
Speeding isn't always cool.

P1: bro come on don't be a coward, I will speed up a little what the worst can happen? getting a speeding ticket? haha .

P2: what you mean just a speeding ticket (said while panicking) we might die of that speed didn't you learn anything from physics class in highschool , like seriously stop the car I want to get out.

P1: meh I want to get to our destination faster so we can get the best seats, and chill I'm an expert, I can drive with my eyes closed, see (close eyes and speed up).

P2: what are you doing ARE YOU CRAZY, ... watch out there a cars near us you might hit them .

P1: you're not gonna fool me to slow down.

P2: no really, ... look were about to jump of a Clift now , OPEN YOUR EYES ALREADY!!!

P1: oh sh**.

P2: what did I do in my life to get involved with your craziness.

P1 & P2: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa(while the car falling).

(moving seen to the hospital)

P2 had some serious injuries but luckily not deadly , while P1 went into a comma with some broken bones, and the car looks like a cockroach smashed by a shoes 3 times.

P2:(while visiting P1 room) So ... you are a driving expert?, bulsh** ha look at you now,

and don't worry I'm not going anywhere now because thanks to you I have trauma of any moving vehicle now , THANKS ALOT !

nurse: visiting hours are over P2 , and you must come back to your room to rest as well.

P2: well see you in my next visit (Smile) idiot.