
The Supernatural High

Alex's life changed the night his mom died. Mind blowing secrets we're revealed and Alex had to let go of everything he had to attend The school for supernatural creatures.

AlexisKing · Fantasía
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10 Chs



   "Alex,wake up or you're gonna be late for school" My mom called from downstairs.

   Though I got out of bed,it felt like I was still lying down.

    I went straight to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, took a hot shower and got ready for school.

  "Good morning Mom"

I said while climbing down the stairs.

   "Morning Alex" She had that look on her face,the "you're very late"look.

    Although she seems angry she was still as beautiful as always. She has this eyes as bright as the moon and her hair was blonde,she has the most natural red lips on earth. looking at my mom alone reminds me of beautiful flowers that spread it's beautiful petals.

    "I know I'm late but the bus just arrived" I told her to calm her down.

   "You're lucky this time"She said while giving me a cup of tea.

  "I'm not hungry" 

"At least have tea" She protested.

         How could I turn my mom down,it's literally impossible,her eyes were compulsive and looking at them will drown you completely.

  "Alright " I sighed

    I drank the tea immediately and started running outside to catch up with the bus that seems to have been horning forever.

  "love you son" She said while blowing me kisses.

"love you too Mom" I replied while slamming the door behind me.

     Hours later the school bell rang and it felt like relief for everyone in the class because we were learning from the most boring teacher on earth.

  "Hey don't forget about your assignment okay"

He said probably because he knew how happy we were leaving his class.

  "Hey bro how'd it go last night,did you have that dream again" My best friend Andy asked while we strode down the school restaurant.

     "I did and I don't wanna talk about it" I replied.

  "Okay man,if you don't wanna talk about it then I won't talk about it either"

           I knew he wasn't being serious.

  "Its different today"I said just to make him forget about it, what i didn't know was that I was adding fuel to the fire.

    "Care to share"He said raising his eyebrows up and down"


"Uhhhhh,the girl led me to a school and we started kissing"

   "wow,I love today's episode, what's tommorow gonna be, she'll be pregnant and you'll be a father"He said jokingly.

"very funny,I'm not the one who dreams of being a vampire every night. I said teasingly.

    "Fair enough but I think your dreams are trying to tell you something.

    i laughed at his statement, how could a ridiculous dream mean something? I always dreamt of a beautiful girl and a school and it always felt like I've known her all my life.

   Well it's no big deal, lately I've been slacking behind in my studies and I really don't want that to continue for long.

    "Hey are you coming for that sleep over tonight" Amanda,the party freak said getting off her chair as soon as she saw me.


    "What sleepover?"I asked


  "You mean no one told you about the sleep over I'm planning tonight" She squeak.

 "I definitely heard,it must have slipped my mind" I replied to calm her down.

   "So are you coming?" she said with a pleading yet seductive look,I knew I was gonna get myself into trouble if I went there.

    "sure, wouldn't miss it for the world" I replied and walked away immediately while Andy followed.

    Finally school came to an end for the day. Andy and I decided to walk home since it wasn't far from school.

   "Hey man,have you ever thought of how it would feel to be extraordinary" Andy said with absolute seriousness.


   I've never seen him so serious.it felt like he was asking me a very deep question.

    "Hilarious" I replied.

   "Hey bro, I'm serious,like having powers and doing extraordinary things"  He said and I suddenly got worried.

   "Hey man are you good today?"

 "I know I told you I always turn to a vampire in my dreams but that's not the truth" He said while stopping me from taking another step.

   "Okay man you're making me worry"

  "Every night, I always turn into a wolf,like an actual wolf, most of the times i would tell myself that it's a dream but it would feel so real that I would wake up somewhere else in the morning" 


    I got very confused at what Andy said and also worried. could my best friend be going crazy.

   I just stared at him unable to say anything.

