
The Strongest Pocket-Monster.

Wishing to be Reincarnated as a Master of Pokemons but instead got reincarnated as one, follow the life of Alex turned into a blissful tragedy to 'read' how he Adapts and Overcomes the Challenges posed by Legends themselves in his path. — A newbie as a author and I don't really know much about Pokemon world in detail, so excuse me if I make some mistakes. My English should be readable. At least, I won't gender-bend my characters by each paragraph, that I can assure. To be honest, I am writing this because I have spare time and a idea to what I would be writing, so there might be some cases where I miss the regular updates, or even, drop this story if readers don't like it. I mean, what would be the purpose to continue when nobody wants to read this, right? Just write "Drop" in the comment section to let me know.

infinite_glory · Cómic
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14 Chs


For a few days, Alex had stayed in professor Oak's farm and studied about the various Pokemons in his farm, while the said professor had run him through several tests and diagnosis to check his health.

Why you ask? That's because Alex was categorised as a wild Pokemon who fed himself on other wild Pokemons. And now Oak had to make sure that he was perfectly fit to become Scarlet's starter, before they began their journey.

But unknown to Scarlet, who was purchasing all the necessary utilities and getting prepared for their journey, Alex had decided to make a great move that would bring a great change in future.

"A-Are you sure about this?" Dragonite asked as he wryly looked at Alex.

"Yeah, come at me with all you've got!" Alex challengingly gestured at the Flying Dragon-type, "I want to evolve into my next stage in this fight." Alex could feel that he was nearing his level up, and the only means to evolve was to level up without forcing back his evolution.

So, if he wanted to be a Charizard, he would have to level up two times in total. Not to mention, Levelling up was a pain in this stage. There weren't any strong enough opponents around to give him a challenge.

Even his friend Dragonite was only level 72, but he was a tough opponent compared to those around. Alex had already defeated him before, but that didn't mean he couldn't gain experience from him through their battle.

The condition of this fight were, Dragonite was not going to hold back his moves on him, while Alex would mostly dodge until he feels like he's going to evolve.

"Then, here I go!"

Dragonite started the Battle by using "Aqua tail" as his first move. He knew that Alex's only vulnerability was Water-Type attacks, otherwise Physical moves didn't seem to damage him at all.

Alex dodged the attack and used "Leer" on his opponent and then a immediate "Scary face". The combo had worked like he had expected, because these two one after another deal a good job at bringing down the opponent's defense then scaring it to leave their guard open.

Dragonite used "Dragon Dance" to boost his speed and power, then charged at Alex with "Thunder Punch".

The "Thunder Punch" clearly hit on Alex's jaw due to Draginite's high flying speed, but even so, he didn't lose composure and maintained his stance.

But Dragonite didn't stop there, he "Binded" his opponent by holding him tightly and released a "Water Pulse" on Alex from a very close range.

The "Water Pulse" Created a blast on impact, which had also dealt damage to Dragonite as well due to the close range, but the damage he retained couldn't be compared to what Alex must've felt.

"You're clearly enjoying this opportunity I gave you, aren't you?" Alex got up as the dust cleared and "Glared" at Dragonite.

Dragonite sheepishly looked away, "You did wanted this, right? I can stop if you want."

"No." Alex immediately declined as he saw his Level bar on 98% from the corner of his eyes on Status screen. He could also feel the rush of energy flowing through him, and this time, he wasn't stopping that flow.

"Then, so be it." Dragonite started charging a "Solar Beam" which didn't take as much time due to the current time being afternoon and a sunny day.

"Protect!" Alex took the "Solar Beam" head on by using the Shield of his protect, but even he knew that the shield wouldn't last long or sustain the complete damage of that beam.

Soon enough, the shield cracked and Alex was hit by the "Solar Beam" on his body.

Dragonite was actually worried when he didn't see any movement in the smoke of dust. But then, fiery red flames shot up from the dust like a pillar in the sky.

And Dragonite was actually intimidated by this. That might even be the fiercest "Blaze" he had ever seen his entire lifetime.

As the dust settled down, Dragonite first saw the huge claw of Alex from his entire form. A "Slash" from those claws could be considered lethal at this point, even illegal at official matches.

"So, how do I look?"

"You look cool." Dragonite said in awe as he looked at the towering figure of the most unusual Charmeleon ever to be seen.

He wasn't orange, but completely red as if a Danger sign that could be seen from afar. Even as a Charmeleon, Alex was bigger than any of the Charizard species. Dragonite would've even confused Alex for a magnificent Charizard, if he hadn't noticed the lack of a wings on his back.

"Let's end this." Alex suggested with a sadistic smug grin.

"I am running, fuck you!" Dragonite immediately took off in the sky and ran away at his maximum speed.

"Tch." Alex clicked his tongue in annoyance, "That's why flying type are so annoying to deal with, they can run away wherever they want and have benefits of attacking from sky."

Alex noticed that he was burning the grass field he was standing on, and that his shoulders were on fire. He was actually reminded of Charizard's Gigantamax form right now, but he did know that this wasn't the same case.

Alex retracted back all the flames on his body that were set on by the "Blaze" earlier, which only left the flame on his tail remain on.

"Maybe, I should start practicing my new moves in this form." Alex thought aloud and nodded, "I also have to get used to my body, but first, Status."

