
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

the first council meeting part 2

Ignis explained the history of the eastern empire and said, "Long time ago before the eastern empire become a kingdom it was just a small village led by none other than me."

Lucifer asked, "Wait, are you practically saying that the eastern empire is a kingdom of fairies or it's just that the king itself is a fairy and the rest of the citizens are just normal people, am I right?"

Ignis said, " You are close, the falnir kingdom is a mixed race where humans and other races coexist together no matter how weak or strong your race is. That place is an ideal place for those people who wish to live in peace with the other races. I, the ruler during those times is having a hard time finding a country that will help us with our prosperity but no country would lay their finger to help us. However, there's only one country that offered help for us and that is the Euberios empire."

Lucifer's eyes grew wide open as if she heard something interesting and Ignis just continue talking, "Back then we are so hesitant on taking their help because of their bad reputation."

Lucifer asked with curiosity, "What do you mean by a bad reputation."

Ignis answered, "The Euberios empire abuses the countries that they conquer and show them absolute cruelty but that was the opposite truth; because the truth is that the Euberios empire was never cruel, evil, or anything bad. All the countries, nations, and kingdoms that falls under their control were growing to be more powerful and rich. After I realize this, I think those bad rumors were spread by a nation that wants to have the power of the Euberios empire but Lena never think about those bad rumors and she just focus on spreading their religion called Luciferity where they worship this God called Lucifer."

After hearing it Lucifer felt awkward and said, "Did you try joining Lena on that religion?"

Ignis answered, "I did try joining that religion but it didn't last long and I lost belief in Gods because sometime later Falnir kingdom falls into a state of civil war. 2 factions were formed in my kingdom, the 1st faction agrees with me joining the Euberios empire and the 2nd faction doesn't agree with this because of it's bad rumors. I come up with an investigation and I found out that my brother spread the information about me joining the empire and alter the truth about it with the help of my traitor best friend. I confronted him about this and realize how wrong is it to trust that person."

Lucifer got irritated and said, "Look, can we just skip to the part where Lena died, tell us what happened to Mare, and the thing about that light who teleported countless of powerful beings away from this world?'"

Ignis said, "As you can see my brother wields that sword that can rapture space time, and dimension that can forcefully teleport any beings depending on the amount of magic stored within that sword and that sword is the royal family's most precious weapon that was gifted to us by a powerful being. We don't know much about that person since he's already a legend to us. Moreover, this man is far more powerful than Seraph. It might be equal to or more powerful than you Lucifer."

Seraph was surprised at what she heard and Lucifer smirked.

I see, there's a creature that can rival my power. I wonder if he's dead or alive because if he's alive I would like to see how strong this person could get.

Ignis continue talking and said, "We had an intense battle. I thought we will be keeping on fighting forever since we are both equal in power. However, when he activate the power of the sword he became so powerful. It was like I'm standing right in front of Seraph and fighting her like my life depends on it. He crushed me until I fall to the ground. He activated another power hidden within that sword and created a ray of light that forced me to be teleported to another world. It took me 500 centuries to get back here and when I managed to return and find out that everything has changed. The kingdom that I and Lena created falls into darkness and terror. The country itself became a symbol of fear. My brother is long gone and has passed away if I remember correctly that time his 3rd generation of descendants of his own is the ruler.

I gather a lot of information on what happened after I disappear. I heard rumors that the emperor of the eastern empire which is my brother killed his traitor brother the former king, which is me. It was a hard battle for the emperor to kill me because I'm far more powerful than him. They said that his about to die but a God interfered to save him and gave him a powerful sword that ultimately crushed me into nothingness. I also gather information about how the Euberios empire disappeared but all I got is nothing. All I know is that there are 3 nations united themselves that were led by my brother. That was 10 years after I disappear. Also during my disappearance, I'm not the only one who disappeared at that time, other superior beings like the spirit king, the sea guardian kings, and the 20 protos disappear. It was probably the work of that sword that my brother uses. That's all the information that I know sorry if I can't tell you anything that you wanted to know."

Lucifer said, "It's okay I don't mind it, I understand your situation, and hearing your story made me change my mind about what I want with the eastern empire."

Ignis asked, "What is it that you wanted with the eastern empire?"

Lucifer answered, "I wanted the eastern empire to fall apart and be destroyed but after hearing your story I decided to invade by putting you as the king that we can control and you have no right to refuse me."

Mira speak up and asked, "What about the plans that you made? Will there be any changes?"