   "You think I'm crazy don't you, just like my everyone else. That's why I didn't want to tell anyone"   

  "Look Andy, there's a situation when your mind makes you believe that you're turning into a wolf. it's called lycanthropy and the reason you wake up somewhere else is because you sleep walk" I gave him an assuring answer.

     "Don't believe me,you're all the same" he said and went the opposite direction.    


  "where are you going"I asked with a high pitched voice.

  "None of your business" He said as he walked faster.

  "Knock yourself out" I replied and went home immediately.

   How happy I was to be home after such a long day. I went straight to my room and after taking a cool shower I decided to sleep.

   After a few seconds I fell asleep and I found myself sitting beside a girl. After sometime she broke the awkward silence.


 "Alex I'm still waiting for you, when will you come" she asked .

   immediately, I reminded myself that I was in a dream.

   "I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked stepping away from her.

   "Yes we've known each other for the past  three weeks" This got me confused.

   "what, we've never even met before" I said,still confused.

She stepped back a little and snapped her fingers before disappearing.

   Her voice echoed in my head and I woke up immediately, although my window was open 

and my air conditioner was on it still felt hot in the room and I was drowned in my very own sweat.

        what could this dream mean?  Was Andy right when he said that my dreams was trying to tell me something?


I looked at the time it was already half past six pm, what! how? I only spent what felt like two minutes in my dreams,why did I wake up three hours later?

     "Alex,you've been out for a very long time,is everything okay?" my mom asked as she entered my room.

    "Everything is fine mom,when did you get back?" 

    "I came back like two hours ago and you were sleep talking the whole time" 

   "Could you recall anything I said?"

 I knew she was getting worried and confused because of the way she was looking at me.

   "well you kept on repeating the name Andrea,is everything alright" she asked with a worried look.

  "I'm fine mom and I need to get to a party ASAP" I replied with a reassuring look.

   "okay, have fun and don't drink anything alcoholic cuz I'll be waiting to smell your ugly mouth when you get back" She teased.

      "Doesn't that get old?" 

  " As long as I'm alive,it won't" she replied poking my nose.

    Somehow she scared my by saying those words but I didn't take it to heart.

     I was at Amanda's house. I had to admit the party was awesome, if only my best friend was here.

    "Hey Alex, glad you came"Amanda said walking towards me.

    "Yeah I.....I love the party"

    "Care to dance?" She asked.

 "I'm sorry, I have to find my friend, I'm worried about him.

   "I just saw Andy drinking more than he can handle" she said.

   "Can you take me to him please"

 "Sure" Amanda had this thing for me, it's a shame I don't feel the same for her, I always liked her as a friend no more no less.

I saw Andy leaving through the back door, from the way he was walking he seemed very angry.

"I have to go, save a dance for me" I said before running after Andy.

"Andy wait" He was walking very fast and I found it hard to catch up with him.

"I wanna be alone" He finally spoke as he walked faster.

I ran to him and held his shirt.

"Hey man talk to..." I couldn't finish the statement as I saw tears in his eyes.

He was fighting himself, trying to get himself to say something but couldn't.

"Talk to me bro" I almost yelled at him.

"It was an accident"

"what accident" I asked getting more confused.

"I didn't mean to...."

"Mean to what!!!"

i couldn't help but wonder if my friend has gone nuts.

"I...I....I killed Billy" he finally spoke.

"what!" I yelled.

"I didn't mean to, he attacked me first and I got so angry and..... and I couldn't control myself so I let anger get the better of me and i...I killed him" he said leaning against a tree behind him.

I was dumbfounded, how could Andy take someone's life?

"Look, having anger issues is normal but taking someone's life, I....I just can't believe this.....you need to turn yourself in.....tell your dad he might help you"

"What, no....I can't do that!" he said scratching his hair vigorously.

"then I will" I said as I tried to call Andy's father but he took the phone from me and slammed it against a tree behind me, shattering it to pieces, I looked at Andy only to see rage in his eyes not just rage they were also glowing.