
The Tale of the Second Dimension

A story about a girl who has to face the consequences of exploring the secrets of both the second and the first dimension. Read the first chapter to find out more.

Kyo_idiot · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6

From the shadows of the ditch I heard a voice giggling "Oh you silly $H$#&*, I did." 

I faced the voice and asked, " $#&*, what's that?"

"The voice giggled again "You are, you so silly. I've never met a silly $#&*."

"Were you the one to drag me down here?" I asked.

"Yes, but with good reason." 

"What would that reason be?" I question with uncertainty in my voice.

"Well," the voice said, "To EAT YOU!" The voice suddenly lunged at me and grabbed me with the thing that had pulled me down. It looked like a tail and was long and viny. The tail wrapped around me applying a lot of pressure onto my body. It felt as if I was getting crushed by something. Why is she trying to eat me?... Oh yeah, she's a monster of the cataclysm. Of course a monster from the cataclysm will try to eat me, what am I thinking? Just then the creature came out of the shadows, they had long, maybe too long hair, and her eyes were blood red. I gulped down some air in fear as the creature slowly slithered towards me. I still had my sword out, but she didn't know. She went around me, poorly examining me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I am inspecting you. Doesn't a $#&* like you know this?" I wanted to say Oh yeah, well I was only turned into a $#&* a few days ago, how would I know?! Instead, I just stayed silent. "Fear got to you? That's good." I continued to be still. It felt as if I was being paralyzed. I couldn't move, I couldn't feel a thing. She took one good look at me and threw me into a pit and covered it with a rock. I landed hard on my back and it hurt a lot. I tried to get up but I couldn't. Dam it, I can't move. How do I get out of here?

I woke up and saw that there was a pomegranate next to me. FOOD!!! I crawled towards the pomegranate and opened it up. The pomegranate had no seeds. Oh, come on.!! The rock above shut fully and the light from above was gone. I went into my pocket. I found my spell book and started looking through all the pages for a light spell to cast down here. Light spell... Light spell... Light spell! The page glowed with a bright light, that's how I knew I had found it. I quickly casted the spell and I could see again. When I looked around properly this time there were a couple dozen skeletons and bones of all sorts of monsters. Ack! I jumped back at the sight of the bones. I wonder if… no, I can't eat bones. I ran through the book and looked for a food spell. After a while of searching, I had found about food growth, nothing. Maybe my brother's spell book will have it.

One hour later nothing was new. It's so boring in here. Can't I get out already? If this is what it's going to be like for the next few days she should just eat me already. Why don't I read to calm down. Hmm…. This is interesting. 'Animate dead'. Ok… it needs bone dust, blood, and flesh. I grabbed a sharp rock and cut part of my face. Of all the injuries, any facial injuries heal the fastest. I opened my hand out to all the bones and casted the spell. Before I knew it all the bones came up and started forming undead skeletons. Wow… Did I do this? If I have a whole army of the undead I should be able to move this rock. The book says that you can summon and uncommon them at any time, and that they will follow your every command. "Move the rock above us and we will escape this pit," I ordered. The skull's eye sockets glowed a dim red and they all got to work. I left the pit and ordered, "Return to the shadows." According to the book, it would make them disappear. As soon as I said that the undead were gone. I moved the rock back and started to walk away. The snake woman was asleep. 

I was so close to the cliff when I heard a familiar voice "Where are you going, sweetie? I still haven't eaten today." I turned around to see the snake women behind me looking like she was either going to eat me then and now or that she was going to rip me piece by piece. I drew my sword out. "Do you really think you can beat me? You make me laugh."

"Well then, I think you might die laughing." I snapped.

"What did you just say to me you brat!?!" The snake woman screamed, her eyes filled with fury.

"I said what I said and I meant what I said." I jokingly said, "Besides your little paralysis trick won't work again."

"Why is that." She scoffed.

"It's because I just stabbed you."

"Wait what?" She turned around but saw nothing and realized that was a lie. "You are such a bad liar." She mockingly said.

"Well I did steal your necklace," I said as I dangled a long and silver necklace, "Sure seems like this is how you did it." I smirked and then said in a bitter tone, "It be a shame if something bad happened to it."

"Don't you dare." She snarled

"Oh, I dare." I walked closer and poked her neck with my sword, "But do you dare." She froze in place and looked horrified. "That's what I thought." I noticed that the necklace didn't use any magic, or have effected anything. "Oh, you really are scared of me." I snickered a little, "So what was that about eating me?" Then I slit her thought. I collected some flesh and cooked it. When I opened my mouth to eat it I was disgusted. She tastes as bad as her personality. Food is food tho, even if it tastes like dirt. Actually, dirt does taste better.