Lucifer answered, "No, there won't be any changes. The plan is to create a rebellion that will overthrow the nobles and emperor of the eastern empire and I want it to be a bloody hell for them."

Mira asked, "Why do you seek the destruction of the Eastern empire? Why are you so mad at them?"

Ignis said, "I want to ask the same question as well."

Lucifer answered, "You will find out once you see that temple."

Milina speak up and said, "Master, will there be any changes in establishing our kingdom?"

Lucifer answered, "Yes, I've already selected a location where you can start the construction of the kingdom. We will be heading there tomorrow by dawn."

Shaggnauth said, "You mean you're going with us?"

Lucifer said, "Yes, along with your new junior."

Lykka asked with happiness, "Wait, there's a junior coming?! Does that mean I'll be a big sister now?"

Lucifer said with a confused look, "I guess, I should take that as a yes? Anyways, now that you guys have shared information I'm going to give you a new task."

Everyone looked at her seriously like they are about to hear something very important.

Lucifer said, "Alright, let's start with you, Arthur. I know you're busy keeping an eye on the Gods and the demon lords. However, I want you to take a closer look at the strongest demon lord and try to see if he's involved with what happened to the Euberios empire."

Arthur said, "Rest assured master, I'll make sure that the northern empire will be investigated. We won't leave an unturned stone."

Lucifer looked at Lancelot and said, "Since you're going to the holy land of Yggdrasil within the western nation someday I want you to investigate the Teratio kingdom."

Lancelot said, "Yes my lord, I'll make sure it will be done."

Lucifer added, "Also, I'll give you an early warning. Don't provoke or attempt to fight that God, he's not within your league, and if you ever end up fighting give all of what you got to escape."

Lancelot bowed down with respect and said, "I'll keep that in mind, my lord."

Lucifer looked at Leviathan and said, "Leviathan, I want you to take over every corner of the black market and gather every bit of information regarding our meeting today."

Leviathan smiled and said, "Kekeke, I already anticipated that you, my lord will ask me to invade the black market someday, that's why I took the initiative to take the black market as our own."

Lucifer smiled happily and said, "That's impressive Leviathan, I like it. You didn't fail to impress me."

Leviathan looked at Lucifer and said, "I wouldn't be so sure about it."

Lucifer looked at Leviathan seriously and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Leviathan said, "There is a troublesome barrier that's stopping me to take over that last corner. The barrier is stopping me from getting inside their minds."

Lucifer asked, "Is it a barrier that blocks psychic ability?"

Leviathan answered, "Not really master since I can still use my power despite being inside that barrier."

Lucifer said, "That only confirms that the barrier is only set to stop someone from entering one's mind."

Leviathan said, "Yes master, that's also what I have confirmed."

Lucifer's POV…

Well, that's interesting, I didn't know such a barrier that can block mind penetration exists. This is getting interesting.

Leviathan sighed and said, "You know master, I've been itching to use force to attack that place but you ordered us to move within the shadows so I'm holding myself back."

Lucifer said, "You know you can do both of them right?"

Leviathan asked, "How master."

Lucifer said, "I'm attempting to create a cult called the shadow kingdom. That cult will help us use our power if necessary since all of you need to do is disguise yourself."

Lucifer flick his finger and 7 floating black masks and hooded cloaks appeared and Lucifer said, "All of you, these are the clothes that will be yours to use as a disguise when you need to use your full power."

All of them smiled happily as they look at the cloth. They look like a kid receiving a gift from Santa Claus.

Leviathan looked at Lucifer and said, "Does this mean you're giving the go signal to attack that place?"

Lucifer said, "No, I want you to find out how to destroy the barrier but when it comes down to it don't hesitate."

Leviathan bowed and said, "As you wish my lord."

Lucifer looked at Zestia and Mira and said, "Zestia, I want you to assist Mira on her task at the eastern empire."

Zestia stood up and said, "Wait, what about the barrier at Valiant City?"

Lucifer said, "You don't have to worry about it. I've already taken care of that. Once Mira is done with her task at the eastern empire you are free to go and do whatever you want. You won't have to worry about anything because you're a free woman."

Zestia said, "Does that mean I'm finally free?"

Lucifer answered, "Yes, you are a free individual."

Zestia asked, "What is Mira's task exactly?"

Lucifer answered, "She will create a wide rebellion within the empire and assassinate all of the royal family of that empire"

Zestia said, "I see."

Lucifer looked at Ignis and said, "And once Mira succeeds, Ignis will reclaim his rights to rule all over the eastern empire as its new king."

Ignis was surprised and said, "I'll be the king of that kingdom again?"

