
the supreme demon lord on a watery vacation

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16 Chs

chapter 4

Chapter 4

The birth of the future king of pirates

A/N: i do not have a beta reader so let me know if you find any mistakes throughout this story and if you are interested in being one then feel free to comment about it and i will talk to you about it

<You think you are worthy to be master's wife?> Ciel speaking.

"I am the creator of all!." speech.

'I am omnipotent and omnipresent!' thoughts

"Oni Giri!" attacks

Over the past 5 years the world had been turned upside down not only from the birth of the king of pirates and what it did but the many events that happened afterwards.

Many people had became pirates and started to run wild instead of what the world government though before they had believed that after the death of the king of pirates that the pirates would get scared and hide away however the opposite happened as the pirates got motivated and ran rampage all over the seas and out of this came many no name pirates that acted more like bandits more than anything however there was also optional pirates who also came into power and stood out and many events that happened by them and others.

There was the man who was known as the heavenly demon Donquixote Doflamingo this name was given due to his bloodline as part of the Donquixote family this was a family from the heavenly land of Marijoa a family of the gods of this world known as celestial dragons who are descendants of the royal families of the 20 kingdoms witch created the world government many years ago however the Donquixote family was unhappy with how the other celestial dragons acted and did things which lead to them leaving the land of the gods and left to live in the lower realm however this ended poorly as due to the haterade that the people had towards the celestial dragons they had beaten the family and put them to death but the people were all knocked out by the smalls kids conqueror haki and not long after he had joined and taken over a pirate crew and made it rise realty to the point that it was approached by the world government and they offered them a spot as a shichibukai and then the man took over the kingdom of dressrosa and made it a yutopia on the surface but he was truely a evil king he was the joker one of if not the biggest player in the underworld.

Bartholomew Kuma otherwise known as Kuma the Tyrant he was also the newly made father of Jewelry Bonney a former member of the newly rising power known as the revolutionary army he had left and joined the shichibukai system where he had joined a program which helped start develop research to develop a group of powerful weapons named CPs.

Mihawk Dracule otherwise known as "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk had recently become a world-famous pirate who holds the title of "Strongest Swordsman in the World" after he had fought and defeated shanks and so becoming the strongest swords man had scared the world government and any enemies he had causing them to invite him to be a shichibukai and so he had became a member and so was no longer being the hunted instead he simply stayed at his place of residence witch used to be Muggy Kingdom, Kuraigana Island.

Crocodile he had become the leader of an organization known as baroque works he had done many deals with many important figures in the past and he had fought many powerful people and wining using his powerful logia devil fruit and he had recently challenged whitebeard himself however he was forced to retrieve after he had receive a deadly wound and got his hand cut off which made him now use a golden hook and so he had became much more known in the world for doing such a thing and so had receive invitation to be a shichibukai and had accepted making him be a member of the shichibukai system.

Boa Hancock the pirate empress leader of the kuja tribe and the empress of amazon lily also known as snake princess she had been a former slave of the celestial dragons alongside her 2 sisters Boa Sandersonia and Boa Marigold they were all captured as slaves and sold to a celestial dragon where they were treated very poorly got a mark putting them as slaves and in the end we're all 3 forced to eat a devil fruit before they were saved by a group of fishman and not long after they had started to be pirates of amazon lily before they ruled the island and were soon invited to be a shichibukai and she had accepted under the agreement that they would not interfere with the island and its people and the world government had accepted making her a member of the shichibukai system.

Gecko Moriah is the captain of the Thriller Bark Pirates, Thriller Bark being the largest ship easily the size of a island witch had left a lot of space for many weapons such as simple cannons and many other weapons where he had received a invitation for having quite the reputation however he had gone to war with kaido right after he had received this invitation causing him to lose most of his crew and so escaping from the battle he had accepted the invitation to protect himself and put him in a better position making him a member of the shichibukai system.

Knight of the seas Jinbe also known as first son of the seas Jinbe former member of the fishman pirates who happened to be the same crew of pirates witch had freed the gorgon sisters he had left after the death of the captain Fisher Tiger and had became the face of fishman island and using his influence had become a member of the shichibukai to protect his home fishman island and his friend arlong who had now became the new captain of the fishman pirates and so he was now a member of the shichibukai system.

Those seven powerful beings were known as the war lords of the seas and were used by the world government to help keep the pirates under control and would fight for justice where there to be a war and could receive certain missions from the government but they could refuse depending on the mission in exchange for they would not be hunted down by the world government get their bounties removed gaining a spot in the world government in a way that they could do certain things and to world government would turn a blind eye they could come to marineford and go to hell or otherwise known as impel down and many more things.

However those two powers where not the only big powers in the word as there was a powerful force that was considered to be the exact opposite of the world government witch was arguably the strongest of the 3 great powers of the world as you see this power was known as the yonoks witch consisted of 4 powerful pirates who ruled the seas and lived like emperors with armies of pirates under their commands each and them being powerful themselves in their own rights consisting of the strongest man alive former member of rocks pirates and rival of roger this man was whitebeard, the king of the beast strongest creature in the world and former member of the rocks pirates kaido of the beast, charlotte Linlin former member of the rocks pirates big mom, and last but not least red haired shanks the youngest of the 4 and the only one who was not a member of the rocks pirates lead by Rox D Zebec who was completely erased from history with the only people knowing of him and the crew being people who know of them personally or were related to it in some way however shanks was a member of a rival crew the roger pirates lead by Gold D. Roger and one of the main reasons for the rocks pirates defeat and so shanks also known as killer of observation haki was appointed as the youngest yonko.

Each yonko alongside their crews and allies all could fight and cause great trouble for the world government and warlords and so the only reason they had not crushed the world government considering that there was 4 of them each capable to fight the world government the reason being that the 4 were not allied and whitebeard being more of a pacifist unless proven otherwise he mostly simply sailed around gaining sons and territories and shanks being a peacekeeper for the most part that people could tell anyways with kaido and big mom hating each other too much to form a alliance and the world government monitoring them to make sure something so detrimental does not happen anytime near the future.

As the government had named the 4 powerful pirates as the yonkos and the 7 warlords of the seas unknown to all of them except one being Monkey D. Garp his grandson was born Monkey D. Luffy, luffy dad being Monkey D. Dragon and Monkey D. Garp being one of his grandparents the other being another powerful being.

On Dawn Island there was a woman. This woman was very odd she looked very beautiful with her spiky black hair reaching a little under her neck big black pupils with a greatly shaped body being a bit more of the smaller size in height being 5'4 this woman was Monkey D Gine the daughter of Monkey D Garp and the wife of the newest member of the monkey family Monkey D dragon currently she had just given birth to a baby boy as she simply held him close to her before the door to the room opened.

Monkey D Garp the hero of the marines walked into the room to see his daughter who had just given birth, "Gine how are you feeling?" Garp asked with worry being heard in his voice.

"Hi dad, im fine, here hold him" Gine said handing her son to her dad.

Picking up the child, Garp smiled as he lightly shook him.

"So what's his name?"

"His name is Luffy, Monkey D Luffy"

End of chapter 4

1. Who is Monkey D Gine?

2. Who is Monkey D Dragon truly?

3. Where is Rimuru and what has he and Diablo been doing?

4. Will luffy get the same devil fruit, a different one or will he get one at all?

5. How will Rimuru's presence affect luffy when they meet?

Find out when I post the next chapter.