

Maliah is 21 years old countryside girls. She was usually a good girl but after she met her first love Sean, she has changed a lots. She met him at the college fresher festival of her graduation. Sean was also from the same hometown but he loves to travel around and he met new peoples from different areas. He is so extroverted which was definitely opposite to Maliah. From the first meeting, Sean always flirty around her and became his girlfriend. He changed her behaviour and made Maliah worried about a lots. It made Maliah clingy and anxious person. After they finished their graduation, Sean send the breakup text and hide from her. It was the first disaster for her life. She drop her grade and couldn't get into her dream university for Post-graduate. Every things turned into turn into despair and she became numb. She felt herself as a trash. She realised and regret her time spending unnecessarily on him after the breakup. One day she pray to God that if the God gave him the chance to go back at the past, she would definitely be in a relationship with another guy who would treat her better because she deserved better. Suddenly, she wake up in her 17 years old body. It was like a dream and god granted her prayer. At this moment, she tried to skipped the chance to Sean but she met Ryan at the torment incident. He save her. From that moment, Maliah want to be friend with him and gave him his kindness act again as he was the her savior. But she was transferred to another college by her parent. Luckily, Ryan was her classmate and they become friends day by day. But, Maliah didn't knew that Ryan was spy and to collect the data record by the Higher authority as the college was listed in the corruption list. Everything was successful happened in the past, before Maliah came to the past but she didn't get full information about the incident as she wasn't transferred to that college in the past. But Ryan was caught and framed as a fruad by the hired authority i.e. the government. Now, Maliah was the girl from future and Ryan was with him. As Maliah always tried to closed to Ryan, what will be the fate for Ryan as well as Maliah at this time... *ALL THE CHARACTERS AND INCIDENTS WERE FICTIONAL AND FANTASY. THEY ARE NOT RELATED WITH HISTORICAL NOR PRESENT INCIDENTS.*

SHINHEIBI · Adolescente
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10 Chs

Unexpected classmate

'WHOOSSHH!' the breezy wind struck on the window's curtain. Maliah swept up the blanket , "Why do my nerves still chilling? I need to sleep." She remembering the day made her more weary. "Today was ruined with that death jerk and the psycho." she grunted.

(Ryan's room)

'Tick-tock! Tick-tock!' while Ryan mediated his paperworks, only the clock sound can be heard. Ryan scrolled his SNS news feeds, his icy eyes was lured with today's hot topic 'UNBEATABLE HUSSIAN WAS FOUND DEATH ON THE RIVER BANK' and grinning sheepishly.

'Zizzzh-zizzz...'the phone vibration broke out the moment and pick up the call,

"Hello!" "Yes, it's 4248 and our troop had accomplished the mission." " Yes, the mission 908 is successful." Ryan hale down his burden and cut the line.

Ryan looked at the framed photo on the table, " Maa, Paa.. Hussian is death. Now, your souls may rest in peace." he hissed and thrown himself to the bed. He gasp and bat down his revengeful emotion. "From today, the nightmare that happens to you has ended" he stated and comforted for a deep sleep.

'Ding!' a notification pass out. Boring boy uttered the text,


The new case has to collect the college financial record data for 5 years. It was listed as corrupted college but couldn't find any clues. So, you're admitted as a B.A. 1st year student. The class will be commencing on 7th July 2016.

Location: Manipur Montessori College

Target: Collect the financial record

Troop no: 8 ( persons- 1 teacher, 1 student and 1 peon)

Maximum year plan: 3 years.]

He blinked and zinged his body, " What? No way! 26 years old me as a student and has to attend class everyday And how about my PhD at Manipur University." He dig up the pillow with his head as he couldn't do it and yelled "Ahhhh!"

(Some days later, 7th july' 2016 at the college)

"Here is the next mission with this teenage fellows." he sat next to Miss.Ria, the contract assistant teacher or Spy. 1056. "So where is No.2111?"

"He hasn't entry officially." Miss.Ria stated and driven their inside the campus.

The campus was wow and swayed the eyes; neat and clean; well-organised and high infrastructure. Ryan wondered "I felt nothing bad with this. Did we messed into the wrong location?"

"Sometimes, the gold was plated on copper and look like a real gold on the viewer eyes." Her statement made him speechless. They parked their car and she warned, "4248, this must be your third mission. It may looked easy but 'You can't find the real culprit in the bunch of actors.' pin down in your head." both of them step out and retreat on thier own ways.

Ryan checked his ID card ,

[Name: Max Ningthoujam

Address: Hiyangthang Maning Awang Leikai, Imphal West. Class: B.A 1st year

D.O.B.: 01-01-1998 Blood group:O+rh

Phone no.: +91-93621-49182 ].

He knuckled with his new ID "Max, 18 years old" and took a selfie with his new phone. "Gee! That's why I was chosen as a student." he continued his shooting with a wink.

