
The Sweet and the Phsyco

0n a dark night, there she went to end up everything along with herself but unexpectedly met her savior. in the journey to end her miseries with her own hands, a miracle occur that gave her a new hope to live.

maida_khalid · Ciudad
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21 Chs

Chapter:1 The End of the Nightmare

Walking up the slope of the mountain, between those woods in the darkness of the night, she had an unusually calm expression. the atmosphere was quite strange. There was a mixture of feelings in her heart. Although tears were running through her cheeks yet she was still smiling. There was a mixture of fear ,sadness ,grief and joy. Her bare foot were wounded by the thrones of the road, the road of that miserable life that was too long for her. But finally it was going to end now. Just a little bit more and everything will be over. To lighten her dark and heavy heart it was necessary, she thought. she began to run slowly then got faster little by little. without caring about her surroundings, without caring about anyone else now, without any worry of her world she kept running and reached the top of the cliff. A cool breeze blew through her body and she had a sudden shiver from the chill. she took a deep breathe in that cold breeze. one last tear fell down her cheek and landed on the grass. and then that was it . she felt like flying in the sky , her black shining hairs glimmered in the light of the moon . though it was not real but still this was exactly what she felt. and then at last it ended, that horrible reality finally came to an end and there she was lying breathless on the ground. her white night gown was covered with bight red spots which were becoming more prominent with time. the pure white dress was becoming a beautiful red gown. all her surroundings were painted with red paint, her blood. and there she laid breathless and emotionless. So this was the final happy ending of her life for which she had wished and longed for every day and night throughout her life. now at last the wish came true........

And just then with a sudden shriek her eyes opened wide. "Hah"....she sighed. How nice it had been if all of this was actually real. but to the cruel reality of the world this was nothing more than just a mere dream. A very sweet and desirous dream. A dream which is far better than the ever cruel reality . A dream which maybe everyone in this world have at some point of their life. There is always a time when we want to experience this leisure . But not everyone can have it , because not everyone is worth it. Yeah that's true , cause not everyone can afford it. This is a dream that only that person can have who have already given his everything to life and this world , who has already sacrificed everything he had......

THIS WAS WHAT ELLA ALWAYS THOUGHT. She had always considered life a burden for her. She always thought that by ending ones life one can end up his or her miseries. One can be finally free from this lustful world and can finally be how he wants to. but things are always different from others perspective. People always have distinct point of view of life. If it is a misery for one it can be leisure for other. If it is a burden for one than it can be equally important for other. One can cherish it the most and for them it is the most important thing in the whole universe.....

Ella`s personality was like this or she had become like this . To her life was nothing but a burden. Why she had become like this no one knew , maybe not even herself. But there was a huge mystery or a cruel history behind it.

Since childhood she was sensitive to emotions and behaviors. Minor things could make her heart flutter or break it to pieces . no one knew the cause of her sensitiveness. maybe the environment in which she grew made her like that . Anyhow this sensitiveness grew as she grew . With time she also became an over thinker , she reacted to every single comment about her, getting upset at trivial things and taking everything to heart. this was her nature , her attitude , or her personality. though she never let anyone notice it. she always pretended to be someone she was not . she hid her true emotions from everyone including her parents, as she was never very close to them from the very beginning. she had already separated herself from them a very long time ago. being second in line of her siblings ,she always considered herself a useless and unimportant person in her family. she pretended to be strong and cheerful in front of her family and friends but she never was. and no one new the depth of her heart, which was more deep than a sea maybe. she always wore a mask of a clown with a huge smile on her face.

Being considered as an out cast in the class and society, tormented by fellows and being left alone all the time by others despite how much she tried to fit in. Constantly pressurized by parents to gain high and outstanding grades and fully being forced to live like a robot on the commands of her parents were all the trivial things that made her like this. Although people might consider all this as nothing big and think of them just some minor problems. They might think that such little problems were nothing much and could even face them as nothing but for her this was something quite too much , for her these trivial matters were not simple at all . For a person as sensitive as her , this was something quite big of a matter and she took them way too seriously which caused the breakage of her heart.

All of this shattered her soul into pieces. All of this led to the emptiness of her heart and the destruction of her personality. Maybe anyone who have experienced all this had led to the same conclusion. but this was not the end after all . this was not were life really ended . she had yet to face many other things . she had yet to meet many other people. off course this was just the beginning of everything. As life was just about to begin now...

No matter what happens in life it is never too short for sufferings , pleasures ,joy ,grief, happiness and all that. If it is going way too awful then happiness awaits you . If it is too much joy then be prepared for sorrow. cause this how life truly is , it just goes on and on . It never stops , never waits for anyone , just keep flowing like a river. Although there are many hurdles but still it does not stop flowing . Right. Anyhow , this was going to be the exact case for Ella . Though without her knowing it everything was going to change due to the presence of that certain someone who was about to bring a huge change in her life . Who might that person be , from where he would come , will eventually be known. Because miracles always happen unexpectedly.

NOW, when she woke up she was quite surprised to see what was before her. she did had a bit of an idea but this was not what she thought. all this was quite shocking......

This was a bit hard but i hope you will like it.

maida_khalidcreators' thoughts