
Hela Meets the Family

Shiro laughed, "Haha...who said I was bringing here with you...you are coming to meet with them."

Hela snorted, "Encase you haven't noticed dear husband, this is my prison, sealed by my fathers very own life force."

Shiro chuckled, "Hela, dear, I noticed, but do you really think that will stop me from getting you out?"

[Shiro walked towards her and put a hand on her shoulders, he then put two fingers on his forehead, "I shall take you too them right now." Shiro said.

Hela glanced at him curiously, before Shiro vanished and the two appeared in front of the group. she blinked in surprise and glanced around, "Her eyes landed upon the children, and suddenly she looked kind of nervous. These woman, these were no mere mortals, no they had power that were even greater than hers. especially that woman with the black hair. That woman's power was higher than all of them combined, slightly weaker than Shiro's.

She looked at the children, wait...Children?

"Dear...you never said that you had children..."

"Is that a problem?" Naruko asked with a smirk on her face....

"Er...no...." Hela had to be careful, "No doubt that could easily kill her.

"So, all of you are married to...Ba....Shiro?" she asked.

Gine smiled, "Yes, not a grand marriage or anything, we just confessed and we stuck together since then."

"I see..." Hela murmured,

Hinata took a step forward.

"So, Shiro-kun told us the story, " Hinata said softly, "We understand your pain`"

"Do You?" Hela snarled, "You have no idea what it is like-"

"To be looked down on as trash by your father?" Hinata cut her off with a small smirk on her face, "I do. Ever since I was born, I was called a weakling, I was hated, and was called a disgrace to my own clan , I was bullied, and picked, beaten, but.."

She looked at Shiro and smiled at him, "When I met Shiro-kun, I was in my lowest of lows, he picked me up, and gave me strength. He saw strength when others saw me as a weakling, he helped me when nobody did, Saw, worth in me when everyone thought I was worthless. He was there with me, when everybody wasn't."

Hinata looked at Hela and her smirk grew, "So, are you sure I know nothing?" Hinata asked, Hela flinched, at the similarities between them. "Me...my pain was small compared to what my sisters went through..."

Gine giggled, "We all have are struggles Hinata chan," She looked at Hela with a smile "With me, I met Shiro-kun, when my planet got destroyed by a mad tyrant."

Hela's eyes widened slightly at that.

"I betrayed my mission for my son, as my teammates who were willingly serving him, laughing at the planets destruction, trying to save my son, Kakarot. But was caught, and almost killed...."

Gine glanced at Shiro with a soft smile, "thats when I met Shiro-kun, he saved me, and showed me strength when everyone thought I was weak, I was just a low class after all,"

She looked at Hela who was frowning, "But he didn't see me like that. He...like you and Hinata, Saw strength in me, and he defended me when others wouldn't, that's how I loved him."

Naruko nodded her head, "Shiro-kun, and I knew eachother in our entire lives.." She said softly, "When I was just a baby, my parents sealed a demon fox into my body, sacrificing there own lives so I can be a hero...but the people never saw that...I was hated because of that. Shiro...we were together since we were 2 years old," She glanced at Shiro with a smile, " he protected me, from rape, he protected me from the hate, and he protected me from being beaten to death,"

She looked at Hela whose eyes were widened slighty at their story, it was so...so similar to hers...

Naruko geustered to her sisters, who smiled kindly at her, "We all know what you've been through, for we have dealt with the same, if not worse..."

She gave Hela a soft smile, who could feel the tears coming down her cheeks, "I just wanted father to acknoledge me..." she muttered, "I did everything for him, went above and beyond to gain his approval." she looked at the sky, "Every single time, though they were dismissed, "My father cared more about my brother than me, it was like he didn't care about me at all, I felt worthless, I felt weak."

She clenched her fist tightly, "My brother...he was not like most. As he was humble, kind, and considerate, he would throw away his reputation, just to make sure I was alright...If anything he was my daddy, not Odin."

Hela took a deep breath

"he like you all comforted me when I thought I was weak, I tried to kill him, but he still loved me, but I was blind, blinded by my jealousy that I didn't see...it wasn't until he stood up for me infront of everyone, on the most important day. He disowned me by crowning him, he was the Youngest sibling between us.." hela explained, "He punched father in the face, and told him he refused."

She didn't know why, but she felt like she could trust them, and tell them,

"He stood up for me on my biggest day,, on the day when I was most weakest he comforted me. Thats, when...thats when I started to grow feelings for him...I started, to love him...."

She glanced over to Shiro who was paying rapt attention. Hela smiled at him,

"It wasn't until a long time later, our feelings truly became known, and we confessed, that's when we became lovers."

Hela gazed at each of them, Yes, they are worthy, the power, the backstory, everything, they were worthy of him, they were worthy of her.

She glanced at Shiro for a long moment, before glancing back at them.

"Normally I wouldn't do this, I would kill you, and then punish my mate, for cheating on me." Hela took a deep breath, "But I see that it wasn't his fault, he had no memory of me until recently. You also have power that is greator than mine, which is admirable, as well as your love and devotion to my husband."

She looked at each of them in their eyes for a long moment, before she spoke.

"I accept your invitation to join Shiro's harem."

So, how waas it? If you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I.LOVE. POWERSTONES! Have a nice day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts