
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasía
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82 Chs

Feline Fighting

*Tyra's POV*

Pondering James's words, I left the office as an albino Leonin entered. It'd surprised me to see an albino adult. They're quite rare. Rarer for our kind.

Sienna and Plight went towards the library, following Sarial's directions, and I asked if I could enter Dirthin's room. Without argument he let me in, closing the door behind me.

Once inside, I saw an expansive training room. The equipment that was still in one piece was well put together. Straw bags hanging to the left, a door there, just twenty feet away from the entrance. A kitchen area in the far left back of the room. The middle, far back, was mostly wood dummies, and to the right were broken training things and what looked to be weights, though, they were larger than I've seen. In the middle was an empty zone. Purposely that way, as it served as a sparring zone. Proven by Dirthin being in that zone with a platinum furred cub, whose mane was just starting to grow in, patchily.

I watched them a moment, mesmerized by Dirthin's glorious form, when I noted his ear flicked back towards me. They were still actively training, but he'd acknowledged my presence.

Embarrassed, I said, "It appears I chose the wrong time to come fight you. Training cubs is very worthwhile."

The cub turned towards me, "I am not a-" Dirthin's sword stopped inches from the boy, and he cuffed him.

"Pay attention during training." Dirthin scolded. He then turned towards me and said, "Welcome, I am glad to see you've finally taken me up on my offer."

"I apologize for the interruption. Your niece dragged me here," I said, "So I figured I should."

"So you've met Sarial." He said, "How did you two.. meet?"

"In East Haven. She and her group picked a fight with thugs and guards. While she was fighting a few, one tried to run for help, and I chose to eliminate that one and join their fight." I shrugged. "Incidentally, I had no idea she was your family until I saw James."

"Well I don't see why," He said, rubbing his jaw, "She bears a striking family resemblance."

"Yes, yes. I told myself this, too. Must be the heterochromia mucking up my vision." I replied, taking a light, sarcastic tone. "Because of course, she resembles Daelyn."

Dirthin laughed. When he'd recovered from that he said, "Well, do you want to show this young cub how it's done?"

Jasper was grumbling, and walked off to the side.

"I could use a decent spar." I replied. "Armed or otherwise?"

"We can start with unarmed." He replied.

"Very well." I said. I took off my bag and the coat I wore over my desert clothes. I suspected that the less I had weighing me down, the better. I set them near the door, and approached him, taking a defensive stance where Jasper had been.

I heard a sharp inhale of breath from Jasper as he looked at me. It was one of those that guys give sympathetically when they see another male get hit in their nuts.

I could guess at what caused the reaction. I'd not thought ahead when I'd taken the coat off. I hadn't worn a sash, because I'd worn the coat. My scar from when I was a cub was in full view. One of my ears flicked, showing my discomfort, but aside from that I kept my eyes on Dirthin. An easy thing to do, with as muscular and gorgeous he is.

I gave myself resistance to slashing damage, as well as bludgeoning damage. I also switched my Focus to Brute Force, as I felt I'd need it. He yielding the first strike to me, not wishing to hurt him, much, I only empowered my punch with Brute Strike. I managed to land the blow on his solar plexus, though, I'd suspected he'd allowed me to do so, just to see how well I hit.

He swung his fists, then, missing me a couple of times before giving me a solid strike to my side. It hurt, but definitely could have been worse. Thankful for my resistance, I started exchanging blows with him. I purposely struck just to the side or below all the points where it'd hurt most, Dirthin didn't seem to mind, even when I did catch a good spot, like the kidney shot I'd delivered.

Quite a few of his punches nudged me back a bit, but that's to be expected, he's got around a hundred pounds of muscle more than I. I still withstood it quite a bit. It dawned on me in the middle of partly blocking his next punch, we were both holding back. I smiled slightly, amused, and began using Lethal Strike to back my punches. This nearly doubled my fists effectiveness without costing me more energy.

Just like any Leonin, I enjoy a nice fight. And he's not whimpering or apologizing for something I need to punish him for. For the first time since I was a cub, I'm enjoying a fight. He looked absolutely amused, blocking my fists, taking them occasionally. I'd found dodging to be more worthwhile than blocking or taking it.

