
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasía
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59 Chs

the retaking of Euberios Empire dungeons

Kana wakes up and it's morning. She looks around and saw Lucifer in her adventurer's clothes sitting on a chair in a corner writing at a book with a lot of eyes.

Kana's POV…

What's with that strange book? Why does it possess a huge ominous aura? As I stare at it feels like I'm standing right in front of Gateway to hell.

Out of curiosity, Kana asked, "What is that scary book?"

Lucifer was surprised and said, "Oh you're awake? Did I scare you? I'm sorry."

Lucifer immediately hide the book using her power and Kana said, "No, not at all. It's just that book is emitting such a huge and terrifying aura."

Lucifer assured Kana and said, "Look it's nothing, you don't have to worry about it. You can rest assured that everything is fine."

Kana seems to lose her fear and said, "Ok, if that's what you said."

Kana's stomach growls as if she's hungry and Lucifer heard it.

Lucifer smiled and took a pouch of gold coins and asked, "What do you want to eat? It will be my treat."

Kana said, "I want to eat that skewer that we ate yesterday."

Lucifer scratch her head and asked, "Is there anything else that you wanted? We've already had that yesterday."

Kana grab onto Lucifer like she wants to persuade her and said, "But it's very delicious."

Lucifer just gave up as she looked at Kana's puppy eyes and said, "Alright, I'll just add it to our breakfast menu later. Now let's go."

Lucifer talk to Amand through her mind and said, "You may launch an assault first I'll just follow you guys but remember that leave the ring leader to me."

Amand asked Lucifer and said, "Master, I'm not sure we will get in so smoothly because we are standing in the middle of a battle between 3 armies."

Lucifer got surprised and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Amand answered, "Earlier when we are about to reach the dungeon we saw 2 armies from different countries have an encounter with each other and fought right in front of the dungeon. When the fight starts to break out another army came out of the dungeon led by 2 individuals."

Lucifer smiled and said, "So the dungeon was already conquered before we came in."

Amand said, "That's probably it master and the interesting part here is that they're also a demon, probably from this world."

Lucifer said, "Just like Rosean."

Amand said, "Yes, just like her."

Lucifer sighed and said, "Oh well, the goal is still the same. I want you to take in charge of stealing our territory back to us. You may use your power as long as it doesn't attract unwanted attention. I know as long as you and Lykka are there you will be able to get the dungeon back to us. Also, please leave the leader to me. The leader is mine alone to deal with."

Amand said, "As you wish master."

Amand looked at the other 3 with him and they are Shaggnauht, Lykka, and Milina

Amanda speak up and said, "Just now, the master put me in charge here and he gave us the order to launch the assault. We can go all out as much as we like as long as it doesn't gather unnecessary attention. Moreover, master told me that as long as me and Lykka are here there won't be any problem conquering this dungeon. Probably master wants us to take care of the enemies inside while you and Milina will take care of the outside including those 2 individuals. Also, don't forget the clothes master prepared for you earlier. She ordered us to use a disguise when we are using our powers."

Shaggnauth got bored with Amand's very long explanation and said, "Alright, can you just stop talking now and let us head to the battlefield already?"

While the 4 of them are talking the battlefield is getting more intense and the individuals that lead an army out of the dungeon are watching the battlefield while guarding the entrance of the dungeon.

One of them start to get irritated and said, "Damn it, why aren't there any interesting opponents popping up?"

The other calms the person and said, "Calm down Davies, this is not the time for you to complain on such a small matter like this. One day we will be facing a powerful opponent. All you just need to do is to stay calm and wait."

Davies asked, "But how long will it takes, Draven?"

"Right now, they're coming." As he said it a huge explosion echoes throughout the battlefield.

Davies smiled like he was expecting the battle will be so much fun.

The 2 watch the armored beings fought against each other. The other one with a masculine body and a long big sword is human while the other one is fat with a horn at his face like a mammoth and sword and shield.

The 2 of them clashed against each other like their life depends on it.

The human pointed his sword and ask, "You, who are you? You are not human. You are an orc. Does the Almin kingdom take some orcs under their wing or you're from a different country?"

The orc smiled and is prepared to attack and said, "That's quite a rude thing to say. You should be the one who's introducing yourself before you ask for someone else name."

"Heh, so you don't have any manners? Well, that's pretty common for a monster like you. I'll let that attitude of yours slide so I'm going to introduce myself. My name is Julius, I'm the captain of the 6th infantry division of the Oratio knight squad that will take over this place in the name of our wizard king Cedric the 3rd." As Julius said he stood up straight with confidence.

The orc smirked and attack Julius and said, "Well it's a pleasure to get to know you Julius and my name is Boros I'm a captain of the orc squad that's leading the assault against you humans and we will make sure that we will reign superior on this battle."

Julius block his attack and said, "Over my dead body!"

Julius and Boros exchange attacks against each other and push each other away to prepare for their powerful attack.

Julius's sword glows with Golden light and said, "Take this heavenly slash!"

Boro's aura starts to radiate and said, "Take this! Barnaculous attack!"

