
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
57 Chs

Equal Strength

Timi left the training room happily, he couldn't stop smiling to himself as he thought of fighting those dolls every day to gained more Exp and level up. Sunny didn't say anything to him as they left the room, he didn't give him any encouraging words or lecture, he was quite scared of him now as he sees him as a demon who get stronger every hour because the feat he performed now was different and more advanced than the one he performs during their spar in the class.

'I haven't even taught him roundhouse kick, I only performed it once.' He thought as he couldn't get everything off his mind. 'No, I shouldn't be thinking like this, he's just talented and that's all, I should be proud of him.' Sunny thought as he smiles to himself.

Timi didn't go straight to his room straight as he went to the weapon class to meet up with his friends so they could have their little spar, although all the student stops their training at the same time, there are still some student who stay behind to improve their skill but many of them are of the low rank, Timi, Temmy and some other student in the martial arts club always do this but Timi train in a special room with Sunny and in the weapon class Idan and Diana also stay behind to train more.

As Timi entered the weapon class he could see that there are many students who was training hard and he could see his friends sitting on a curve table and a redheaded boy standing in front of them with sword in his hand, he was training and it was a boy he had seen before, the boy in the same rank with him, to confirm his eyes he used his dragon sleuth skill.

[Name: Gary Bob]

[Race: Human]

[State: Norma]

[Strength: 5]

[Stamina: 5]

[Agility: 5]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Mana Pool: 0]

'Damn, this guy is weaker than me so how the fuck am I in the same rank with him.' He thought, 'And it's showing all his information, is it because he's weak.' He asked himself and for him to be sure of his theory he decided to use it on another person.

[Name: Idan Kidan]

[Race: Human]

[State: Norma]

[Strength: 25]

[Stamina: 22]

[Agility: 20]

[Intelligence: 100]

[Mana Pool: 5]

'Did this skill evolve with me? It doesn't show all of this before.' He thought as he walks forward and approach his friends. 'So I'm now stronger than Idan.'

"Timi is here." Diana said as she ran over to him. "Are you ready for the spar?" She asked.

"Yeah." Timi replied.

"Okay let's start now." Idan said as he charges forward unleashing his sword out of its sheath.

"Hey, calm down you hot headed asshole." Diana curse him as she ran towards him making him halt his advance.

"What happened?" Idan asked. "You still want to fight me? I already beat you today even with all of the moves you perform." Idan said.

"Why would you charge forward like a wild beast, he isn't even ready yet and I have a suggestion to make." She replied. "I know Timi can't beat you but if he mistakenly beat you I'll give him my duel blades and I'll collect your sword." Diana said.

"So you don't want to fight him?" Idan asked and Diana nodded, Timi walked forward and collected Diana's Blade.

"Is this place not too open? You know it will attract unwanted attention, a Rank S student sparring with a rank F student and if I mistakenly beat you in this open area, you know what chaos it will cause and you even have a match with Blake tomorrow." Timi said and walk past them going to the corner of the room.

"Yeah that's true." Idan said as he followed him. Gary who was training had stop his training as he listened to what they were discussing, he was afraid to follow them or ask them anything because he was afraid not to get beaten.

"Is that guy with you." Timi ask as he notice that he had stop his training.

"Nope, he's just training there." Diana replied.

"You want to spectate our match?" Timi ask Gary who quickly look away and continue his training. "What's wrong with him?"

"Maybe he's scared." Idan said, they entered the corner of the room at the last edge where only a few students go there during training but now nobody is there, Diana act as the referee and will jump in if an injury was to occur although they were both using a level 1 beast weapon which all first year student uses so they couldn't injure each other but they can still deliver a fatal blow with the weapon and that's why Diana will jump in at any second. They stand opposite each other and took a fighting stance and Timi saw his message as usual.

[New quest received]

[Defeat your opponent]

[Quest reward: ???]

'This is will be a little hard.' Timi thought as he smiles to himself.

"Huh, you're smiling." Idan said as he ran forward with his sword held with his two hands and as he got to a striking stance with Timi he swung it as hard as he could, Timi seeing this quickly reposition himself and used one of his blades to block the attack but the momentum of Idan's attack had whack the sword out of his hand and sending it to where Gary was training, for a second Timi's heart beat faster and he imagine if the attack had hit him.

'He isn't playing with me.' Timi thought. He quickly dived back creating a space between him and Idan then standing up he charge forward, now he only had one sword with him, Diana have gone to pick the second sword.

Idan also charge forward swinging his sword as he did the last time but Timi isn't a fool as he wouldn't let same thing happen again, he dodges the attack then he swung his sword from below targeting Idan's leg as he did he heard *Clang* and he could see that Idan's sword was already blocking his', he was surprise but he doesn't have time to think about it as Idan had move back and Timi had done the same, they both ran forward and they swung their sword both clanging together and stopping midair no one is pushing each other, they hang their for about 2 minutes or so.

"Their strength is equal." Diana said what they were both thinking and the next second Idan loosen the grip on his sword holding it with one hand Timi continue pushing his sword forward thinking he had won the game of strength, Idan twisted his hand slightly and his sword lose contact with Timi's sword then bending down he used the hilt of his sword to whack Timi's hand away making him drop his sword to the floor then Idan kick him in the back and then pointed his sword towards his neck, Timi is now armless, he don't have any weapon with him only the gauntlet on his hand but they are only fighting with sword here.Jimoh

"You see, Fighting is not about strength." Idan said as he withdrew his sword from Timi's neck. "It's all about skill, because we have the same strength doesn't mean you can beat me in a fight, you have to be skillful." Idan said as he gave him a helping hand to stand up.

"You have tried but unfortunately you can't have my sword." Diana said and she collected the second sword from him. Timi was a little saddened not because of the sword but because he was unable to get the reward behind the quest. They went to their room and had a goodnight sleep.

The next day had arrived which was a Sunday, therr won't be having any lesson or training today and were allowed to do as they wished, they can also go outside the school and explore the city.



I'm sorry guys for not releasing any chapter last night, I slept off so I promise to drop two more chapters after this.

I'm sorry guys for not releasing any chapter last night, I slept off so I promise to drop two more chapters after this.

JWB_Kantecreators' thoughts