Unexpectedly, he caught one of my punches. Followed by asking me to pick a weapon. I nodded obediently. When he unleashed my fist I went to my bag and retrieved my great axe.

Dirthin, I noticed, had gone and selected one of his great swords. My axe is my weapon of choice when I'm away from my clan. I use a mace, exclusively, at home. I don't want the chance that they'd demand I give up my axe. In a way, that's my greed. Anything and everything I found in the Underdark, I've kept hidden away in my bag. Refusing to allow any of them even a glimmer of knowledge about it.

I walked into the sparring area again, meeting him there. His stride is longer than mine, go figure. He's nearly a foot taller than me. By the looks of the cubs, they'll grow to a more adequate Leonin height. I wondered why he's short. If it's got anything to do with why I'm short- physical trauma. By the way his ears, eyes and whiskers track everything around him, I wouldn't doubt that.

"Get attacked much in a city?" I ask, curious. I would certainly not know bout things like this. No one in my village attacks me anymore, it's not worth it. But they do fight each other and I do have to break those fights up if they go to far.

"More often than you might think." Dirthin responded.

"No one dares to back home anymore." I state.

"No one dares to what? Spar with you?" He asked.

"Yes. They won't fight me." I said.

"Well that's just sad." He said.

"It does make things a little easier at times. Ready?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm ready." He nodded.

This time, there was no initial test or allowance for moves. We both launched into attacks, countering simultaneously. The force of his swing most certainly out matched my own. If this was a serious fight I'd need to step things up and begin using fire to help pull him down, along with Danger Sense, which allows for me to see a few seconds into the future, as well as show me the entire battle zone for around 30 feet.

I also didn't bother with Access Foe, because I wasn't seeking to gain any leverage over him. My mind was going through scenarios on its own, predicting his next moves, and wondering idly on different matters. Then an idea blossomed in my mind, what is that Alexander person known for? A person's soul doesn't change even if they're altered or corrupted. If his soul is the same as before he became a Bag Man, then wouldn't that be a way to lure him?

The door opened, and I'd noted Sarial come in. It must be Dirthin's turn to learn about her pregnancy. She had a vaguely tired look to herself, but I couldn't be concerned with that at the moment.

Dirthin was relentless in his attacks, even as he held back. I could feel it with the way he moved his blade. He wasn't after injuring me, but he would in a heartbeat and not feel a thing about it if I was careless.

Sarial circled around us and I heard her say, to herself, "Oh. That makes sense now." She then had gotten Jasper's attention to hug and hold onto him. How odd.

My confusion showed in the set of my ears, but I pricked them back to pay attention to Dirthin's movements. Undoubtedly, he's fought many battles that have lasted for an exceptional amount of time. A man of his prowess and high caliber is unmated and without cubs. He'd be a prize that even Arena would fight to possess if he were in my clan.

What was more strange, I found myself angry over that idea. Arena would indeed want him, and if I judged by Jasper's age, then he's probably at least around Arena's age. I hated this train of thought.

Working to pull my mind away from Dirthin's potential if he were in my clan, I waited for a moment that our weapons would lock again Once this occurred, I stepped into his zone, fitting myself under one of his large arms, and used a Feat of Strength to wrest his weapon away.

After an initial resistance, it did work. What didn't work, even with the extra Feat of Strength, was when I attempted to follow through with that action, to throw him. Once he felt the initial movement to begin it, he tried to take me off my feet with one of his legs, when that failed, since his hands were free, he lifted me up off my feet.

I blinked, surprised, "You were a lot faster to put an end to that than I anticipated.." I commented.

Sarial was laughing. So was Jasper.

"I am rather quick on my feet in a fight." Dirthin said.

"It's unusual to find a Leonin that's both intelligent and excellent in a fight." I told him. Glancing down at the ground and then turning my head to look at him over my shoulder.

"It's hard to find that in any race." He replied.

"I do not have much experience with non Leonin." I pointed out.

"That's quite alright, the capital can provide such an experience." He said.

"I don't think I want such experience. Stupid people are daunting and unpleasant." I say, I look towards the other two for a moment. Not sure why I was still in the air. Does he still think I'll throw him?

"Yes the idiotic cab be tiresome. It weighs on the mind." He said.

"Dirthin," I say, in a kind tone, "Whereas I've thoroughly enjoyed a different vantage from the usual, I must ask, is there a purpose to holding me up like a cub's toy? I promise I won't try and throw you today."

"See it's the today part that's concerning." He laughed a little and said, "But I must apologize, I had forgotten I was holding you up" He then set me on the floor.

"I think your niece wants to have a word with you." I tell him, not sure how to respond to him, but enjoying his laugh all the same.

"Nope. Not really." Sarial says.

"All that tells me is you want to be slung around like a rag doll." Dirthin said.

"You can not." I insist, putting my hand on his arm.

He chuckled and said, "I believe I just proved to you how easily I can sling someone around."

I gave him a helpless look, when Sarial decided to speak up, "She is right, Uncle. I'm pregnant."

He laughed, rubbed at his ears and said, "Must be going crazy in my old age, I could have sworn I just heard you say you were pregnant. That is obviously not what I heard."

"Oh, no. You heard. It was an oops." Sarial said in a reasonable tone, looking at Jasper. "To be fair, I shouldn't have been able to figure that out yet, but Tyra informed me oh so kindly."

Jasper was staring at her in shock. And I felt irritation rise in me, can't this girl keep quiet? I had to comfort myself with the fact that my clan is far away and is unlikely to hear about this.

"By that 'boy' we met?" He said.

"Yes. He intends to be a father to the child." Sarial said.

"Alright then." He said, going for his sword.

"Uncle, please do not break my thing. I rather enjoy it." Sarial said.

"I just want to talk to him." Dirthin said.

"Uncle, if you do that he won't be very useful." Sarial pointed out.

"... Isn't pregnancy a good thing?" I ask, confused. I couldn't figure out this mood shift.

"Yes. If you didn't already have a plan to go adventuring or an idea for what she wanted to do in the future. Because one little human couldn't keep it in his pants... So I am going to go teach him a very important word. Castration." Dirthin said.

"Uncle, it was by my choice that I slept with him, and my own fault I didn't use prevention methods, I do know about them. I had only intended to adventure for a year anyways." Sarial said.

"Prevention methods?" I asked, confused.

"Don't worry, hardly anyone outside of nobility and whores know about how to prevent pregnancies." Sarial said, "Uncle, you can't punish him for doing as I pleased."

"Then by the same logic you can't stop me from doing as I please." Dirthin said.

Sarial scoffed, "Could anyone? Please let him be. He has work to do."

"Grawrg!" Dirthin released a rage-filled sound, that was half a roar. "Fine. I will not hurt the boy." He placed his hand on Sarial's shoulder and said, "Congratulations, little one. You've accepted great responsibility."

"I know.." Sarial said, "thank you, Uncle. Tyra made me sit out of the fight I'd started in East Haven, even after I said I'd only do ranged. She's very bossy."

I felt she was accusing me. "Yes, I made sure you wouldn't accidentally miscarry. Pregnancies at your stage are very fragile. No reason to make it riskier." I rolled my eyes.

"Can you use that thing on Uncle?" Sarial asked suddenly.

"Thing...?" I asked.

"Yes, that assesses vulnerabilities." Sarial said.

My ears flicked back and I said, "I can use it..."

"What in the world is she talking about?" Dirthin said.

"I can assess vulnerabilities, immunities and resistances of others." I said with a shrug.

"Will you assess Uncle?" Sarial asked.

Dirthin looked me up and down and said, "I can assess foes as well."

I felt a headache coming on. But I used it. I looked at him and learned that Dirthin is considerably healthy, with a perfect constitution. No immunities or particular resistances, but he did have a weakness. Seeing that I tilted my head, more confused, and frowning at him. "Your family is your weakness? How? Why?"

"That's an easy question. I would literally give my life to protect them." He answered. When my expression continued to be confused, he said, "I can see that didn't really clear things up for you. I'm not sure how to better describe what I am trying to get across to you. The fact that you don't understand it, speaks volumes for your family."

