
the supreme demon lord on a watery vacation

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16 Chs


Chapter 2

The death of the king of pirates

The world of the seas this was a giant world consisting of many different places mainly islands that varied from size and climate to the overall structure while some can be as simple as dirt others can be something as absurd as cloud and other crazy things which should not form a island however in this crazy world it happened and all of those islands were put into many sections of the world such as the 4 seas: the east blue witch was considered to be the weakest of all of them, the west blue, the north blue and the south blue however there was many others such as the grand line, the calm belt, the sea floor, the sky ocean and the red line which surrounds the whole world with the other side having the most dangerous of the seas where it had the worst weather very unpredictable even more then the grand line and of course was were the strongest of the strongest were fighting for dominance this was known as the new world.

Currently the world was angry and had the most action then it had in many many years not sense the events now known as simply the void century had happened the world was angry at one man and one man alone specifically, they called this man a monster, the devil himself one specific group of people even though this was part of the curse that happened in said void century this man was known as the pirate king Gol D. Roger however many called him Gold Roger not wanting to associate him with the D clan as the only man who was capable of concerning the entire grand line and got to the final island finding the one piece he was named the pirate king.

There was another man who was seen to be as strong and dangerous as the pirate king himself however he was never given such titles nor had he reached the final island and claimed the throne and treasure not because he wasn't strong enough nor was it because he didn't know how but however this man was simply uninterested in such things all this man cared about was his family he crew and anyone eles he might see as such or simply respect this man unlike his good friend and rival. The pirate known as Edwar Newgate 'whitebeard' , captain of the whitebeard pirates was loved by many.

The two powerful men were currently sitting down drinking sake on an unknown island which seemed to be fully covered in pink from the ground to the trees, the only things not covered being the rocks which was only partially covered and last was a giant waterfall alongside various small mountains.

"Did you hear what they've been calling me now?"


"Gold Roger the king of pirates"

"Yea, what's wrong with it?"

"My name is Gol D. Roger not Gold Roger"

"Oh now that I think about it every now and then my crew comes across people with a D in their name. In fact one of my latest sons Teach has it in his name, what's it stand for?"

"Well my friend that is a long story that happened in the void century as you see…"

"Oh that's some pretty big goals, can it even be accomplished?"

"Maybe just needs the right person at the right place"

"So old friend, what will you do now?"

Sigh "edward you known i am sick and will die soon as there are no cure to this"

With a simple node to show that he understood, Roger continued.

"We were too early my friend and so i will do the best thing possible and turn myself in then motivate the next generation to go out find the truth and accomplish it."

"Gurararara, even in death your gonna cause Sengoku, Garp and the others so much trouble"

"Wahaha, yes my friend i intend to do the most as possible"

"Wahaha, Gurararara" after the two finished laughing for a bit roger looked at whitebeard with a more serious look.

"Whitebread, do you want to know where it is?"

"No I'm not interested in that, my friend, no need to tell me as I have no intention of going there."

"I see, well in that case i will be taking Odin back to Wano alongside his wife and kids and i will make my way toward navi headquarters after disbanding my crew."

"I see, well then in that case i will make my way back to the new world and watch it all from there for the most part."

"I see well it was nice seeing you for one last time my friend it was an amazing ride Wahaha" roger said as he finished his sake and stood up taking a small step to the side showing just how drunk he was.

Time skip, many hours later, location new world, time 11:58 pm.



"I have come here with a offer for you old pal"

"What is it shiki?"

"I am here to offer you a place in my armada as a commander come join me and with your ancient weapon and my armada we shall conquer the world nothing will be able to stop us"

"Sorry but i'll have to decline i have other plans"

"Come on roger think about it we could have everything not even sengoku and garp could stop us"


Time 11:59 pm

"Well in that case there's only one thing left to do, well kill you longside your knew right here" With those words the battle witch would be known as "edd war" in which the roger pirates had used their power to fight off the allied 50 ships and the 5000 people who formed one of the greatest armadas however reality was not as simple as this as you see the battle would go down as the roger pirates fought them off using the powers of the ancient weapon and their own or what was closer to the truth being the Shiki armada was destroyed by a powerful and dangerously deadly wave with allowed the roger pirates to finish the rest of the armada and get away however you see what truly happened was not truly this but too an onlooker they would not be able to tell the difference.

