
The Supernatural High

Alex's life changed the night his mom died. Mind blowing secrets we're revealed and Alex had to let go of everything he had to attend The school for supernatural creatures.

AlexisKing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"What the hell, Andy your eyes..... they're..... glowing". I moved backward as I became very scared.

"i...I think I'm a werewolf because all this doesn't make sense" He said as he looked at the sky.

"Andy it's full moon, if you are a werewolf, you should have transformed by now"

"We have less than three minutes until the moon reaches it's apex" he sounded scared

"Cut the I'm a werewolf crap Andy, you killed someone and you have to turn yourself in" I got really angry.


Andy started scratching his body all of the sudden, he felt heat internally and his vision got blurry.

"It's starting" it was as if he was loosing his voice which made Alex worry.

"What's starting"

Andy fell on the floor as his ankle twisted on it's own, he felt hair growing out of every part of his body, his eyes turned yellow and he started ripping his clothes apart.

"Andy are you okay" Alex tried to lift him up but Andy pushed him away.

"Don't come any closer" He screamed out loud as he felt all bones in his body break, Alex was shocked and didn't Know what to do.

"Should I get help" He asked as he went closer to him.

"Run, get out of here" Andy said as he tried to lift himself up but fell down immediately.

" I can't leave you here" Alex insisted.

"Run or I will kill you" Andy's words sent chills through Alex's spine, Andy himself couldn't believe he just said that.

As Alex opened his mouth to protest, Andy got up and tried to attack him but Alex was lucky that his ankle bone twisted and he fell on the the floor and started screaming In pain.

"Go now, I can't control myself, I will kill you if you don't..... please go!"

Alex had no choice but to run for his dear life.

"I'll go get help" he said before leaving.

Andy couldn't take the pain anymore, he just wanted to die immediately, his face grew longer and he became animal-like, and screaming turned to howling.

He transformed into a full wolf, he was as huge as a car.

He began to run around the woods like a wild predator looking for a prey.

Alex went straight to Andy's house to inform his parents about what happened but they already knew from the way Alex barged into the house breathing like someone who hasn't breathed oxygen for days.

"Andy turned, didn't he?" His father asked as he was worried if his his son would survive the transformation or not.

Alex felt weak of knees, he couldn't believe what had happen, werewolves couldn't be real now his best friend is one of them. He couldn't help but wonder how many more people were supernaturals in the town.

Andy's father could understand how flummoxed Alex was, he has been through his situation once when his best friend Alex's father died and came back to life, that was when he knew that vampires exists, few days later they were captured and taken to a school for the supernaturals which has been recruiting young supernaturals for ages. Their goal is to help them control and understand their place in the human world, if at the end of everything they couldn't control their powers, they would have their witch cast a powerful spell that would bind their powers forever.

Andy came in through the door, he was wearing a different clothe and looked tattered. His father stood as though he was expecting to see him.

"We need to talk" He motioned for Andy to sit.

Andy sat down on a couch close to Alex but, to his suprise Alex stood up and went to sit opposite him, even though he was surprised, he understood that he did it for his own safety as he doesn't trust himself anymore.

"Andy you killed someone" Andy's mother broke the awkward silence.

"I didn't mean to mom, I swear" Andy said almost bursting to tears.

"We're the ones who should be sorry, we should have told you about it a long time ago" Andy's mom was ready to spill the beans.

"You knew?" Andy was shocked and felt like he had been betrayed.

"We don't just know son, we are one" Andy's father said and it felt like he just lifted a heavy burden from his chest.

Andy became angry, all his life he had to live a lie, if his parents had told him that he was a werewolf then he would have fought so hard to control his temper, he wouldn't have killed Billy. He clenched his fists and blood gushed out of his palm because of his long fingers.

"Andy you're hurting yourself" His mom said as she went closer but Andy stopped her.

"Don't come any closer, someone died in my hands today, and I was punishing myself, thinking that i have become a monster, I didn't even have the courage to face you and now.... you're telling me that you kept a huge secret from me for seventeen years" Andy cried out loud.

"We did it to protect you" his father said.

"From what? huh! had it been I knew about this then I would try my best to avoid a fight with anyone let alone kill..." he burst into tears as he couldn't believe what he had done.

Alex felt sorry for Andy, his parents had kept a huge secret from him, now he's hurt and nothing could console him as it's too late. Andy's father was full of regrets, he remembered when his son would come back from school and tell how badly he wanted to injure someone or when he would get angry at little things and hurt himself while avoiding to hurt someone. He wished he had told his son how painful the first transformation would be and help him get through it, but it was too late.