
The space mecks world and a crazy mechanic worrier

Welcome to my world of space and machine I am Hunter Dragny a man or well I guess I am now you might have guessed but to the people who haven't guessed I died and was reborn into this world in my old life I wasn't human nore was I what people would call a good person I had been in many wars and had killed many people I came from a world of fantasy and magic I was a master of both magic and fighting I used my knowledge and skill to craft many weapons and equipment but sadly every good thing must come to a end I was stabbed in the back by a man I called my friend but I got the last laugh cuz you see my heartbeat was connected to a bomb so when I died the bomb want boom let's just say I painted the town red hahaha o sorry back to this world I was reborn in a human body and in a world of space and mechs I was birthed into a family that was well known for being trading merks my family was part of the moon empire one of the oldest families to be exact but my family want away from that hole noble thing we loved the coin the humans of this world have this odd thing when we are born we are injected with nanites which will awaken a system in are body there are many types of systems what will I get and what will this new world hold will I have to kill again will I lead a army ones more well only the fates knows come and let's walk this path together

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a deal with Father and a grumpy uncle

We walked into piloting room to see the room was dark the only sources of lights was the computer screens and buttons plus you could see out side of the window the glass just was darker then normal Heavys chair was flipped around and in front of him was a hallowgram of my father sitting at his desk his arms was resting on the chair and next to him on the desk was his helmet Star and I stood off to the side at attention are arms behind are backs I got the last snippets of a conversation as we walked in my dad was angrily staring at Heavy saying you was surprised to only teach him what he needed to survive and not train him into be a fucking soldier Heavy side saying enough brother you will not lecture me on how to train my charge you allowed me to train him so train him I will Fang angrily glared at him but he isn't a soldier Heavy slammed his hand onto the arm of his chair your right he is a mother fucking leviathan he is a worrier you may not like it Fang but that's how it is both your and mine people are soldiers you forgotten that after your father passed your scared to loose another family members to war but this is are way and they way of our people it's time you opened your eyes the old Fang wouldn't have never got angry with me he would have been proud at what his sons has done but the Fang I am staring at is a cowered at this point Fang gralled enough Heavy you have made your point and you have your orders s this conversation was happening I got a idea so I quickly sent the blueprints to the mechanics belt to Gibs and Ziva saying the same thing that I told my father basically but with a small twist I wanted half and not a quarter from them and I had the rights to the blueprint literal not three seconds latter I got a message back from Ziva agreeing to my offer and she sent over 10000 credits and that was for up to 400 tool belts and at the end of the credits was a question do you mind if I show this to my people we are strong fighters in mechs but we are way behind the moon empire in technological advances and the sun empire is starting to evade are part of the Galaxy I agreed but with one caveat they have to agree to the same offer as her I didn't get a instant reasons from her but I did get a massage from Gibs saying sorry Kid but we already got a deal with the Dragy and Dragon families for these items and at a much cheaper cost I chicked my tongue at that and I stepped up next to Heavy so my father could see me Heavy looked to be and I could tell he was confused but I quickly sent him a report of what has happened and he just nodded my father looked to me saying o Hunter its good to see your doing well at least how you been I chuckled I have been well father brother is teaching me a lot of interesting things and I get to fight so I can't complain but enough of this small talk and let us get down To business he side so you found out huh fine, fine a quarter right I shook my head no that offer was for you and you alone but seeing how you want behind my back the maker of this item and made a deal with someone else with out my knowledge I want half I seen his face darken and he interlocked his fingers as he rested his arms on the desk half what are you trying to do rob us he said emotionlessly I chuckled Rob naa I just would like to get paid fairly he side shaking his head 20% I was about to disagree when I got a massage back from Ziva it said we agree to this deal and like that money started to flow I laughed who's trying to rob who again how about this father I ant angry and sense it is helping the tribe I will only take 25% but I would need two things from you interested he leaned forward asking and what are these two things I shrugged the first is you send me uncle Rushal contact information Fang nodded that's easy enough and the second is I smiled at that you quit trying to side line me for This war I love bounty hunting and all but the family comes first besides Drake wants to bath in the enemies blood ones more Fang didn't move or say anything for a few minutes I could tell he was thinking it over finally he side and leaned back in his chair you know for my son you sure are giving your old man a hole lot of headache I chuckled thats my job sir he side again shaking his head fine Hunter I agree to these turns and like that more money flowed into my account I bowed slightly I thank you father he waved his hand no need son he then looked to Heavy sying change of plans Heavy you will meet up with the battle ship Hallow and join there ranks till further notice they are on there way to exterminate a insurgence on planet 229 Jokingling but be warned they don't