
The Son Of The Devil Prison

The son of a rape victim, raised in a prison for the hardest kriminel. What will happen when he finally gets his freedom? A story about a kid who knows how to fight and kill but is still a toddler when it comes to interaction with the real world. Read and follow him as he explores the world and meets new friends and enemies.

Skitzo666 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

5. Cold blooded

It's been two days since the birth of Eliyah. I've visited them multiple times over the last days. I've even learned what the call these tiny humans. It's babies. Sensei never told me that. I walk back to Darv's house and nobody is home. I've grown fond of this village, but I can't keep staying here. I have more of the world to see and I've even got a mission from sensei. I'll go towards Shinir city early tomorrow. Darv came back a few hours later as me and Marv were playing ball with Maria. ''It's true big brother. If you make a pinky promise, then you have to keep it or you will die'' Maria says as she tries to take the ball from me. To think that there was such a heavy penalty to keeping a pinky promise. I look towards Darv and see a big chunk of meat on his back as he walks towards us with a big smile ''We caught a boar''. I start a fire in his backyard, and we start grilling the meat. Darv brings out some more bottles of alcohol. We eat and drink and then I realize that it's almost midnight. Marv has fallen asleep in Darv's arm. ''So you are leaving'' Darv says while looking at the fire. ''I saw your bag on the bed'' he says. ''Yeah I'm going tomorrow in the morning''. Darv nods and says ''be careful of the bandits. They've attacked a few travelers the last days''. I nod at him and smile. From today onwards there won't be any bandits. The fire slowly goes out and we all go to bed. Or they do. I put on my black clothes that sensei gave me. I think sensei said that he used to be a nina or a ninwa or something like that. He only said it once when I was a kid at Marv's age. I put my sword on my back and put two knives inn my shoes and two at me hips. Then I take out the throwing stars and out them in my sleeve pocket. I use Shadowrun and appear right outside their camp. They are all sleeping except for two, that are keeping guard of the camp. I close my eyes and the curious face I always have disappears. An emotionless face is adorned instead. I rouse my mana and throw the shooting stars at the two people still awake. Without looking at them again, I disappear and reappear in the tent closest to me. Three people are sleeping in it. I take out my sword and cut of one the guys head. 13 people left. I turn around and see one of the guys waking up. I stab my sword at his neck, and I feel the sword hitting his spine. I twist the sword and feel it going through his spine. 12 people left. The last guy I sound asleep and I quietly cut his head off. I then disappear again and reappear in the second tent. Doing it all over again. Killing people isn't anything new to me. I've lost count of how many people I've killed in the Devil prison. I don't even feel anything anymore. I stab the sword in the head of the last guy in this tent and start over again in the last big tent. Also the place where the leader is. I can feel his mana. 8 people left. As soon as I appear one of the men wakes up. I look at him surprised and looks at me the same way and before I manage to do anything, he yells ''ENEMY!''. Almost at the same time every single one of the men and two women wake up. I throw one of the throwing stars at the man who yelled, and it flies clean through his head. Taking a small part of his brain with him. 7 people left. I look around for the guy that Darv told me about. I didn't see him in any of the other tents, so he should be here. And then I spot him. A petite but tall guy with a saber in his left hand. That's the guy that killed Darv's wife. I quickly get surrounded and they are all holding weapons against me. ''Who are you?'' the leader asks me in a deep voice. He's got a brown fur coat on and a big scar over his right eye. I don't answer him and use Shadowrun again. I got between the legs of one of the guys and jump out of the shadow while swinging my sword. 6 people left. One of the guys with a spear tries to stab me but I evade it by turning to my left. I swing my sword and see his thumb flying off. The next sword strike of mine cuts half his head off. 5 people left. I feel a sword strike coming from behind me and parry it with my sword. The leader swings again and this time I jump up as soon as the sword hits my sword. The force from his strike throws me across the tent and I land behind another guy holder a sword. I stab him from behind and feel the sword go through his heart. I use a bit more force and cut upwards towards his spine. 4 people left. ''MEN! ENEMY ATTACK!'' the leader yells as soon as he sees how few of his people that are left. I kick the air and two knives fly up in the air. I jump and kick them and they fly towards the two women who are standing by the leaders side. One of the knives flies through the woman side and the other gets hit in the stomach. I run towards the guy that killed Moni. He throws his saber down and holds his hands up. I swing my sword and cut both his arms from the elbows off.