
The Sweet and the Phsyco

0n a dark night, there she went to end up everything along with herself but unexpectedly met her savior. in the journey to end her miseries with her own hands, a miracle occur that gave her a new hope to live.

maida_khalid · Ciudad
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21 Chs

Chapter : 16 The Fall


"Let me tell you, or I should say remind you...." Kate said cunningly.

"What the hell are you talking about at least give me a hint please?!" Ella shouted.

" Fine, if you insist that much then listen. every one here has come to know what kind of person you really are. your so called fake reputation has been destroyed and the real truth has been revealed." she said and smirked.' in simple words, everyone here knows that you are areal Slut." she said firmly.

"shut up!' Ella shouted.

"What you still have the nerves to talk back even after being exposed. how shameless. after this you should have just locked yourself up in your room and should not face any one . but I forgot that you are a real bi*** who don`t have any shame at all and who wanders around publicly like she is so pure and innocent." she almost yelled. Ella saw that any people had gathered there. they were all looking at her with disgusted eyes. their gazes were like that it would eat her limbs and bones. she felt so disgusted about herself. for the first time till now she felt like she really was a person worthy to die. she wanted to drown deep inside a sea where no one could see her. she wanted to disappear right at the moment. all those gazes and gossips were killing her and stabbing her deep down. she felt suffocated. she felt like she was trapped inside a cage which was surrounded by wild wolves who were in try to prey her. she felt like she could not breath anymore. her head was spinning. people around her were laughing, gossiping, whispering and staring her like she was declared a criminal. she prayed to god to make her vanish at the moment. she prayed that this was a dream and that she would wake up any moment.

"What is going on here? " someone said from behind. a familiar voice. that person moved away people, he grabbed Ella`s hand who was standing still in the center losing her consciousness and took her away from the there.

"Are you alright?" he said. Ella heard this voice. it like she was waiting for someone to say this but when she looked up at his face she did not knew any longer how to behave an d what to do. It was Noir. After such a long time he had finally appeared but why at this moment, why did he had to witness this again. why had he has to always be there at such situations . she felt so embarrassed that she could not face him anymore. she looked at the hands which were held by his. she slowly shook them away. and without saying a word walked away from there. Noir did not followed her behind as he thought that she needed some time alone.

she walked down the street like a totally dead person. she wished that she was buried deep down the earth were no one could see her. she wanted to be deep inside a ocean were she could not listened anything. when she reached her apartment closed the door fell down on her knees. tears kept coming from her eyes. she felt a throbbing pain in her heart. she remembered the look in Noir`s eyes. it was full of questions and worry. but still she could not calm her down. she felt that her breathe was stuck in her throat. her head was spinning like a football. it was aching with pain. she could still hear their whispers and feel those gazes. she utterly felt disgusted. she tried to stand up and walk but stumbled against the table and again fell down. the glass on the table fell on the floor and broke into pieces just like the her heart was at that moment. she accidently fell on those spread pieces on the floor. they got stuck in her hands and legs. it was really painful but not as painful as those words and gazes. A stream of blood was flowing on the floor but she did not cared at all about this. she wanted to find peace and as the blood was moving out of her body she was feeling peaceful bit by bit.

Suddenly someone knocked at the door. she heard it but ignored because she did not wanted to see anyone. the door bell kept ringing to the point that it felt irritating. then she heard someone shouting outside but could not understand what he was saying. she felt like she was going blank. then there was a sudden bang, a large sound. someone had had pushed the door so hard that it had opened up due the breaking of the lock. someone rushed in. Ella could not see clearly who he was. the vision was a bit blurred. she could only hear someone shouting at her and shaking her but nothing was clear about what was happening and then suddenly everything went blank. there was a deep silence, no one was there, no gazes anymore and no more voices. nothing at all and just peace. maybe she had finally died this time that it was so peaceful.

After Ella had left, Noir felt a irritating feeling in his heart as if something was about to goo wrong. when he could no longer hold on he ran behind her but she was already nowhere to be seen. then he ran towards her apartment. he began to knock the door calmly at first but there was no reply from inside, he was becoming anxious. he rang the bell again and again but still no answer. he felt that something was wrong. so called Ella `s name, shouted a lot but still no reply at all. then he desperately pushed the door with all his might and finally opened it as he rushed in what he witnessed made him senseless. Ella was sitting on the floor all soaked in blood and also all the floor had become a red carpet of blood. he almost lost his mint and screamed but then he get himself together and ran towards her. she called her name but she did not responded. she was awake but not responded he even tried to shook her but still nothing. he looked in her eyes, they were senseless and blank. she had lost too much blood and was not in a position to talk and then she suddenly collapsed. Noir shouted out her name but no response. she had fainted due to the loss of blood and also excessive stress. was this really the end. just like that.....

To think that suddenly life would take a U turn Ella had never thought it. it hasn`t been even long enough since she started to live life like one should. just now she had tried to open up to people and to get close to them. just now she had started to feel emotions and share them with the people around her. just now she had learned to express her self to others so, why? why now? Why had life had to be so cruel just when she had begun to live and enjoy it?. what did she do wrong that every time she was the only one to suffer? only she had to face everything all alone? why?....