In reality what had happened was the battle started roger and he crew had used many various attacks from simply guns, cannons enhanced in haki to make it more effective roger used a giant slash of haki that cut a ship in half and 2 others witch was behind it and the battle continued for the next minuet while it might not seem like much considering the speed those powerful attacks were being sent with the roger pirates having to push back and dodge many attacks however before things could continue right as the clock hit midnight the water stood completely still even when something hit it instead of making a ripple and sinking it simple stayed on the water as it if was solid ground however that only lasted a second as as soon as the silence came it ended with what could only been described as chaos as you see the oceans raged broke apart and swallowed most of the armada only leaving the ship of roger and shiki however shiki's ship was sent flying away as a weird shift in reality happened in above him as then the ocean shot upwards like a bullet sending the ship flyng only surviving thanks to shki's fruit after things calmed down and the water stoped shooting forward even if the ocean was still raging about.

The group looked up to a shocking sight. There was a girl now standing there. It was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen, above the water was a girl with long perfect blue hair bolden eyes a perfect face with very strange black clothes with some parts of gold and boots alongside a very simple looking yet it was very easy to tell this was a very powerful weapon and off course lets not forget the most terrifying thing this being had a purplish aura with parts of black, blue, green, gold, pink, red and many more coming off of him in waves like nothing they had ever seen before then another being appeared this one was a man he had black hair, with streaks of red flowing through it. His eyes gave off no warmth whatsoever, instead, his flashing yellow irises gave off a feel of omnipotence with him having mostly a dark aura coming from him however it seemed to be dwarfed by the other or they simply mixed it was hard to tell however the auras stopped not long after and vanished.

Rimuru pov

After saying goodbye to my subordinates, vives and many more, me and Diablo made our way outside of tempest to an uninhabited location.

<Master, shall I open the portal?>

"Yes you may."

Hearing this a happy look came on the demon's face as he used his powers to open a portal to the world they would be going to as he was so happy to open the portal he had simply opened the portal and not wait for his master to say exactly where on the planet that he should open it and so he had decided to open in what appeared to be the center of the world witch unknown to him was known as navi headquarters.

As Rimuru and him walked through the portal Rimuru's though acceleration was suddenly activated as Ciel started to speak <master it appears that at our current destination we would appear on a place which would cause a lot of trouble>

"Where is the location?"

<It is the center of the world not the core but the general world center area it is known as a navi hq and we would have trouble with them>

"Change the location somewhere eles then."

<changing to-> as Ciel was about to continue he was interrupted by Rimuru saying "change it to the ocean as no one should be there" hearing her master cutting her off she grew an imaginary tick mark as she simply did as told.


And so as Diablo saw his master start to release some of his power caused him to do the same to not be thrown back or anything and such when they had appealed to their location they had a bit of their powers leaking out.

As Rimuru looked down he saw the ship with the flag on it which reminded him of a pirate flag as he did so he soon realized that his aura and diablos aura was causing the place tense and so he sucked his aura back in and diablo did the same.

'Why is there people here there should be no one'

<master said to change the destination to the ocean and that's what i did you never asked for there to be no one and since there was people in the first place maybe you wanted people just in the ocean>

Hearing this Rimurus' eyes widened and he froze a bit realizing that Ciel was mad.

"Ah yeah sorry about that i panicked"

Knowing that Ciel liked helping him he decided to ask for her help. "Are those people good or dangerous?"

<In this world's standards they would be considered to be some of the strongest but they are not a threat to you nor do they possess evil intent.>

"Good then i'll go talk to them then"

"Hi I'm Rimuru Tempest, who are you guys?"

"Im roger this is my crew, were the roger pirates"

After the two newcomers had gone to the ship they had met and greeted the crew and not long after there was a party and as it is currently roger had been pulled to the side by Rimuri who had a much more serious look on his face.

