
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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57 Chs

Deadly Combination

Looking at this scene was disgusting them all as they look at each other, they haven't brought out their weapon yet because they were surprised and loss of words, they haven't seen this before and they were wondering how many demons had done this because since they started going on a mission they haven't encountered more than five stray demon but this look like a declaration of war, like the demons were planning to take over the planet, gazing out of their daze they started moving towards the teleporter.

"Where are you going, they'll be in other places by now, they've evacuated here already." The Mayor shouted and they all thought it's true as they turn back moving towards the Mayor, Jeff drew out his axe and threw it towards the Mayor before coming back at him

"You try to kill me? What have I done?" The Mayor asked.

"You were about to lose your head." Jeff said and when the Mayor turn around he could see a black human like creature lying there with small black horns sticking out of its head in place of hair then looking at the face, it was blank, no physical eyes or nose and in place of its nose was a large horn sticking outward and covering the place where human eyes would usually be but it has mouth and looking at the body feature it was all black with four arms and three legs, the creature is about 6 feet tall, it was a demon, the Mayor was seeing a demon.

"It's a Demon." He shouted as he was shaking, the two guards besides him quickly carry him running towards the demon hunter members.

"Prepare for battle." Jeff shouted as they all took a fighting stance, running out the building were about twenty demons or so with the same feature as the first one and a black smoke swirling around them holding a bone like sword, some of them holding spears, they surrounded them all.

"They're quite much." Jeff said as he brought out his two large axes throwing one of them up, "Kelly do your thing." He shouted and as Kelly pointed his two hands upward the axe that was above them was multiplying, from one to five, five to ten, ten to twenty and so on, the axes were hovering above them all, the demons seeing this charged forward with their weapons and some thrust their spear forward aiming at their preys, the Mayor and his guards couldn't keep their track as they we're moving at a great speed.

"Do I start begging you all to do your job?" Jeff shouted, Yuri moving his hands he formed a large circular shield out of thin air, he has the power to from anything out of thin air and the tattoo man opened up his palm, the axes move down at a great speed as it pierced through the demons head breaking their skull he was using the power of telekinesis to move all the axes around, the axes were hitting them and killing them in one go but there's no blood as the axe was hitting them, the spears that was threw by the demons had hit the shield which had made the bone like spear to break into pieces, within two minutes all the twenty or so demons were eliminated, the Mayor and his guard's mouth were left wide open, this people had done a great group work in eliminating twenty or so demons within two minutes and the group work was impressive.

'They must have battle side by side for so long to be able to perform a great teamwork like this.' The Mayor thought, but for some reason this people didn't move from their position after dealing with the demons.

"I can sense them, many of them are still around." Jeff said as more demons came out of the building throwing their spears and charging forward with their sword. "Dean communicate with your people if they have some troubles on the street." He said, quickly bringing out a communicating crystal he contact all the soldiers stationed all over the planet which they quickly told him everywhere is peaceful and he asked them to update him if anything occur.

Yuri created a large sword out of thin air then using his two hands he swung it hard at the air, the Mayor looking at him thought he was crazy because he's not in an attacking range with the demons, there's still some distance between them but the next thing was a portal opening behind them all, the sword coming out of the portal, it had eliminate half of the demons, Kelly moves his hand and the portal was multiplying opening behind the demons and opening at the front of the spears that we're being thrown by the demons, the spears had gone through the portal appearing behind the demons and piercing them killing them on spot, they have killed them with their weapon.

After dealing with second set, they could see more coming out of the same building.

"What's happening, where are they coming from, did they plan on taking over this planet?" Jeff said as more and more were coming out of the building not giving them time to rest and restore their energy, after fighting twenty set of demons or so they were worning out and the Mayor seeing this had one thought on his mind.

'Are we all going to die here.' He asked himself, another set of demons came out and with them being exhausted of mana, they can only produce little to no magic, they got into combat with them, the Mayor and his guards were at the back looking at everything, Yuri used his last mana to create three swords giving one to the tattoo man, one to Chuks and one to Kelly, Jeff was using his two axes to do a great job in killing the demons but he was getting exhausted. After killing them all none was coming out of the building so with the bit of energy they have they decided to check the building.

Entering the building, it was a small empty roomw ith dirt piled up. 

"This room is tiny so where are they coming from."The Mayor asked.

"From the dirt?" Yuri said and as he said those words five black portal open in front of them and coming through it were five demons but they are completely different from the ones before as their physical body was not showing only the strange black smoke covering them from head to toe, this smoke was thicker than the ones from before and this was swirling around them from head to toe.

"That's harsh, do you think of us as an ugly being to be coming out of dirts?" One of the demons said with the black smoke coming out of its mouth as it spoke those words.

"No, this is bad, they're above the ones we've faced before, we need to contact the base now!!" Jeff said as Chucks quickly transported them all out of the building.


This is my best description of demon, if my description is not good or you have a better description, drop a comment on this chapter so I could see

This is my best description of demon, if my description is not good or you have a better description, drop a comment on this chapter so I could see

JWB_Kantecreators' thoughts