
The Tale of the Second Dimension

A story about a girl who has to face the consequences of exploring the secrets of both the second and the first dimension. Read the first chapter to find out more.

Kyo_idiot · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 7

The next day I woke up in a spider web. Why is it so warm? Wait a minute… Why am I in a web? "Hey undead get me out," I ordered in a whisper. The undead came out but they would not help. "Go back then, undead." And with that, they left. What a bunch of useless bones, why did they not help me? I turned around and saw a giant spider. It roared with a loud and mighty roar. The saliva went everywhere and was warm. Ewwww... That is so gross. I drew my sword and freed myself. That was easier than normal, did I get stronger? It started to charge towards me. Think…Think…That's it, Thunderwave. I casted Thnderwave, and an array of thunder electrocuted the spider. Nothing happened. Suddenly an aroma of burnt flesh filled the cave.

A little muffled voice yelled, "HELP ME!!!" I looked around but I couldn't find where it was coming from. Is my mind playing tricks on me? There can't be anyone stuck in there. I saw a wood stick and thought I could set it ablaze to spook the spider and potentially burn its webs. I grabbed the stick and pulled it out of the dirt. I set the wood on fire with the spell nammed 'Produce Flame' and the wood burned with a mighty flame. I felt a lot more calmer and raised the stick to defend myself. The spider attacked me and smacked me into the wall. Ow… The spider started to create more webs in an attempt to keep me on the wall. 

"That's it," I yelled, "You are really getting on my nerves!" I drew my sword and freed myself. I knew I could have defeated the spider a while ago but I didn't want to kill it, now I did. I ran towards the spider and a few seconds later, it was dead. The head of the spider rolled to my feet. I kicked the head away in disgust. The was spider blood everywhere. "Gross," I remarked. The smell was better than outside. I looked out of the cave and saw that there was a giant sandstorm. You have got to be kidding me, It has to be a sandstorm right now?!  I frustratingly slept again in the hope that the giant sandstorm would go away. It was harder to stay asleep than fall asleep when the sand would blow some monsters into the cave.

When I woke up I was covered in the spider's blood. Must have dripped from the ceiling, I wonder if the sandstorm s gone. I walked towards the entrance and low and behold the sandstorm was gone. There were no monsters nearby for now so I left the cave. Outside was much hotter than in the cave. I don't remember it being so hot out here, did the world get burned a second time? 

Throughout my walk, I encountered all sorts of mirages. I felt something moving under my feet. I quickly backed away and nothing came out. Maybe I'm losing it. I should look for another shelter, the cave is too far away. I walked along a river of magma, and that was when I saw it, an abandoned house.

The house looked abandoned. The wood looked an ash grey, planks covered the windows and the door was almost falling out, the fence was broken with splinters poking out, and the garden was dead. I wonder who or what lived here. This place looks so abandoned, I wonder if I could stay a while. I went through the front door and the inside looked way worse than the outside. Everything was broken and there were alcohol bottles shattered everywhere. It smells like something died in here. Is it safe here? I decided to stay because the peak heat was coming. The peak heat is when the outside of the second dimension heats up so much that it could melt glass. I looked around the house more and there was a small bed that looked as if it belonged to a very innocent child. I cleaned up the room a little bit and layed down. I looked up at the roof and slept.

When I woke up the next day I looked around to make sure that nothing had changed. The cardboard box was still in front of the table and the vase was still broken on the floor covered in dust. I left the bed, my body feeling numb and my mind in a spiral. I staggered around the room before I could get to the door. I hit my head on something and fell onto the floor. "OW!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry about that, how about I help you."

I couldn't see anything because my eyes hurt but it sounded like something was in front of me. "Thank you." I reached out my hand and they helped lift me. I opened it to see an older man in his mid-50s. Suddenly he yelled and pushed me into a large pit. I got up and fell back down, there was a huge force keeping me down. The man jumped down and started to laugh.

"In all my time in this shack, I have never seen an angel who turned into a-"

Before he could finish I yelled, "How did you know I was an angel!" I was baffled, there were no more angelic parts of me anymore, I was no longer pure.

"My dear, I can always tell. I know everything, everything about you, and all of your DIRTY secrets too." I looked at the man horrified. How would he know, how could he know, no one except me knew about it? "Why don't we play a game, how about hide and seek." I backed up into a wall in fear, I didn't know this man's motive so I couldn't trust him. 

"Could you elaborate?" I asked scared, my voice shaking and my face cut up and bruised from the fall.