"Roger, i wasn't planning on telling people this and i want you to keep it a secret but i am not a normal person and have quit the useful set of skills one of them tells me that you have been cursed"

"So you know i see i plan on making it be known as a incurable diseases"

"That could work however its not incurable i am willing to offer you a cure in fact as not only do i like you but it was done by something partly related to me in a way and so i would like to fix that if possible"

"Hmm i didn't think that was possible but i will have to decline sadly as you see i need to die to accomplish my goals"

"Well that is unfortunate i will respect your choice and will leave the offer open if you ever change your mind"

"Thank you friend"

"Now then my dear friends new and old i would like to announce that the roger pirates are officially disambled"

As the crew cried and partied for hours on end on their way back to navi headquarters they had many stops to drop off crew mate after crew mate in the end there was only roger, rayleigh and the new duo of Rimuri and Diablo and of course the two boys shanks and buggy.

"So this is really the end" Rayleigh said in a tired and sad voice.

"Yes my friend, it was really an amazing journey, did you have any regrets?"

"No, not a single one, what about you?"

"I'm not going to die partner and no i wouldn't change a single thing about it" roger said as a long silence lasted for a while before rayleigh looked at Rimuri and started to ask him some questions which Rimuri answered most of them some more reluctantly and some avoiding and some even just bluntly refusing to answer witch was awkward at first as he had took it for Rimuri not wanting him to ask more questions which led to him stopping as first until Rimuri clarified that he might answer it at a later date but not right now and that it isn't personal or anything.

"Well friends we arrived" said roger as he arrived at sabaody after arriving the 3 had left gone to the island and stayed there with a girl known as Shakky not after depositing his friends roger had gone to navi headquarters and turned himself in putting a timer to his execution on his head and locked his bounty at a 5,564,800,000 trillion barriers and with that the announcement of his execution to log town was done and set.

After a while roger was visited by his navi rival Garp after a little chat roger told Garp something and asked for a favor he told him he was having a child and wanted him to raise him this caused garp to scream at him however however in the end he accepted and promised to look after him and was about to leave before he was stopped by garp.

"Garp listen i want you to look after my son but also look after yourself"

"Hmph of course I will look after myself. Are you trying to tell me something or just fear of death speaking?"

"If you ever meet a man known as Rimuri tempest then don't anger him under any circumstances."

"Wahaha just make sure to keep that in mind my friend"

"Okay Roger" and with that being said garp left not before he saw Roger's big smile in the darkness.

As the execution was being done at loge town shanks, Buggie alongside Rimuri Diablo and Rayleigh originally they planned to go simply watch it on tv however they had gone due to the kids begging with many tears and so they had made it in the crowd of people as they watch a shackled roger walked him down main street toward the execution platform before he walked through town like it was a victory parade slowly walks up the stairs with each steps matching the bells ringing.

It was his final moments in this world and yet he acted like it was his correlation. "Destiny... fate, dreams... as long as people seek the answer of freedom, these things shall not vanish from the earth."

"Do you have any last words?!" one of the two executioners asked him.

Turning his head to look at him with a smile on his face he said "take this off for me. It's itchy beyond belief."only to be met with a stern reply "i can't do that"

"Do you think I would run away? You sure know how to make a guy feel lonely."

as he made it to his final destination he sat down cross legged and said "alright, let's get this over with quickly" as he chuckled as that happened the 2 executioners made a cross with the execution weapons in front of him

"Hey king of the pirates! Where did you hide all that treasure you found?! Is it in the grand line?! You got it, didnt you?! That legendary treasure!"

"You there, shut up!" said the executioner.

"That great treasure! The One Piece!"

"Wahaha you want my treasure?

"Don't speak without permission!"

"you can have it! Find it! I left everything I gathered in one place, now you just have to find it!" As those final words were spoken the 24 year old man known as Gol D. Roger, the king of the pirates was killed death by execution. He would forever be known as the man who conquered the seas. wealth fame power he attained this and everything eles the world had to offer and even though he had walked to his death he did it with great pride and a smile on his face in the end however before he died he had left the one piece to be one day found by him...

End of chapter 2

1. What will happen when luffy is born?

2. what will change with Rimuru being in the presence of buggy, shanks and rayleigh?

3. Will luffy get the same devil fruit, a different one or even get one at all?

4. How will Roger's death affect the world?

5. How much does rayleigh know about Rimuru and Diablo?