
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
57 Chs


Timi left the training room with a lot of thought on his mind, what has he done to Blake to make him and his friends a target? What will happen to him and his friends if Blake really report them to his grandfather and his brothers? And what has he done to the world to make him lose his parent and live like this? With nobody answering this question for him he thought the only way to survive this world is to get stronger and become powerful.

"But how do I get stronger?" He asked himself.

"By training hard every day." He heard a voice from behind and when looking back he could see two figures standing there, he moves back a little and was ready for a fight.

"Does he want to fight us?" One of the figures said as they move forward and when Timi could see who they were he was shocked and move closer to them.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked because it was Diana and Idan.

- - - - - - - -

When Idan and Diana got to their room they couldn't find Timi but he had already told them he's going for a special training so they weren't worried at all because they believe there won't be any problem, after changing their training uniform to normal clothes they decided to rest. After resting for an hour or so Diana woke up and still couldn't find Timi in the, she looks through the window and could see that it was already dark, she then glanced at the wall clock which state its 10:37pm.

'It's late already why hasn't he come in.' She thought. 'Hope nothing has happened to him. ' she decided to wake Idan up and he was also surprised that Timi hasn't entered.

"Should we look for him." Idan asked as he was walking around the room and pinching his chin. 

"I think we should." Diana replied and they both got out of the room in search of Timi and when they could see him, he was walking on his own saying his thought out loud like a mad person.

- - - - - - - -

"Where have you been and what happened to you." Diana asked.

"I was in the training room with Sunny." Timi replied, "Were you two looking for me? He asked

"Yeah, actually we were a little worried as we don't know what might have happened." Idan said as he moves closer to him and look around their vicinity. "What are you doing here and where are you heading to." Idan asked.

"I'm going to the dormitory." Timi replied.

"Dormitory? You mean the second year student dormitory?" Diana asked and when Timi look around he could see that he was heading to the second year student dormitory, he had been thinking so hard that he didn't know he had walked past the first year student dormitory.

"Huh, I was thinking a lot, I need to update you guys on what I've found out." He said as he walks towards their middle but stop as he noticed something.

"How did you know I was here." He asked.

"You know, with your skin color and hair it's quite easy for us." Idan replied.

"We asked some second year student at the field there." Diana said as she hits Idan's head for what he just said.

"Is that why they follow you?" Timi asked them both, with his dragon sleuth skill he could see two energy coming towards them from the corner of two buildings behind Diana and Idan.

"Follow us?" They both asked in confusion and when they turn back they could see two tall boy walking out of the hallway towards them, the one at the back they have seen before but they had no clue who the second person is.

"That's the guy." Idan said looking at the guy at the back

"You kinda have a good eye." Bolu said and standing behind him was Russ.

"Who are you?" Diana asked pointing at Bolu. "And you." She said pointing at Russ, "You were the boy from the other day." She said.

"Yeah, I think you have a good retentive memory." Russ said.

"I am Blake brother, I heard one of you guys taught him a lesson." Bolu said and Timi hearing this was shaking.

"Blake's brother?" Timi asked as he was shaking, "guys we need to run now." He shouted and the others were wondering what's wrong with him as they could see that he was shaking.

"You don't need to run, I'm not that scary." Bolu said as he walked closer to them.

"Do you want to fight? You want to take revenge for your brother huh?" Idan said as he brought out his sword.

"No, I'm not like that, I just came here to give you guys a piece of advice if you can make you use of it but before that I will need to see how good you three are." Bolu said as he pounces his fist together. Timi was wondering what to do but as he saw Idan charging forward, his confidence come back, he moves closer to Diana who was also ready to charge in at any seconds.

Idan bounce off the ground and swung down his sword hard straight at Bolu's head but he dodges the attack by moving to the side and throwing a punch at Idan's stomach sending him back, Diana seeing this also charge forward with her two blades held out and swinging it widely at Bolu who parry every single swing of her sword then kicking her leg making her loose balance he gave her a punch to the back falling on her knees.

"You both have a good swordsmanship but you need to improve your skills." Bolu said as he watches them both lying on the floor, "And you, are you just going to stand there?" He said looking at Timi who was staring hard at the air but Timi was actually looking at his system screen.

[New quest received]

[Get one hit on your opponent]

[Quest reward: Instant Level up]

'What's this?' He thought, this has popped up when Bolu defeated Diana. Timi charge forward as he heard Bolu's voice, he wasn't scared anymore as he notices that the energy radiating from Bolu and Russ body had no intention to harm them so he thought he must be the good one and when looking at his ball of energy it was as big as a table tennis ball.

'They're quite strong.' he thought as he threw a punch at Bolu which was parry away and throwing a punch of his own, Timi seeing this block it with his other hand but he was sent flying back, he stood up and pick up Diana's duel blades charging forward again.

"You're quite strong, your friends are still lying there from a single punch of mine but you are still fine and you can use sword too?" Bolu said.

"Timi are you crazy, what are you going to do with the sword." Diana said as she stood up and help Idan who was finding it hard to move his body. Timi charge forward and focused his skill on his energy controling it like that of Sunny's energy and attacking Bolu, he dodges every single swing of his sword and continue to punch Timi but he was punching him slightly because he was careful of his sword.

"You have a dangerous swordsmanship and your skills are great but you still can't touch me and you also need to improve yourself." He said and he gave him a hard punch sending him backward.

"Let's attack him together." Idan said as he had gained back a little of his energy, "Diana take my sword, let Timi use yours, he's good with it." He said as the three of them charge forward.

"Wow I like you guys." Bolu said as he brought out a pair of gauntlet and put it on. Diana swung her sword and Bolu block it with his gauntlet and did same to Timi's attack, then he saw a punch coming towards him which he quickly dodge and then threw a kick at Diana, looking back he saw Idan ready to punch him again so he decided take it head on by throwing a punch of his own but he felt a pain on his forearm and looking at where it had come from he could see that it was from Timi's sword and then Idan's fist had hit him in the stomach which had done next to nothing to him. He raised his hands up making a signal for surrendering.

"You guys won." He said as he moved back. "I was thinking that if any of you couldn't get a hit on him I won't tell you why I had come here." He said moving back to where Russ was standing. Timi move forward as he keeps looking at his system while the other two were behind him.

[Congratulations, you've leveled up]

[You're now level 4]

[5 stat point received]

Timi didn't want others to notice him so he kept the 5 stat point. The three of them move closer to Bolu and Russ standing opposite them.

"Russ has told me what happened between you and my brother but what Blake told us was a different story and my grandfather gave me an assignment asking me to deal with you three." Bolu said. "I have told myself that I will do anything in my power to protect you guys even if I was to be killed but now as I fought with you I realized you three are strong and can get stronger to protect yourself. So I will advise you to apologize to Blake if you want to live because if my grandfather know that I didn't deal with you as he asked then we'll face the consequence together." He explained.

"Why should we listen to you." Idan asked.

"Idan calm down, let's listen to him." Timi said.

"If you apologize to him, he will think I've done my job but he won't be happy because he wants you guys to be kicked out of the school or to be dead especially you short boy as you're the same rank with him. But apologizing to him will buy you some time and not making my grandfather to act. Even if Blake troubled you I want you to always apologize to him and let him be. And I will like to spar with you guys in the future." Bolu said and walk out of there leaving them speechless.