look kindly to merks or clones so they will most likely send your unit to the most dangerous location on the planet so this is less a order and more of a choice will you go or not I didn't move or speak I just stood straight backed my arms behind my body Heavy didn't responded but I could tell he was thinking it over after a few moments of silence he looked over to me asking what do you think brother I shrugged and looked to him it doesn't matter to me brother but it would give me live combat experience he nodded that's what I was thinking we will go Fang my dads expression didn't waver it stayed cold he nodded ok I will tell caption Crush that you are on route but just know this you will probably be in a new unit of line mech and the pilots will most likely be criminals plus Crush expects a lot from us so don't let us down and like that the hallowgram disappeared and the lights came back on Heavy looked to me saying it will take us a day to get to his Hallow if you can speed up the repairs on Drake do it I side fine I will forgo some of my upgrade plans it really wouldn't matter I can always install those latter but it still might not be long enough but I will try Heavy nodded see you do now go I got to get piloting and call a few other people I nodded and like that I walked out and back to Drake and started my work faster then I did before Star simple watched me work as I worked I called Rushal and supremely he answered hello who is this and how did you get this contact I chuckled hello uncle we haven't met my name is Hunter James Dragny a pleasure I heard a angry huff so your Fnags bastard huh so what do you want kid I am a very busy man and your wasting my time I rolled my eyes at his attitude and words but responded in a neutral town of voice well your see uncle I was the one who made the mechanics belt or well the one that are family and the military is using he side again get to the point lad your boring me with information I had already known about I shrugged saying well I had more ideas that I thought you might be interested in I heard a angry huff you called me just to make a deal with me huh well this is what I got to say to bastards like your self you don't deserve my attention nor do you deserve that armor that your wearing or the medium mecha Drake hell you don't even deserve to be part of the family I don't see what my mother and the others see ing you cuz all you are is a over hipped child who got lucky in one battle I don't like you and do not contact me again I got valuable things to occupy my time and your not one of those things and like that he hanged up I had stopped what I was doing to listen to his spill I was hanging in front of the neck area one of my arms was holding me steady wall the rest of my hands was working I was holding a odd looking long drill in my right hand but after hearing my uncles words this drill was crushed under my metal hand I angrily throw the smashed tool to the side it hit one of the bays pillars which made very long ringing noise that echoed through the room how dear he i gralled I was angry not even Serenity had pissed me off this much hell not even Rage who intentionally gets on my nerves hadn't angered me this much I gralled what would a young boy who spends his time in a lab know anything about me but he is right I am a bastard I don't have the respect from others like Fives I am sure he had earned much of the respect and power over the years but definitely not all of it and I don't got shit I ant shit in the eyes of the other leviathan I had earned some respect with the battle at the junkyard but most of that is from the clones and not my tribesman with both group respect goes a long ways but what should I do huh damns it what should I do and I slammed my hands down on the shoulders of Drake at this point I was shaking in anger I was cot up in my thoughts which started to turn in a very dark direction and many of those ideas head a certain appeal but that's when I remembered when Fives protectedand defended me against Serenity when she attacked me for being in command she had yelled how I threaten his right to the company and the head of the family he had defended me I rememberd he asked if I had plans to be the head of the family and I said no that was his birthright I would much rather make my own family and company and stand next to him as equals Fives had nodded and looked to Serenity telling her that I take pride in my work and working hard for what I got his words range through my mind I quickly calmed down that's when a little of the fog in my mind lifted and I remembered something from my old life

I was looking up at a light Mecha I could see the magical runes all over it this mech looked simple but there was a simplicity to it that made it beautiful that's when I heard the gruff voice of my father son this mecha is yours you built her you will fight with her and you will kill in her this is only the first step in your story I believe you will do great things and songs will be song of your battles and people will talk about your skill but just know son no matter what they say be it good or ill I will always be proud of you so go and set forth in your epic tail

I closed my eyes nodding that's right my tail is just starting a new story of my battles there will be those who will fear or dislike me just like there will be those who respect me do we care about those who dislike me not one bit do I value there options hell no then y am I getting angry at my uncle I don't need nor value his opinion after that but I do value on standing next to Fives as quails I will make my own company and family on power of his and we will rise to the top I opened my eyes glowing with determination I ran my hand over the bare face which was a metal skull with sensors and wires inside it that's right we can't forget about you cant we you're making your new day view as well you are the first mecha of my company from you will come hundreds to thousands more but you will always be the first so let us get you ready for battle shall we and like that I want back to work I was moving much faster then before.