
The Strongest Thunder God

An ordinary college student who is about to graduate is sent to the Marvel universe in the body of Thor. FanFiction Chinese: "translated" and modified names: 最强雷神在漫威 Strongest Thor In Marvel Author: Marvel Fat House

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65 Chs

The Strongest Thunder God 040

The screen disappeared and Thor was perplexed.

With a smug smile, Thor turned his head to look at Ancient One: "Okay, the movie was well shot. But since you don't intend to embarrass me, why did you bring me here, just to talk to me?"

The Ancient One shook his head and said slowly: "A long time ago, I noticed that there was something wrong with this timeline, and some openings couldn't be closed normally. Your mutation twelve years ago made this feeling even more obvious. For a long time, I couldn't find the reason. Until recently, I didn't understand that the key to this gap lies in you."

"You're the only one who can mend the breach. Once the timeline problem erupts, the consequences are much more serious than changing the future. When the timeline of this world can't be connected into one complete line, then the whole circuit can collapse."

"So I found you and asked you to help restore time. I don't think you want to lose everything you own, do you?"

Thor nodded. Although I don't understand the technical terms above, I still understand the last sentence.

"Okay, how can I help you?"

"Relax and accept the power of the Eye of Agamotto."

In the Elder's chest, a dazzling green light flashed.

Suddenly, he lost consciousness.


"Hey, congratulations to the host for triggering the Ancient One's exclusive mission: Eternal Secret - With the help of Dormammu's dark power, the Ancient One has achieved immortality. Help the Ancient One, perhaps you can understand the mystery."

"Mission objective: Complete the repair of the time gap. Mission reward: Active Skill - Immortality."

"Immortality: Has eternal life, will not age and can actively use it on other targets whose strength level is lower than that of the host, and grant the power of immortality. If the target's strength is too strong, it cannot be used."

As soon as he regained consciousness, Thor heard an alert from the system. When I saw the word "eternal life", I got so excited that I almost screamed:

Eternal life, through the ages, the dreams of many races! Even if he's as strong as Odin and the Elder, he can't do it, but he wants to achieve it?

Unfortunately, this task is difficult to complete at first glance.

Made with bug fixes? Does Ancient One magian consider itself to be antivirus software, just a one-click fix?

Thor was perplexed.


where is this I was still in the Kamar-Taj hall just now, why did I come to this street in the blink of an eye? Where did the Ancient One get lost?

And this street looks very backward, like old society...

He picked up his cell phone and took a look - what the hell is this place, Asgard's high-tech cell phone has no signal? !

In a nearby alley, there was a sudden sound of fighting.

This place doesn't seem to have any law and order, there are people fighting in broad daylight.

Thor wasn't so nosy at first, but now he was in a bad mood after being tricked by the Elder, so he was going to find someone to beat him up to vent his anger.

In the alley, it wasn't so much a fight as a bullying of a 1.8 meter strong man against a 1.9 meter long man.

The short man got up from the ground, grabbed a round garbage can lid to block it in front of him, but was pulled away by his opponent, threw it aside and punched him again, knocking him to the ground.

The tall man was about to step on it when he was suddenly pulled back. Looking back, a blond man was smiling at him.

"Stop hitting! Don't make me slap you."

"None of your business!" He punched Thor in the face, then discovered that the other part was gone. While he was stunned, there was an explosion of force in his face.

With a "bang", the whole person was thrown into the air and then another punch was aimed at the other face. 

"Bang bang bang" the sound of fists hitting flesh continued continuously.

At the entrance to the alley, a young man in army uniform stared in astonishment at a 170-kilogram strong man who had been hit by an infinite uppercut without falling to the ground.

With the last punch, the strong man lay on his side like a dead dog...

The skinny young man on the ground stood up and muttered: "I almost knocked him out just now".

Then he turned to look at Thor: "Thanks anyway."

"My name is Steve Rogers, and you?"