

BANG! He appears in the sky inside Giant's Plane, now that his strength and his mastery over the law of strength, destruction and metal has increased massively, he is now confident that he can conquer this plane.

But first, in order to reduce the amount of casualties that his side will experience, he has to prepare for the battle that will drown this entire plane in blood.

His first destination, the ocean of this plane, now that the Leviathans have resurfaced in this plane, they have once again regained their sovereignty towards the ocean.

He dives into the sea and instantly disappears, now that his Behemoth Avatar has become more solid and compact, he cannot change its appearance like before.

He can only hide his figure with his overbearing divine sense, as he travels in the ocean, he cannot help but frown, he has heard that the Behemoths aren't good at fighting and traveling through water.