
Part 1: All is not what it seems

I toss around in my king sized bed, sleep eludes me, not even all the parafernalia of cute stuffed animals making me comfortable enough to sleep. What Jun said keeps resonating in my ears like a broken record, Jun and I have seen many "things" in our years, Jun even more so than I (yeah my Bro has got at least a few millenia on me...) there are all sorts of mythological creatures "hanging out" in the human world, some are good, some are evil but to my knowledge we all have good and evil in us it's what you choose to do with them that defines you, Yin and Yang, darkness and light, good and evil, in the end they are all part of a bigger picture, the journey to self knowledge every being embarks on upon birth.

Thoughts keep pouring through, I kick my Kylo Ren sheets and push my legs out of bed, put on black sweat pants and a black hoodie, off to the bathroom for a quick brush of teeth and hair( yes I do try to live the human way, emphasis on the 'try') and off I go, the house is still silent, mostly because its still dark outside, I grab a choco milk from the fridge and make my way to the back kitchen door.

As soon as I open it the smell of morning dew hits me, it is the most beautiful smell, like that of the earth, the sun and the sea, its on days like this that I'm happy we moved to Oxford, England, the Emperor was nothing if a sucker for Human knowledge and all this while he has made us tag along on his many pursuits, making us study in different areas of expertise, the Emperor and Jun are well versed in all human history, we lived with them for the better part of almost four hundred years, as for me, well lets just say history is not my thing, I'm more of a geek, thinking, writing, creating are right up my alley, I'm what people call a tech guru nowdays ( Yes, I was there for every major development working my way in the background - my nickname in the eighties and up to today is DATA ... to all of you young peeps go check out the 1985 movie "The Goonies" written by one of the few humans I think should be Immortal, Steven Spielberg, well him and George Lucas! I'm sorry this sounds so superficial ... There are a few more humans I wished would live forever sharing their beliefs the current 14th Dalai Lama is one of them, do not think me fickle, for I am not, time works differently for me, so you have a small idea when I was born the second Dalai Lama was in power...)

The cold morning air is delicious, I lightly jog through the back gate in the direction of the trees, behind our house there's a gorgeous wood, with lovely old trees, on it there's a path that opens only to me, a rocky path of water that weaves its way to a waterfall, I make my way alongside the stream, until I reach a rock that lies on small mountain, with a view to the waterfall and the lake beneath that take your breath away, water is so precious, humans misuse it so much, it makes my heart ache, I can never grow tired of the view in this particular place, Xihe* makes her way in the sky and light starts to unfold, several shades of gold make their way along the trees and water, turning an already beautiful picture into an unforgetable memory, a smile plays on my lips and its like time stops at this moment only to burst into movement when Xihe* puts the sun in its place.

My mind gratefully welcomes the silence, my brain takes a reprieve from all thoughts to enjoy the first rays of sun filtering through the leaves lighting up my face, warming my cold body.

Short lived solitude, as I feel a foreign presence in my wood, oh boy! Here we go again!

I'll leave brief definitions to some of the characters/ Gods / Deities & etc ...

* Xihe - Solar deity in Chinese mythology, she was the mother of ten suns in the form of three-legged crows residing in a mulberry tree, the Fusang, in the East Sea. Each day, one of the sun birds would be rostered to travel around the world on a chariot driven by Xihe and pulled by a dragon.

Unikeversecreators' thoughts