
Meeting Hela

Shiro looked around, "hm, nothing but Darkness...the occational crimson flames here and there, but still nothing but Darkness....Lex fix that Shall we?"

Shiro smiled...as a grey aura formed around him, illuminating the area around me... he found himself staring at a stunned Hela sitting on her throne...

"Much better..."

"You..." she muttered,

"Shiro smiled at her, "Hey Hella, it's been a while..."

Hela was anaylzing him from the distance, she knew that his power was greator than hers, but he was familar, it reminded her of....him, and looking into his soul, she confirmed it, this is indeed, her beloved brother. Balder, or is he Balder anymore?

She looked at him for a long moment, before nodding to herself.

"Yes, you are still him," she whispered, "though you have a different body, you are still the same, if not much greater..."

She could feel many emotions, start to flood her being once she confirmed, who he was...The biggest emotion she had ever felt, was Happiness, pure...Happiness, and when he spoke...it was a different, tone, but it was a familar one all the same, she giggled softly as she rose from her thrown, and walked towards him.

"Yes, balder, about 6 thousand years at most..." she said with a soft smile, trembling slightly

He smiled at her...."I go by Shiro now...hela chan...."

Hela raised an eyebrow at him, "Chan?"

"It's the language that the mortals use." Shiro shrugged his shoulders, "It's like a pet name."

, "So, you have really missed me that much Darling?" Hela giggled, "well I do not mind being your..."Pet." it has been a couple thousand years since we last mated~"

Shiro shuddered at her tone, and the look of her eyes was about the look of pure lust and love, it was like she was using all of her might, just to stop herself from jumping on him, and taking him here and now. Which she was.

Hela looked...him, she waslike a mixture between Comic book hella and mcu hella, She looked incredibly beautiful, but shiro was living with three Goddesses at home so it didn't effect him. He just looked at her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry...but before you do anything, you will have to take it up with my other mates." Shiro said wincing slightly as she frowned.

"Other...mates?" she growled. Shiro winced, at the fury and betrayal in her tone. "Yes, I was reincarnated, I didn't regain my memories till recently," Shiro explained quickly, "but they had accepted you.You just have to meet them in person."

"Shiro...dear, if you ever take me to meet them, I will kill them." Hela snarled, Shiro slapped her sending her crashing to the ground. He looked at her with a frown " as I said, I did not know of you till now, I love them like I love you, and they are my family. I love them so much.."

Hela was on the ground in shock...but slowly, a blush started to form on her cheeks, "You are definitely my beloved brother, only he will be able to slap me like you did." Hela chuckled softly...

Nobody had the balls, they were either cowards, weaklings who couldn't touch her even if they wanted too, or just men who wouldn't touch her just because she is a woman.

Balder slapped her all the time when ever she did...or say something stupid how hard the slap was would depend on the level of stupidity she dealt with. It was basically since, father didn't raise her, "Shiro...not at all better than Balder, but...it's acceptable. Something I will have to get used to, Balder....or at least, his true reincarnation did, he became her daddy,and she loved it.

Shiro blinked, noticing the blush on her cheeks , he shook his head,

Right, she is the type of woman that loves to be dominated.

She slowly got up and smiled at him.

"Very well, bring your mates to me" she said, "and then I shall decided if they are worthy of having you myself."

Please tell me what I did wrong so I can correct it, and don't forget, if you like it, vote powerstones, have a good day

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts