
Chapter 2- Pug-face

"Follow me, quickly now!" Our head boy yelled. I was getting very curious as to why I was chosen for Slytherin, as the hat said.. I'm apparently a perfect fit. I highly disagree. Well at least for now.

We walked down a dark stairwell towards the dungeons; where our common room is.

"Pure-blood is the password," The head boy said as he squinted his eyes and looked about the group. "Don't forget it."

I walked into the common room and noticed lots of green. I've always loved emerald green so I think I will like it here.

"Just because you're father has money, doesn't mean your better than anyone!" A pug faced girl smirked as she put her belongings next to what I think is her bed.

"Oh darling, I don't need any money to prove I'm better than you," I smiled innocently and started unpacking my stuff.

She huffed at my remark and stormed off.

What the fuck just came over me!

I'm never rude to anyone, like ever. But then again.. that felt really good.


It was time for dinner. God, I'm fucking starving, I thought to myself.

I decided that with the new me I should change up my hair and outfit a bit.

Instead of keeping my hair high up in a tight ponytail, I let my wavy brown hair down. I put on some mascara and a glittery pink lip gloss and headed back down to dinner. As I walked in I could tell that all eyes were on me. I don't really know if it was because of how I look or who I am... I don't really care though, as long as I'm getting more attention than that pug-faced bitch.

I strutted over to the Slytherin table and looked over at everyone who was staring.

"I hear that you are Jada Severin... come join us," A tan boy stood and nodded over to me.

I nodded back and headed over towards their seats at the table. "Hi, I'm Blaise Zabini," he nods over to the two kids sitting across from him "That's Zeno and Zara Emri, and that is Draco Malfoy," Blaise sticks out his hand, and I hesitantly shake it.

"As you just figured out, I'm Zara and that's Zeno; we're twins obviously," she sticks out her hand as wells, followed by her brother.

"I already know him," I roll my eyes at Draco and sit across from Blaise next to Zara. "What have you done to piss off our Slytherin queen?" Blaise scoffs at Draco.

"Nothing," He says at almost a whisper.

"You know, not everything is about blood purity Malfoy," I huff starting toward the doors remembering the incident on the train.

"Hey Jada!" I hear from behind me. I turn to see the golden trio waving toward me. I happily walk towards them.

"Woah you look pretty!" Ron said dreamily. Hermione then smacked him hard in the gut with her textbook.

"Thank you Ron," I giggle at his compliment.

We talk for a while about how what my house is shouldn't come between our friendship. I was really happy with myself for making some new friends, something I was never able to do at earlier this year.


"Oh my gosh I didn't know that we were gonna be roommates!" Zara practically screeched. She ran over to hug me and to my surprise, I hugged her back.

"We're gonna be besties!" She yelled and ran back over to her bed. She patted the empty spot next to her and I gladly sat down.

For hours we talked about just random stuff. She told me everything about the boys and how it sucked being the only girl in the group. She also told me about Pansy and how I should stay away from her. She also talked about Pansy's brother Payton.

"Do not let him near you!" She made sure to tell me that at least a hundred times before we finally went to sleep.


I woke to the sounds of my alarm clock. I reached my hand over groggily and smacked it until it shut up. I dragged myself out of bed and got in the shower.

I put on some makeup and did my hair nicely before walking down to breakfast.

"Over here Jada!" Blaise yelled and waved over to me. I ran over to where they were sitting. "I'm so fucking hungry-

"Watch the language Severin," Draco said smugly.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do," I smirked at him and went back to eating. "Jeez dude you are failing at the tough guy thing," Zeno laughed.

"Oh by the way Blaise, I liked it when you called me the Slytherin Queen," I smiled at him and sent a death stare towards Draco.

No one fucking tells me to watch my language.

I'm loving the new confidence and personality that being in Slytherin gave me. Maybe it was meant to be.

This year is gonna be fucking fantastic...