
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


They didn't know what to do again, they were just standing there speechless even Timi didn't know this person will ask them to apologize to Blake and telling them he will also face the consequence if his grandfather know he hadn't dealt with them. They went to their room and Timi explained what he had heard from Sunny to the two of them and they took their time to take in everything they heard.

"Let's play along with them." Diana said as she stands up, "We'll apologize to Blake and not mess with him again." She said.

"Are you crazy? Apologize to that scum? I can't do that." Idan said.

"I think we should do it, because if we don't apologize to him this Chris person may be asked to deal with us and I am sure we can't handle him, even with the three of us we were unable to defeat Bolu." Timi said as he held Diana's sword in his hand, he hadn't return it to her. "While we apologized to him and buying us time from not letting his grandfather acts then we can use that time to get stronger, strong enough to protect ourselves and get the fuck out of this school." He said and stand up walking towards his own bed.

"I agreed." Diana said, "We know we can't handle them and Blake will still be on Timi's neck so we need to train very hard in order to protect ourselves." She said.

"Okay, let's protect this family." Idan said as he stands up and they put their hands together and cheers.

"Ehm Timi, aren't you going to give me my sword." Diana ask as she could see him looking at the sword and smiling.

"I'm sorry I can't, you can see how well it serves me while fighting that guy and you have another one so let me keep this." Timi said.

"When did you become a sword user and the skills you used that time, it looks like that of a sword user at the sergeant level." Idan ask as he walks toward him, "When did you start learning sword?" He asked.

"Hmm, let me say today." Timi replied, "Sunny taught me how to use sword today and the moves I used was the moves I learnt from him." He said.

"Wow, maybe we can have a spar tomorrow I'm tired of fighting with this little girl she doesn't want to improve anymore, she keeps using one move everyday." Idan said pointing at Diana.

"Do you think I'll always use all my moves for someone like you? If you don't want me to use one move let's have a serious spar tomorrow and you Timi if you can beat me in a spar tomorrow, I'll give you those blades." Diana said.

"Huh, so the three of us will fight each other tomorrow." Timi replied and he couldn't help but feel happy because he knew his system will give him a reward if he defeats them.


Idan and Diana had planned to apologize to Blake while Timi will make sure he didn't do anything to anger him, they just finished their morning lesson so they were looking for Blake, Timi had separated himself from them and gone to the martial arts club.

"I've seen him, over there." Diana shouted. Blake was standing on the hallway and gathering behind him were his friends, as Idan and Diana got closer they could see two students lying on the floor badly injured, they were both rank S upper class. 

"What did they do." Diana asked Idan.

"How would I know." He replied, they waited behind as they don't want to get involve and not to anger him again, when Blake and his friends were done with the two student they walk forward and Idan with Diana quickly run towards them, they called Blake's name and act as if they've been running from far away like they were exhausted.

"What did they want." Jake asked standing closer to Blake.

"Blake." Diana called out as she tried her best to breath. "We are sorry for what we have done to you guys, we came to apologize for what we have done." She said.

"We are sorry Blake." Idan said.

"So you guys can actually apologize, I thought I wouldn't see you again, I thought you'll be dead by now but it looks like Bolu really dealt with you guys." Blake said as he walks towards them.

"We are sorry, we promise we won't do anything to step on your way anymore." Idan said.

"Really? I guess you can let me have anything I want and not disturb me again." Blake replied. "For me to accept your apologies, I only have two conditions for you." He said as he walks backward and move closer to his friends.

"What's the condition." Diana asked.

"First, you must not protect that black and white friend of yours again." Blake stated. They knew this would happen but they didn't have problem with it because Timi is already growing stronger and he can protect himself so they don't need to worry about him anymore.

"And the second is for you short guy, I want you to fight me tomorrow on the ranking system and you must not win the fight, if you can do that then I don't have problem with you guys anymore." He said and move out of there with his friends. This is what they feared the most they knew what Blake meant by this, he wants to beat Idan so he will be the best in the school and be the only one in the rank F upper class.