[Name: Alexander Pendragon

Form: Charmander→Charmeleon

Type: Fire/True Dragon/Fighting/Ground

Abilities: Adapt and Overcome

Gender: Male

Level: 142→143

HP: 5930→6120

Attack: 468→532

Defense: 980→1190

Sp. Atk: 489→491

Sp. Def: 670→692

Speed: 890→896

Total: 9427→9921

Moves: *Fire Fang, *Metal Claws, *Iron Tail, *Blaze....]

"Let's Master these new moves first." Alex thought aloud and turned on his "Metal Claws". He noticed that they were like extended form of his Claws, but they were more like made of energy than having a physical structure.

"What about my tail then?" He turned and looked at his long wavy tail, which was now sturdy enough to use moves like "Iron Tail". He used the said moved and saw that his Tail actually turned into Iron while giving off a bright shine.

"Then how about this?" He used "Blaze" on his tail and set the active "Iron Tail" on fire.

[Unique move created: "Blazing Iron Tail"]

"Oh, it works!" Alex cheered happily with a loud roar and "Flamethrower" in the sky.

After his celebration, he started practicing all of his moves with the aim of until he gets exhausted. He really wanted to Master his "Blazing Iron Tail" first because it was really powerful and also looked cool on him. The move could do some really good damage to even Rock-Type Pokemons.

But in the midst of his training session, he felt a gust of wind behind him. Alex thought that it might be Dragonite who had come back to check on him, but he was surprised to see a powerful looking Charizard with a human man and Scarlet.

"C-Charmander?" Scarlet was wide-eyed at seeing the humongous form of Charmeleon in front of her. He looked very cool with his "Metal Claws" and "Iron Tail" activated while the latter was set on fire.

"Oh, I evolved!" Alex told her with a prideful tap on his chest, "And who is this?" He titled his head as he looked at the Brown haired man, though he could see the resemblance in Scarlet and him.


"Father, to be precise." The Charizard told him with a grin of his own, "You really are a unique one, boy."

Alex raised brow at the comment, "You think you're stronger than me?"

"Oh, is that a challenge?" The Charizard grumbled as he puffed his chest and stood taller.

"Both of you, stop." Red interjected the bout and patted the back of his Charizard.

And seeing this, Scarlet went to Charmeleon's side, which she noticed that he was now even more taller than her.

"Really, how are you so gigantic?" Scarlet wondered aloud in confusion as she stared at him.

"Are you sure that you didn't eat a Gigantamax stone at birth?" Charizard commented mockingly with a smirk.

"Don't provoke him, Charizard." Red told his partner seriously, "You know what phase he must be going through if he has evolved just now."

"Then isn't it better to show his place?" Charizard thought aloud as he raised a doubtful eyebrow at Alex, to see if he would react to the obvious provocation and attack him madly.

"Why don't we just have a battle then? It would be my first fight with my Trainer, after all." Alex offered with a challenging look, "Then we'll see who belongs where."

"He's good." Red said with a nod of acknowledgement as he understood what the Charmeleon was saying, "Take care of Scarlet, Charmeleon. I can see that you're very strong, but it's also bad if you get too full of yourself."

"I have learnt the hard way, so you don't have to teach me." Alex released a silent growl and looked away. He deactivated his claws and tail, since he decided to also end his training for now.

"When are we leaving?" Alex asked as he looked at his trainer.

"Tomorrow." Scarlet replied with a happy smile, "We'll be leaving for the Viridian city tomorrow morning and see if we can challenge the gym there."

"Don't be surprised." Charizard told Alex as he saw the astonishment on his face, "She can understand you because she has experience talking with Pokemons from a young age. She's also a trainer Aura user like her father."

"Oh." Alex nodded as he understood, "Hey, do you know how to use Fire Spin?" The attack required the movement of wings, so Alex didn't know this move yet.

"Oh, is that a question?" Charizard smirked, "Come, I'll show you how to use those moves like a pro!" he patted Alex's back and took him a distance away into the empty fields.

"Ah, they're getting along." Red said with a fond smile, "Scarlet, that Charmeleon really is very huge. I had heard the rumours of him till Unova, but I can't believe that he really exists. Even Lance and Liza thought that it was a silly joke from the Rookie trainers."

"He's really nice." Scarlet said with a serious nod, no longer smiling, "He doesn't disrespects me like a typical Fire-Dragon-type, but he also doesn't trusts me yet."

"Yet." Red pointed out with a assuring smile and patted her head, "I know that you'll gain his trust in your journey."

"Though, I must say that your Starter really is very free minded and you lucked out to have such a strong one." Red thought aloud as he looked at his stupid Charizard showing off, and the Charmeleon foolishly trying "Fire Spin" despite not having wings.

"He's strong." Red scowled seriously as he looked at the Charmeleon's Aura.

"Well, he is." Scarlet stated with a smug grin, and noticed that her Dad was still very serious, "I'll be careful of Team Rocket."

"Hm." Red smiled back at her and ruffled her hairs, "Let's get to home now. You're starting your journey tomorrow, while I still have many jobs as the Elite Champion."

"Show off." Scarlet snorted and started running towards Charmeleon to take him back. He really was stubborn regarding his stay in Pokeball. Shouldn't he know that he's too big and intimidating to show around to the other trainers?

The Journey will begin in next chapter.

infinite_glorycreators' thoughts