deep trouble and only God can save her now.

Mrs Spencer looked at her husband whose eyes is glued in the door expecting his sons and looked at the maid again.

"No,but immediately you see my sons seated you guys can come serve the food" she said to the maid who quickly ran out of the room thanking her star she wasn't fired immediately.

At Zark apartment

"Zark we've been looking at almost all the street cctv footage around the bar you went without eating dinner it's almost 9 pm let's rest I'm not doing this again" complained, John.

"You can go if you want I don't care" replied Zark.

He take over from John,watching the cctv footage from where he stopped while John went to order some food and checked his phone and start browsing.

"Order some pizza for me John" he demands.

"Hhhurrh I'm not your maid boy,you have hand, order for your self"

" as you can see I'm busy doing what you should be doing considering how much I payed you for the job" he said.

"Are you kidding me,I would have demanded more if I knew I would be looking at almost all the street at cityscape looking for someone i don't even know about"

Zark faced him,he knows he's right because looking for someone he did not even know her face will be difficult but John has done it before and he believes he would do It again but this one looks like a dead one.

"I told you I recognised her so you should trust me" said Zark.

"Yea trust you" he scoff "you said it your self her image is blurry in your fucking head so don't give me that crap".

"I'm very.."

"Oh Zark shut up" he coverd his mouth for him " and besides won't you go to your so call family dinner?" He asked trying to change the topic

Zark paused what he's doing and stared at his phone now realising its so late already. He know what the dinner is all about, the heir to the company and he's not ready for another war with his brother

" I'm not going " he said now feeling tired " I want to avoid this trouble for now "

Back at the Spencer's mansion

"Hubby please calm down, I'm sure they have their reasons for not showing up" Mrs Spencer tried calming her fuming husband down but it's not working.

"You know what,I don't want to know why they are not here ,just call Zark and tell him he's to takeover the company when the times come" he said while trying to catch his breath .

"I told you many times, he said he's not interested" she shouted back at him and went to their room.

At Amaya's best friend place

" you said you have been chatting with the mysterious guy?" Amaya asked

"And he also said I can do whatever I want with the company? Still surprised

"Relaxe babe" Best said to her drawing out the signed contract between them and showed it to her friend.

"Here,this is the signed agreement to show that he is serious about it."

She read it and was smiling like a fool

"Wow,he even said the company is mine" she said happily "and here,he said he will transfer the shares back to me base on his own terms"

"Yes babe" Best answer her

"But don't you think it's weird"

"No ok relaxe Amaya at least something good is finally happening after 3 months of back to back of trouble" Best said to her trying to cheer her up.

" So just let your self be happy and embrace your happy moments when you still can ok"


Amaya phone vibrated and she saw the news headline pops up on her screen and her eyes widened

Her uncles dead body was found this afternoon.

Hi dear reader thank you for your in reading my story, I really appreciate your love,time and effort.

please comment,vote and like my story thanks you'll

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