
The Survival Story of the Strongest Hero(ine)

Fayre is a young man living in the distant future of the Earth where it is overrun by monsters called the Asura. He was tasked by Bona Dea, his benefactor and also the Goddess of Purity and Chastity, to overcome trials and save humanity. But no matter how many times he regressed, he still could not be able to save humanity. In the end, he gives up and makes a stupid decision, to die a stupid death and try to ask Bona Dea to grant him more blessings. Instead of giving Fayre more blessings, Bona Dea who gets infuriated because of her apostle's inability swallows Fayre's whole existence and gives him one of her incarnations, together with a portion of her power and appearance while also inheriting his original skills and blessings. To make it even worse, he is then thrown straight into the Abyss! Will Fayre (or maybe Farenna?) be able to complete the missions she has been given while being trapped inside an outworldly beautiful girl's body and constantly hunted by the Gods' minions? [Disclaimer: Original Art by @shark_waka]

ArdaKou · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
32 Chs

Chapter 5: Statuses, skills, and blessings 1

"Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna…—"


"Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna…—"

[Are you done?]

"Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Farenna… Far—"


The voice shouted, so loud it buzzed in my ears.

"Why are you shouting? Don't you see I'm busy here?"

[... Busy?]

"Yeah. I'm chanting my new name so I can carve it deep into my brain and I won't forget it."

[What you are doing now… Is beyond my comprehension.]

"Shut it! Who told you to change my name into Farenna? I need to preserve a room in my brain just to remember it, you know!"

I could not say that I also enjoyed listening to my new name. Especially when a little girl said it. It was me though. It awakened something that was in a deep slumber inside me.

[I still need to explain more things to you. You are not being efficient with time.]

"Why are you like that? It's not like I will die soon, right?"


The voice went silent.

"... Right?"

Big drops of sweats ran through my face.

[The temperature goes higher the longer you stay underground.]

The voice spoke in a cold manner. I also felt that it actually got hotter. Before I could even reply, the voice babbled again.

[The oxygen level has dropped below the safety limit. The cleavage will run out of oxygen after 37 seconds.]

Damn. I fucked up real bad this time.

"Aaaaaargh!!! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

[It will take about 2 minutes to dig with your hands.]

"Can you please stop making this harder for me?! I'm about to die right after regressing!"

I desperately dug upwards, ignoring my blistering and bleeding hands. It was a race with time so I got no choice left.

[Use the skill [Devour] to get out faster. Yes or no?]

"Yes! Just do it! I don't wanna die here!", I screamed on the top of my lungs again. "Damn… My voice is so cute… Fuck! It's not the time for this!"

[Activating [Devour]. Target: the ground.]

And, chomp! A hole opened in an instant.

[You have acquired Rare Metal ores x2. Automatically stored in Bona Dea's Dimensional Pocket.] 

"Am I alive? I'm really alive, aren't I?", I teared up a bit after seeing a lighted place above me, even though it was hot. I rose from the hole I was buried and took a deep breath.

"Ah… Fresh air…Or not. What in the actual fucking fuck is this place?!"

[Seeing a little girl saying fuck this and fuck that is not a good thing. I hope you change your attitude.]

"Are you my mom or what?", I complained.

The place I was standing on was a huge dome-like structure, enough to fit a modern building. It was a bright yellowish orange lighted place with a lot of fountains made from magma here and there. The ground was almost melted by the magma, but what made it strange was that I only felt a little bit hot. Oh, there were also lots of rare metal veins. If only I had my gears…

[Your greed really knows no limit.]

"Shut it! Why are you being like this?", I fumed. "Anyway, what was that skill before? [Devour]?"

Chomp! The ground shook a little bit, but it was enough to make me startled. A portion of the ground around me disappeared, making a mini crater as deep as a certain 6 feet deep hole with me standing in the center of it. It was almost twice as big as the first hole made by the skill. My eyes widened, responding to the surprise I never intended to make.

[You have acquired Rare Metal ores x6. Automatically stored in Bona Dea's Dimensional Pocket.]

"Hey…", I called the voice.

[What is it?]

"Why didn't you tell me I could activate a skill just by saying its name?"

[You never asked.]

"So it was my fault then?"

[If only you did not do unnecessary things like chanting your name for 30 minutes you would have known that.]

"... What is a dimensional pocket?"