"Can you do that." Diana asked him but Idan didn't say anything and just walk out.


In the martial art club, Sunny was displaying some move for the student, he was showing them some hand to hand combat skill and after displaying his moves he asked them to do it and they all did it well including Timi who was using his dragon sleuth skill.

"You guys have done well so I want you all to choose a team of two and spar with another team." He said before he heard the door opened and walking in was Blake and his friends, Blake gave Timi a hot look and smile who quickly looked away.

'I guess they have apologized.' Timi thought.

"As you come in, you should start choosing a partner that will fight along with you." Sunny said as more people come in, it's usual that student come in late. Everybody was busy choosing their partner and Timi knew nobody will choose him so he decided to walk go the back of the room to relax but someone was blocking his way.

"Do you have a partner?" Temmy asked as she was in his front. 

"Nope, you wanna team up with me?" He asked but Temmy didn't say anything and just drag him to where others are sitting.

"Why do you choose me as your partner, I'm at bottom of the school and you're at the top." Timi asked

"Because nobody will choose you that's why I chose you." She replied, as they walk through the crowd other student were wondering why she had chosen Timi because it doesn't make sense to them, someone at the F rank choosing someone at the S rank as their partner, they all thought maybe Timi had blackmailed her.

After everybody had chosen their partner they started the match, four people on the stage two from each group facing each other, they can be eliminated by knock out, by surrendering or out of the stage. And the last man standing wins for his or her team and the two partner can also be the last man standing. When it got to Blake's match, his partner was Jake, his best friend they were matched against two rank H student and were defeated with ease leaving Blake and Jake the first team to win without getting a hit from their opponent.

"Nobody can go against them." One of the student said.

"That girl can have a chance but she teamed up with that pathetic." A boy replied pointing at Temmy who was standing on the stage with Timi besides him and in front of them were rank G and rank M student, each of them holding a pair of axes.

"You distract the brown hair guy, I'll handle the other and come back to help you." Temmy said as she swung her chain like a whip whacking one of the axes out of the boy hand, the second boy charge forward throwing one of his axes at Timi who was standing still.

[New quest received]

[Defeat your opponent]

[Quest reward: 10 Exp]

'I knew this would happen.' He tought and the next second he felt something wrap around his legs throwing him to the other side and then looking up he could see an axe flying down the stage.

"What are you doing." Temmy shouted.

'She saved me while she was fighting?' He thought, he was so distracted by his system message that he didn't know he was being attacked. Standing up he ran towards the boy who held out his axe and also charge forward, he swung his axe down at Timi who bent down slightly and slide underneath the boy appearing behind him then throwing a punch to his back the boy turn back and threw his axe towards Timi again but he caught it with his hand then throwing the axe to where Temmy was fighting he kick the boy in his stomach and was sent out of the stage, the axe he threw had hit the other boy's leg which made him loose balance and giving Temmy the opportunity to wrap her chain around his other leg flinging him out of the stage. The axe hadn't injured him because it was a level 1 beast weapon but it made a small scratch on his leg. Others were wondering how Timi was able to do it to defeat a rank M student, although they weren't interested in his match and were not paying attention but after seeing the two defeated student they wish to see the replay of the match, Blake was at the back of the room with his friends so he hadn't been paying attention to the match because he thought it would be useless and after noticing the match had finished his thoughts were it was Temmy was defeated the two student.

"She's quite strong to defeat them both." Blake said. Sunny who was officiating the match was very happy that his student had improved.

'He improved so fast.' He thought and could see Timi standing there staring at the air.

[Quest completed]

[10 Exp received]

[Current Exp: 25/20]

[Congratulations, you've leveled up]

[You're now Level 5]

[5 Stat points received]

[Available stat point: 10]

The one he received the last time he leveled up was still there.

He keeps staring at the messages and Temmy who was behind was wondering why he hadn't move including Sunny so she decided to move closer to him.

[Evolution Available]

[You can now Evolve]

[Would you like to Evolve now?]

[Yes] [No]

Timi not knowing what the system meant by evolution he chose