Lucifer answered, "Yes, you will become a king and our kingdom will establish diplomatic relations with you as a sign that we are allies."

Lucifer looked at Milina, Lykka, and Shaggnauth and said, "Lastly, Milina, Lykka, and Shaggnauth I want you to escort me on reclaiming Lena's territories as our own."

The 3 of them bowed down and said, "As you wish master, we will heed your request."

Lucifer clap her hand and took a deep breath and said, "Finally we're done with our meeting. If you have any question ask right ahead before Amand conclude the meeting."

Fiora and Seraph speak up and asked, "What about us?"

Lucifer said, "Seraph, I don't have anything in mind that I wanted you to do so you can just go and continue keeping a watchful eye all over the multiverse. While you Fiora, I want you to keep an eye on your master, is that clear?"

Fiora and Seraph said, "Yes!"

Lucifer looked at Amand to give him a signal to end the discussion and he responded, "Now, the meeting is concluded we will close this meeting. The contents of the meeting discussion will be sealed within the center of the round table."

Amand snap his finger and a giant black ball appeared. he said, "All of you place your left hand at the round table and raise your right hand."

All of them did what Amand asked them to do except Lucifer and said, "Now, I want you to repeat after me. I… now state your names. Repeat after me again. Do solemnly swear that I will not spread any information regarding today's meeting or else a curse will strike me to death."

As they all said it their left hand produce a black light and go towards the black ball. The black giant ball produce some kind of black crest and forcefully imbued the crest to their chest.

Amand said, "Sigh, now that the oath-taking is over it's time to end this meeting. By the power vested in me, I declare the 1st council meeting is close. You may now live this place and go do the task that our lord and God have given to you."

A lot of portal shows out of nowhere and they all left except Lucifer and Amand stayed behind while Seraph and Fiona fly away together.

Amand got curious and asked, "Why you didn't leave, master? What is it that is bugging you?"

Lucifer answered, "I've been thinking about the information that we got and the information that we will obtain tomorrow. Are we gonna be able to find out who the God killer is tomorrow?"

Amanda said, "Yeah, I also hope that we will able to find who the God killer is."

Lucifer said, "I already have a clue of who is it. All I just know is that person is close."

Amand got curious and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Lucifer asked, "Do you remember that enslavement technique that I created?"

Amand answered, "Yes master, why did you ask me that?"

Lucifer asked another question "Do you remember those chains restraining Fiora's heart earlier? If you do tell me the difference between my technique and that chain surrounding her heart."

Amand said, "Wait, isn't it that technique you created?"

Lucifer said, "It is the technique that I've created Amand. When I went silent earlier I created 2 theories."

Amand was surprised and said, "What, in just a few minutes you managed to come up with 2 theories?"

Lucifer said, "Yes, in my 1st theory I think that you and Arthur may have accidentally told anyone about this. In 2nd theory, there is a possibility that my wife is back but these are just theories with no actual proof and the only way for me to find more clues is that I need to go to the Euberios empire ruins. Lena might be able to tell us something that can help us with this."

Amand got curious and asked, "That's a great idea but when do you exactly plan to start?"

Lucifer answered, "We will begin tomorrow by dawn so let's go now and make preparations."

Lucifer creates a portal and left the scene along with Amand

Meanwhile, Fiora and Seraph fly together and Fiona speaks up and said, "By the way, why did you summon that terrifying creature? You know how very well how powerful she is, right?"

Seraph stops flying after hearing Fiora's question and said, "You know I'm not the one who wants him here, right? That person in memory asked me to do it. I got curious about him so I kept on keeping an eye on him since his birth and until he die and got reincarnated to this world. With his goal in mind, I'm confident that Lucifer is not an enemy that we need to keep an eye on. I saw how he slay those hundreds of Gods in just a single shot of his arrow, he even create a powerful book out of the souls of the Gods and that book can manipulate the fate of a person, world, galaxy, or multiverse but the timeline itself."

Fiora asked, "What do you mean by that? What is your point here?"

Seraph answered, "My point is, if she's our enemy we would be long gone. The whole timeline will be long gone. We won't have the chance to see him face to face because we are already dead."

Fiora froze at Seraph's word and Seraph left her.

Fiora's POV…

Seraph is right, if Lucifer sees us as an enemy we will be long gone. It was my first time seeing a person like Lucifer who didn't let himself be controlled by his overwhelming power. She's different from my master, my master is ruthless. I hope that one day I'll be able to meet Lucifer again and ask him to save me and the others who have fallen prey to the hands of our master.