
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

The Spar

Blake had told his friends to prepare a special arena for his fight with Idan and to announce it to all student in the school and also to make sure all the student attends. The news had spread all over the school and even the third year student were talking about it.

"This should have happened long ago to know who the strongest is." A third year student said.

"I heard this first year set are very weak, the strongest of them are the two fighting today." Another boy replied.

"I wonder who the school will choose with them to represent our school in the Nation Tournament."

"I want that boy to beat Chris brother."

"Me too."

"Really?" A huge tall blonde boy said as he walks through the hallway and they were other student behind him.

"Ch-Chr-Chris?" A boy stuttered.

"No need to be afraid, I was also wondering if my brother will really win the fight." Chris said. "Okay, let's make it fair, if you think my brother will win raise your hand." He said and almost all the student had raised up their hand, some did it through fear that Chris will beat them but he didn't do anything to those that didn't raise their hand.

"Okay, let's make a bet so it will be more interesting." Chris said and they all place their bet, those that raised their hand due to fear also place their bet and it was on Idan, every third year student had placed their bet which had also spread all over the school and other student are also betting and the odds were equal. Blake and his friends were on the platform they had prepared waiting for other people to arrive.

"Do you think he will lose the fight as you asked him to?" Jake asked Blake who was looking at his bladed chain wrapped all over his forearm and the blade part sticking out of it. He uses the same weapon as Temmy but his weapon is slightly different from that of Temmy's because he uses a level three weapon but he doesn't use it in training.

"I knew he wouldn't want to lose because the odds had gone high and he wouldn't want to disgrace himself where everyone is watching but I have also prepared for him because I knew this might happen so I won't go easy on him." Blake said as he threw a punch in the air.

What he said was true because Idan and his friends were also in their deliberating on what to do and what the best decision is.

"Do you want to get yourself killed because of some pride." Diana shouted at Idan because he had change his mind, he won't lose to Blake, he said he will fight with his full strength.

"I agreed with Idan." Timi said.

"You too? You want him to fight?" Diana had suggested that the best option for Idan is not to go out and just stay in the room but Idan refused.

"Blake did this on purpose and he must have had a plan for him to make all the student be aware of the match and the bet also, he knew Idan wouldn't lose the match on purpose as all the student will be there watching so he must have had a plan for doing this because he knew it won't be an easy match for him." Timi said.

"And that's why I said he shouldn't fight him at all." Diana said.

"You forgot that this is one of the conditions he gave us for not making his grandfather act." Idan said.

"Yes, he knew you won't want to forfeit the match." Timi replied."So I suggested that you fight him, you fight him with full strength but I want you to know that if defeat him in this match, his brother and his grandfather will hunt us down so you should make use of your sense." He said and the decision had been made as Idan stand up and get his weapon they all went out, waling towards the arena they could see that it was full of students, first year, second year and third year student, it was as if an official competition is taking place in the school, Idan walk towards the platform as the student make way for him and the people supporting him cheers.

"Idan! Idan! Idan!"

"Blake! Blake! Blake!" They shouted their name and it echo all over the school.

They stood opposite each other and a two third year student was acting as the referee. Blake challenge him through the ranking tag and Idan successfully accept.

"Fight." One of the third year student shouted and the match begins.

Idan with his single long sword and Blake with his bladed chain, he ran forward swinging his chain towards him, he unleashed the two chain at the same time, he wanted to worn him out first by using long range attack, Idan ran forward and slightly dodges the chain, he also swung down his sword striking towards his chest but Blake moves back and retracted his chain using it to attack him from behind, Idan quickly lied down making the chain pass over his head and quickly standing up he ran backwards. He was being careful of the chain as he couldn't block it with his sword because it will break it into two and he couldn't let the chain hit him because the chain is at the level three beast weapon while his own weapon is at the level one so all he could do was to dodge all the attack and that's a difficult task.

"Isn't this supposed to a cheat? Blake is using a level 3 weapon and Idan is using a level 1, Blake surely have the upper hand, it's not fair."A boy complained.

"There's no rule of selecting a weapon class in ranking spar. It only shows that Blake is not is his mate." Another boy replied.

The match continue with Blake striking rapidly and Idan dodging the attacks but now he decided to change his tactics, Blake threw chain forward and Idan slightly dodge the bladed part then holding unto the middle of the chain he used it to drag Blake towards and when he got closer he used his sword to make a slash towards his chest, the attack hadn't injure him but the force behind it had made him cough out blood, Blake desperately retracted his other chain and directed it towards Idan's back and with nothing to do and nowhere to run Idan had to leave the chain he was holding then turning back he used his sword to attack the chain back and not to block it but as it hit the bladed part his sword broke into two pieces but Idan had achieved what he wanted to as the bladed part of the had gone past him and only the blunt one had hit him sending him backward.

'I that thing hit my spine I won't be able to walk again.' Idan thought, "Without any weapon I just have to do it the old fashion way." Idan as he stand up while Blake was still suffering from the attack.

"How would he win with no weapon." All the students were wondering.

Diana who was besides Timi didn't say anything and just keeps staring at him waiting for him to talk.

"This is where the real show started." Timi commented. Bolu from where he was watching the match with Russ was also wondering how he would win this fight but Bolu already knew it's a lost match as he was the one who told them to do anything Blake asked.

Blake ran forward dragging his two chain behind him while Idan was standing still waiting for him to get closer and as he did, he swung his two chains at once going towards Idan and Idan seeing didn't bend down as he always did he only kick himself off the ground with his back foot he landed straight besides Blake then throwing a punch at his face and another one to his stomach he was sent flying back he was unable to retract his chain in time to block the attack. Idan charge forward not giving him any chance of recovery and Blake seeing this quickly got off the ground, he desperately swung his chain widely but anytime he did so he will received a punch here and there, Idan is now overpowering him and Blake was getting frustrated, all the student couldn't believe their eyes, a person with no weapon completely overpowering the person with a long range weapon and the most surprisingly thing to them all was that Idan never attends the martial art club, he's a sword user so how is he over powering the best martial art student. Blake wrapped the chain all over his forearm, he decided to use his own martial art skill not knowing that this is where the real torture started, he ran forward throwing out his fist and Idan slightly move avoiding the attack then he held unto his arm he used it to smacked him to the ground. Blake lied down there not getting up, he had been defeated and Idan's ranking tag confirmed as it vibrated on his chest and he could see that his point had risen up.