[It is a portable storage stationed in your parameters as a skill: Bona Dea. The maximum capacity is at 1 ton at the moment. The higher the skill level is, the bigger the capacity is.]

"Why didn't you tell me I could mine for loot with 'that' skill?"

[You never asked. And there are more important things compared to mining. You have to control your greed, or someday it will hurt you.]

"You talk a lot, don't you?"


Yes! I scored a point! A question brazen enough to shut the voice up. Never underestimate someone who regressed too many times!

"Hey, why don't you start explaining? I'm ready for your abcd's."

[Your attitude needs fixing before anything.]


Damn. That was harsh. I never expected to be countered by a ghostly voice like this.

[What do you want to know?]

"Let's see…"

I tried summoning my parameters inside my head again.

"I've been wondering why this looks like something from a game. Care to answer that?", I placed my hand on my chin.

That question actually popped up in my head since the beginning. Why did this feel like I was inside a game?

[That is how the world works. It is also to make it easier for you to understand what your capabilities are.]

"Wait, wait, wait! What do you mean by that? Is this what Gods see all the time?", after hearing something so unbelievable, I couldn't stop myself from asking that question.

Knowing that I was even qualified to know the classified information, I thought that I was allowed to know this one.

[Technically, yes.]

Bingo! I was qualified to hear it.

[You have been exposed to extremely classified information level 11. Any leaks regarding this information will result in memory erasure, and eventually lead to death.]


Yep, I was qualified to hear it, with some restrictions… Yeah, with some restrictions…

"Who the hell made this?! Dying just because of the leak of that kind of bullshit?! No one would even believe me if I were to say it publicly anyway! Why did I have to die if I somehow managed to leak this information?!", I shouted like crazy, while flailing my hands around.

Really, every single time the voice gave me something I felt a little bit of sanity being chipped away by it.

[The more you know, the higher the risk you get. It is a normal law of nature.]

"Ugh…", I kept getting more and more frustrated. "Okay, next question! Why is my race like that? I can understand why I'm still level 1, but why is it like that? Am I some kind of demon or what?"

[I have no access to the answer you are looking for yet. Please raise the synchronization first. The requirement is at least 10%.]


That answer left me speechless.

[If you want to know how to raise the synchronization, pl—]

"Why are you like this?", I cut the words and fell on my knees while covering my face with my hands. "I really hate this! You said you would explain everything! I don't even know what or where I am right now! Ugh…"

I cried like a child. I was literally a child though.

[Please allow me to suggest something.]

"Do what you want. I don't care anymore."

[Please seek something to wear.]

Eh? I tried looking down at my body.

"What the hell is this bullshit?!"

I was butt naked. To make it worse, there was something like chains rolling up to my right hand. It made my appearance more erotic in a way. A pair of little plumpy hills were—

No, I shouldn't look at myself that way.

[... Lolicon.]

The voice suddenly babbled, uttering an unforgivable accusation.

"No! I'm not a lolicon! I was just looking! And where did you know that term from?!", I tried to defend myself.

[Your body is still 8 years old, although your mental age is more than that.]


Well, I felt a bit curious though… After regressing too many times, I never had any chance to get closer to a girl. Except for Ann. But she was more like a little sister to me. Who would see his little sister in an erotic way?

[A criminal will never admit his crimes.]

"Why are you so mean to me?! What did I do to you?!", I complained again.

"Ugh… I want to find out though…", unable to resist the urge, I tried touching my crotch to confirm something.


My mind went blank right after. A moment later, I came to my senses just to find that the thing that had always been there, my pride, was not there.

"No… My long boy… didn't make it in time, huh…"

I kneeled down in despair, again.

*Farenna's newest status:


           {{{ Status }}}


Name   : Farenna

Gender : Female

Age      : 8 y.o

Race    : Lv. 1 ???

Status  : Sealed


Sync. Rate: 0.31% (↑0.3% Up)


HP  : 200        MP: 100

SP  : 70


STR: 10         LUK: 5

AGI : 15         DEX: 10

INT : 12         VIT  : 20

Unallocated pts: 0



· Headgear : None

· Armor       : None

· Torso        : None

· Feet         : None

· Misc.        : Sealing Chains of Hell (EX)



· Appraisal (Lv. 1)

· Devour (EX)

· Bona Dea (Unique)



· Blessing of Purity & Chastity

· Blessing of Growth (Inherited)


Curses: None



· Regressor

· Goddess' Apostle

· Rotten to the Bone
