
the hunter and the prey , switching roles.

X : (got msgs : msg1:bring the security guard, don't come alone to class!!!/msg2: help clas sos/msg3: get the poepo) what the heck are they talking about , meh whatever I'm going I need my backpack.

(enter to the classroom solo and see the classroom full of students)

X : what are you guys doing here? the Dr said that there's no class today he will open a zoom meeting later.

(someone in the classroom gives X hand gester in a meaning to don't come or continue walking)

X : (look at them and continue anyway) he sended the notice of that 30 min before the class starts.

(someone else gives a other hand gester in a meaning of look at the Dr desk)

****: oh hello there, confident enough to come even after your classmates trying to tell you to leave or call for help.(he was pointing a gun on the students and looks like he wants something from them for some reason).

X : okay... so?(didn't have the energy to understand what's happening).

****: oh playing tough I see, how about now (smirk and point the gun at X).

X : you look somehow familiar, so question are you ShattedFlame?

****: how did you know about that name , talk right now.

X : oh so it's true ... you finally got out of the hospital , Noice noice (so it's really **** that's means the gun is empty because **** don't know how to shoot and great acting skills like usual some stuff never change huh lmao).

****: what the how did you ...

X : really bro you don't remember? geez long story short, I'm the reason you got there , Sorry not sorry you deserve it , you bullied me alot back when we were kids.

****: y..you how is it possible.

X : I beated you once I will never be scared of you again bruh , but you might be (Smile)

hehe bye moufasa keep your eyes on the road and don't get distracted or else you might get hitt by truck-kun ( after leaving the classroom ,sended a msg: the gun is empty you guys are safe you can leave the classroom if you want).