
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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57 Chs

Silver Pendant

Opening his eyes, it was first blurry but when he could see clearly he noticed that he's in a white room with a strange television like computer in his opposite side recording something. 

"Where am I?" That's the first thing Timi said. "Where is mum and dad?"

"Oh you're awake." A middle age woman nurse replied as she was busy typing away. "Please call his parent from the reception room." She said to a young nurse who quickly went down stairs to the reception room.

Few minutes later both Emi and Lucy walk in with the young nurse by their side.

"Timi are you feeling better now." His mother asked worriedly as she walked closer to him and pat his hair gently.

"Yeah mum I feel better now." He replied still confused about how he end up here.

"Do you remember what happen to you that day?" His mum asked, "I think you should let him rest now so we can talk later when he's alright." His dad said, "No dad, I think I'm alright we can discuss everything now and mum what do you mean by that day, how long was I sleeping." Timi asked with a confused look on his face.

"If I'm not mistaken I think you've been here for about a week." The young nurse replied as she was listening to everything they were saying.

"What the… don't tell me, I didn't go to school throughout last week." He shouted as he jumped down from the hospital bed.

"Hey, don't get yourself injured." His dad said as he rushed to his side, "I think we should go home now and discuss everything, huh ma'am can we take him now." He asked, "Yeah, you can." The middle age woman nurse replied.

When they got home Timi explained everything that happened to him when the armor was brought out, how is body was reacting to it and how is body was telling him to pick up the strange armor and put it on and lastly his body not listening to him when he wanted to move how his legs were shaking.

"Well, I think the armor find its rightful owner right?" His father said.

"What do you mean by it find its rightful owner, I said I don't want it and I'm not even a fighter how am I meant to wield a sword, the armor knocked me out for a week from just looking at it what do you think it will do to me if i was to put it on and how am I meant to control it." He asked angrily and confused that his parents are playing games on him.

"Let me answer your questions." His mum replied, "First, what your father mean by its rightful owner is because the armor will be yours from now on and it will protect you in difficult situation, second, is not a must for you to be a fighter before you wield a sword because as times goes on in life you will learn how to fight and use the sword to protect yourself in the future from bigger threat. And lastly, the armor didn't knocked you out it's only trying to bond itself with you and once it is bond with you then you will won't have problem using it power." His mum explained, but Timi is still confused.

"Okay I understand, but what do you mean by bigger threat in the future, i have not heard of any threat with human race since i was born and I don't think there will be any in the future, we live a free and peaceful life, people that use this things both sword and armor they only act like guard to protect lives and property, and if you're worried about the future that if you're not there I won't be able protect myself, guards are plenty out there I'll just have one or two guards to protect me. "He complained.

"We the Snout don't leave our lives in the hands of anyone or any guards, you must learn to protect yourself and the people around you. " His dad shouted angrily.

"Then are you telling me to become a lowly guard?" He snapped back.

"You little brat.. Do you think if I've not been protecting this family or if I hire any guard, do you think this family will still exist." His dad replied angrily as he stand up from his sit.

"Honey I think you should calm down, he's just a naive kid he doesn't understand anything yet." His mum pleaded, she then turn to Timi and reach out to her pouch to pull something out of it.

"Take this, it will help you alot." She said as she threw a strange pendant to him. The pendant is white in color with a silver glowing gem at the middle.

"What's this, why are you just giving me this expensive pendant now when you have it with you all along." He asked angrily that his parent are really playing games on him.

"That is not just any pendant it's the only one like this in existence, for you to activate it you'll have to drop you blood on it." His mum replied, "What the...is it a magic pendant" he asked. "Yeah, kinda. It actually a..." His mother was about to explain and the next thing they heard was


The door was sent flying back and When they look up they could see 7 men in black carrying deadly weapons each and a large man at the front with a long great sword in his sheath and a large X scar across his face, looking at him face to face looks frightening.

"It's been a long time sis." The large man at the front said with a creepy smile.

"Elon what are you doing here, what do you want." Lucy asked.

"Oh have you forgotten? you forgot how your husband give me this frightening scar back then, because I wanted to kill you, he stopped me from killing you the other time but now I've come back powerful, I will wipe out your whole family, the Snout family." Elon replied.

"Oh well I can see that you've truly become powerful cause you've come with your goons to back you up, and I know I won't be able to stop you but you know I won't let you kill me without putting up a fight, it won't be nice." Emi said as he took a fighting stance.

"Dad, who is this scary thing." Timi asked. 

"How dare you call your uncle a scary thing." Elon shouted. 

"Uncle? My foot." Timi replied. 

"You brat, I'm your mother's stepbrother. " Elon shouted back. 

"Mum is it true?" Timi asked. 

"Timi I want you to go to the storage room now with the armor and drip your blood on the pendant before you put it on, make sure you don't come out until everything is settled.

"His mum whisper to him.

"But mum what about you and dad." He asked worriedly, "Don't worry just go now. " she replied

Timi don't ask anymore question as he ran to the storage room when he got there he did as his mother told him. He cut his finger a little bit and let the blood drop on the pendant and put it on, as he did that, the silver gem started glowing white, it shine brightly that it had block his vision, the room has completely turned to white and before he knew it his vision was becoming blurry until he passed out, but he caught a glimpse of something in is vision before he completely pass out.

[Congratulations, you've received the white drag...