'Splat' Jina rushed over the Ryan's shoulder and smashed his phone. "Sorry! Sorry! I was late for something but step on you." she apologised and clean up but she can't hand over the scratchy and broken phone, "Sorry for this, I know it's my fault." she wrote her no. on a notepad and handed with his phone, "Here is my number call me." and headed to the principle office.

"Wow! Who is that girl?" Ryan clutched his chest and felt the strong rhythmic beat "She can ceased me. Am I really? No way, I don't fall so easy." he snorted but eyes obsessed in the way of her.

Ryan entered the class, the scene of the teenagers withdrawl his soul to step back. "There's they go with an irresponsible acts." he murmured "That's why I attend at special college in my period." He choosed the last third corner seat for the perfect spot to watched everyone and everything around. 'Just sit here and be friendly. Dear Ryan, you're a teenage student' he command in his mind.

'Splash!' on Ryan's desk out of nowhere and the water dripping drop by drop on his pant. 'Whack! Thud!' he kick off the desk on the intruder who splited and smacked on her chest. Ryan's stand up steadily but his glazed at others shows DON'T-MESS-UP-WITH-ME. He grabbed the desk and talked beneath the it, "Hey! You clumsy, take off the books on your face and don't tried to messed up with fresher." he threatened and take his seat. He thought it was the fresher ragging that he heard in the rumour but the girl was not doing it on purposed.

But 'SPLASH!' on Ryan's face. The room was ceased and drop everyone's jaw. 21 years old Maliah's nerves came into 17 years old Maliah's body. She was already changed after she met Sean, no more timid nor elegant. "Watched your line. I didn't do it on purposed." Maliah sternly disappointed him and apologies with a little bent, "But I know how to say, SORRY!" She grabbed her bag and moved out from the class. Her acts was beyond Rima's expectation and followed her, " Wait for me..."

Ryan flickered to stop with clenched fist on the wall, "STOP! Where did you learned that?" and raised his voice "YOU.." but shortened at once after seeing her with a quick bark of laughter, " What! Is you?"

Maliah stared at his face and pouted. She looked at Rima to escape from the spot. Rima cloud not understand her signal. Maliah sent chill down on the spine but cautiously she snapped on Ryan's shirt colar and deceived her frozen spine "Yeah! It's me. And I have already apologised you. So, get out from my way." she swapped him on the side and walked step toward the GIRLS WASHROOM.

(Inside the washroom)

"Wow! You have teach that brat a lesson. Wow! I didn't expect that from my girl." Rima cheered.

"Why is he sitting the same classroom? Hussh..." Maliah mumbled and swept off her clothes.

"What? Who is he? Oh! That guy." Rima stated and looked back again, "Do you know him? And you guys talked like you've already met."

"It's nothing." Maliah tried to shortened it as she can't leaked any news about that incident.

"Are you hiding something? Tell me..." Rima nagged " Tell me about it, I wanna know it too.."

Maliah fling down and intend to joint the class, "He is a pervert that I just met on the road, and I don't want to talked about it anymore. So, let's joined the class. It's almost 10."

(In the classroom)

Maliah looked around but she could not find Ryan anymore. It made her giving off the annoying atmosphere. She took on the last 4th seat near to the window, with next to Rima. She gasp with a heavy blow, "Ah! I like this atmosphere."

"Yeah! It sunny and breezy too. Hmmm, nice day.' Rima smilet.

By 10 am, a teacher came with Ryan in the classroom, Maliah thought that he had complaint about the current issue 'That brat's didn't take easily'

The teacher greeted "Good morning everyone and nice to meet you. From today onwards, I will take the Education class. Please cooperate with me. And, here is my brother. He is your classmate. Now, introduced yourself Max." She smiled and looked at Ryan.

Ryan stepped forward a little, " Hello everyone! I'm Max Ningthoujam from Hiyangthang Maning Awang Leikai. Nice to meet you all and be friend with me." his smiled and words were purely innocent. He eyes says that he didn't lie.

"Okay! Max, have your seat. Now let's hear from others too." Miss.Ria passed her glanced at another student.

Maliah B.p. wattage was about to broke out, "Lair! How could he act so innocent with all of the incident happened? Oh my eyes!" She watched him with a pinching cold eyes.

Ryan noticed her 'Oh Interesting, she is my classmate. Yike! and next to my seat. but why is she looking at me like an ivy leaf.' he mumbled in his head. 'Grid!' the desk noise took an attention from Maliah.

Maliah looked at him, "Hi, Max! Please be friendly with your next seat." her warm words decoded with warned expression greet him.

"Wow! How did the God created you?" Ryan shot back straight.

"What!" she snorted with an icy eyes.

Ryan poked on her head, "Turn on the front side. You can watched your handsome boyfriend after the class." he stated.

"Whose boyfriend!" Maliah smacked on Ryan's neck and create a doom scene...