
The Strongest Lunarian in One Piece

Name: El Race: Lunarian, Giant Power: Mythical Zoan Fruit, the Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Quetzalcoatl Wife: Charlotte Linlin Childrens: 88, Half Lunarian and Half Giant Ambitions: King of the World — Patreon(.)com/Bleam — 50 Advance Chapters!

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53 Chs

[Sponsored] Chapter 24: G-12 vs Giants

[This chapter is proudly sponsored by "Godphaze." Please join me in expressing your thanks in the comments! If you're interested in sponsoring a chapter, consider joining the Patreon.]


"El… this guy..."

"Isn't he under ten years old?"

"He's already mastered Elbaf's most precious spear technique!"

Witnessing this astonishing display, the giants present were left speechless, jaws nearly hitting the ground. They stared in awe at El, who stood tall after his attack, not even out of breath.


"That was incredible, El!"

"As expected of a warrior blessed by the Sun God!"

The giants of the Giant Warrior Pirates erupted in excitement, surrounding El and lifting him high into the air, tossing him up in celebration. Though their leader was absent, it was clear that El had become their stand-in. At such a young age, having already mastered "Elbaf's Spear" was a sign of unimaginable potential.

"You're amazing, El!"

"I hope I can reach that level someday!"

Watching El's impressive feat, Linlin, Gerd, and Hajrudin were filled with admiration, their eyes shining with determination and pride.

"Looks like it's time to get a better sword…"

Finally freed from the giants' exuberant cheers, a slightly flustered El pointed to the sword at his waist with a smile. "If I keep using Elbaf's Spear like that, this sword won't last much longer!"

Though the blade hadn't cracked yet, El could sense it was wearing down. It was just a training sword, and after all the intense sessions and El's rapidly increasing strength, it was already struggling under the pressure.

"No worries, I'll forge you a new one—much better than this! Gahaha!" A muscular giant, known for his blacksmithing skills, grinned as he spoke. He was a renowned swordsmith of Elbaf, responsible for crafting weapons for legendary warriors like the Blue Ogre Dorry and the Red Ogre Brogy.

"Thanks! I'll be counting on you!"

El laughed. He preferred large double-edged swords over delicate weapons like katanas or rapiers. He had high standards, but wasn't in a rush for a personalized weapon just yet. Since his body was still growing, he planned to wait until his eventual size was clear before investing in a true masterpiece.



"Enemy attack! The enemy is the Giant Warrior Pirates! All personnel, enter battle mode immediately!"

At the G-12 Marine base, shrill alarms blared as Marines scrambled to their positions.

"Damn it, it's a fleet of giants!"

"They're with the Giant Warrior Pirates... that ancient ship really exists!"

"Why? Didn't the Navy almost execute some of their members before 'Saint Mother' intervened to calm tensions with the giants?"

"Have they gone mad? The Navy didn't provoke them!"

"Are those giants planning to bite the hand that spared them?"

"What's going on?"

As the Marines stared at the approaching fleet and the enormous, menacing figures aboard the ships, cold sweat formed on their brows. They readied themselves for battle. The sky had darkened, thick with clouds heralding an oncoming storm.

"Those lunatics... are they out of their minds?"

From the G-12 base, Vice Admiral Modi stared at the giant fleet in a mix of anger and disbelief. "They dare attack a Navy stronghold without provocation?"

Seeing the Giant Warrior Pirates' flagship draw closer, heedless of their warnings, Modi gritted his teeth and shouted, "Open fire!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Cannons roared from the Marine ships and coastal defenses, hurling artillery shells at the giants' vessels.

"The Navy…"

Onboard the 'Great Eirik', El's eyes gleamed coldly as he watched the approaching Marine firepower. The flames behind his head flared, burning intensely. Having spent most of his life on the run, hunted by the World Government and its agents, El harbored a deep-seated hatred for them. He recalled how he had been forced to incinerate his parents' bodies and scatter their ashes at sea to prevent the World Government from desecrating them.

"Roar—" El's body rapidly expanded, transforming into the massive figure of the winged serpent god, Quetzalcoatl. He soared into the sky with a powerful beat of his wings.

"What is that?"

"A giant snake? A strange bird?"

"It must be some sort of Devil Fruit ability!"

"Don't let it get near! Shoot it down!"

"It's flying into the sky!"

The sudden appearance of the gigantic winged serpent above the ancient giant ship left many Marines stunned.


El soared high into the stormy clouds, surrounded by crackling lightning as he circled the darkened sky. His voice boomed down from above, shaking the heavens: "Prepare to meet your end, Marines… 'Heaven's Wrath!'"

"Rumble… rumble…"

Thunder roared as thick bolts of lightning burst from the storm clouds, striking the G-12 base.

"Boom! Boom!"


It was as if the heavens themselves had unleashed their fury. Lightning struck relentlessly, hitting buildings, ships, and defensive cannons, while soldiers fell where they stood. Explosions echoed as munitions stores ignited, sending flames and black smoke billowing into the sky.

"Soru! Damn it, what kind of monster is this?!"

Vice Admiral Modi, using advanced Haki, barely dodged a lightning bolt. His face paled as he gazed at the fearsome winged serpent above. Even as a Vice Admiral, confident in his strength, he had no idea how to handle this level of destruction—especially with a horde of giant warriors closing in.


Meanwhile, powerful gusts of wind filled the sails of the giant ships, propelling them forward at breakneck speed toward the G-12 base.


"Commanding the wind, controlling the storm?"

"This is El's true strength?"

"Big Brother El is amazing! So strong!"

Even the giants, typically proud of their strength, were dumbfounded by the sight. Linlin, Hajrudin, and Gerd—who considered themselves close to El—were equally stunned, having never witnessed anything like it.


"El has cleared a path for us! Let's go!"

"We can't let down the reputation of Elbaf's giant warriors!"

"Crush these contemptible Marines!"

"Kill them all!"

With morale soaring, the giants charged forward. One after another, their enormous ships broke through the Navy's defenses, ready to unleash their fury upon the base.