The 2 of them move so fast and exchange blow from each other like they don't want to give up and stop on what they are doing and as they exchange attack from each other the whole place is being sent flying like there is a storm at the area.

Boro's smiled and said, "You are very surprising despite holding a big sword you were able to keep up with my strength and speed."

"No, I'm more impressed at that size of yours you were able to keep up with me." As Julius said it he smiled like he finally met an opponent that can rival his strength.

They are going to fight again but they stop as they heard someone clapping their hands and Boros and Julius look around to find the source of the sound.

As the clap goes on they heard a voice of a man saying, "Oh, they really are the opponent that we have been waiting for Brother. They really are strong."

Another person speak up and said, "You are right brother, all I just have to do is wait until our opponent arrives."

Boros shouted, "Whoever you are stop hiding and face us, you cowards!"

They clap stops and they heard Davies speaking, "Wait, is that stupid Bore trying to mock us?"

"Just like what you have said, they're dumb but it's boring hiding forever so why don't we just show up and send them to their own deaths?" As Draven said it they both laugh and walk out behind a huge rock near them.

Boros and Julius saw two twin brothers that has silver hair and black clothing and gloves and they both have blue eyes. The only difference that they have is that Davies hair is curly while Draven's hair is all straight.

Draven said with a taunting expression, "So what now? Are you just going to stare at us or you're going to fight us?"

"Nah, they are just a bunch of cowards who backs out of the battle the moment they saw their deaths." Said Davies.

Julius got annoyed at how they speak to and said, "Wow, you guys are a bunch of show off. Maybe I should teach them a lesson."

Julius charges at them so fast and attacks them.

Davies smiled and said, "This guy is growing impatient. Maybe I'll take him on."

Davies's right hand turns into a fist and punches Julius's incoming slash attack and creating a shockwave with an explosion. After that attack, they started to go on an intense battle.

"Well, there goes my brother living me behind. I guess I'll just go deal with the other one." Said Draven.

Draven look around to find Boros but he was not around and he asked, "Where the hell did that pig go?" As he said it he noticed that the whole place was so quiet and there are no army fighting each other like earlier.

Draven's POV…

Just what the hell happened here? Just earlier before we show up the army is fighting each other and now all I can hear is my brother's intense battle.

A few seconds later…

Wait, I can't their battle anymore. What the hell happened to my brother?

Draven runs like a horse to look for his brother around the forest but there's no one there not even a trace of a single person.

As he looks around he saw a walking humanoid tree carrying 2 dead bodies approaching his location.

He saw the 2 familiar dead bodies one is his brother while the other one is Julius's dead body.

Draven scream from the of his lungs as he saw his brother's lifeless body and he said, "What the hell did you do with my brother?!"

As he said the question a woman with a hooded black cloke appeared behind the humanoid tree and said, "Oh, there's a last survivor here. Did Shaggnauth leave you alive? If that's the case I'll dispose of you for his sake."

The woman is about to step closer but they heard a bone cracking and meat being chewed by a beast.

A man in a black hooded cloak appeared out of the forest shadows and said, "Wait, he's my prey. Stay away from him Milina."

"Alright, he's all yours but please stop creating a mess like that." The woman in hooded black cloke backs away.

Shaggnauth and Milina stop talking when they heard Draven talking in rage and said, "How dare you do this to my brother?! I'm going to kill all of you!"

Draven charges towards Milina but his vision turns around and rolls to the ground. As he stops he saw his headless body lying on the ground and right behind his body there was Shaggnauth with his long claws dripping with blood.

Draven's POV…

Wait, how the hell this man moved so fast? I didn't hear or see him coming and he couldn't have moved from that place to here in such a fast way unless he use magic. However, I can't detect any magic presence at all. Just how the hell did this guy do all of this? He's so terrifying, I'm scared.

Shaggnauth is slowly approaching Draven's head and Draven's expression trembles in fear and terror.

As Shaggnauthis approaches Draven he realized that his going to die then he said, "If you're going to kill me please spare my brother." He might be dead but his life is still there like his counting at life.

"My brother is a good boy. I'm the one who leads him to this. I'm the one who let this world turn him into this so please I'm begging you to let him out of this. If there's a God out there please let me be the one who takes all of the punishment and leaves my brother out of it."

Shaggnauth got a teary eye and Milina said, "So you remember your brother on him?"

Shaggnauth shook his head and wipe out his tears and said, "So what if I remember brother? There's no point in reminiscing on someone that's already gone."

"If you say so I'm just worried about you so don't take it so badly," Milina said it with a worried expression.

Shaggnauth assured Milina and said, "You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine. It will just take some time for me to recover from that nightmare."

"If you say so but if you think you can't handle it just remember me and the pillars of the demon kingdom and your people and of course, our master got your back. If there's something you want to release that deep within you just remember you got a family that you can rely on." Molina said these words to comfort Shaggnauth and Shaggnauth smile at how hard Milina trying to comfort him.

Shaggnauth shifted their conversation when they suddenly felt a powerful presence and said, "Holy shit, our master is coming we have to finish the task As Soon As Possible."

Molina said, "Then, what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Shaggnauth and Milina run and enter the dungeon to go after Lykka and Amand.