My frown deepened. "No, I don't understand. But I have a better understanding of why the rules were set in such a way. And at the same time less."

"Sounds to me like you have a lot to think about." Dirthin said.

"No, I'm not a cub that pines over that bond anymore. They will need to deal with that themselves." I told him.

"Well, as someone who has had an.. overbearing mother, lets say, I can tell you it is quite alright to be ok with independence. If you all will excuse me, I believe I need to go speak with my brother." He said.

"See you later, Uncle." Sarial said, cheerfully. "I'll take Tyra with me to the library. Jasper, you want to tag along?"

"Sure, I can go along with you." Jasper answered.

"You ok, Brother?" Sarial asked.

He rubbed his arm a little and said, "I'm fine, just a little sore. Uncle is thorough with his teachings and his reprimands."

"She can heal you." Sarial said.

"You overly enjoy pushing people." I said, looking at her.

"Sister maybe we shouldn't push the lady who just went toe to toe with Uncle and doesn't look that worse for wear. Though, I'd love a shot at her myself." Jasper said.

"I don't fight cubs." I told him, dismissively.

"A warrior is a warrior no matter their age." Jasper said.

"Tell me so when your mane has grown in." I said.

Dirthin appeared to be covering up amusement, waiting for us to leave.

"Fine. I'll wait." Jasper said. He seemed rather irritable. "Couple of more years of training with Uncle will make me more than a match for most opponents."

Dirthin whapped him upside the head and said, "Stay humble."

"Jasper, if you are overly confident, or trust too much, you'll be destroyed from where you expect it least." I said with a heavy sigh.

"In other words boy, stay humble and pay attention to your surroundings. Maybe then you'll dodge one of these slaps." Dirthin said.

Sarial smiled, began walking towards the exit and said, "So did you just explain your scar?"

"If your curious I can tell you." I said in an offhand manner. Grabbing my things. "You've seen it either way."

"I am curious. How does one get such a gnarly scar?" Jasper asked.

"I'd gone on my first descent, by our Ama's order, earlier than most our young. I led two older cousin's..." I told them, "Without my knowing they'd snuck their sister, who took an axe to my back while I was supposed to be guarding our camp. They packed all the supplies and left as hook horrors were coming." I took a deep breath and continued, "It is as bad a scar as it is because I got lost in the Underdark and it became infected and started to rot."

As I finished speaking, Sarial wrapped her arms around me, much to my surprise and alarm. I tensed a bit, but kept still, as to not accidentally harm her.

"Were they punished?" Jasper asked.

"For what?" I asked. "I was dead and not a concern. Even after I managed to return, I am only noted as having lived and died at eight."

"Is that some kind of custom in your family?" Jasper asked.

I hesitated, "I'm not permitted to consider them family, per my job. Which part do you refer to?"

"I guess all of it." He said, sounding like a cub.

"The descent, where ten year olds and older unmated youths go into the Underdark and fight their way down, then back up is, yes. Younger cubs going into the Underdark? No." I took another calm breath. "Acknowledging those who do not return on time from the Descent as dead, yes. And the Arrow not being marked as part of the clan, yes."

"So the whole cub murder other cub thing, no?" He asked.

"No. That is not permitted, unless necessary to preserve oneself in battle. The adults had already heard, and made peace, with my fall while fighting Underdark creatures." I told them. "So, when I came back I was named the Arrow for as long as I live. And they were thought to have only fled battle. Which warrants five days without meals, and that is all."

"If I were you I would have killed them myself." Jasper said.

I laughed, "An ankheg wondered in shortly after I'd healed and slit ones throat. The other two fell into delirium and took their own lives. Of course, Veil survived the delirium for almost a year before succumbing."

"So you did kill them." Sarial said.

"Not so far as anyone needs to be concerned." I answered. "Now, please turn me lose. I am unaccustomed to this."

Sarial let me go, slowly, and said, "If you stick around you'll get used to it."

"Terrifying." I replied flatly.

"Or you won't, but it'll happen anyway." Jasper chimed in.

With that we left Dirthin's room. "A good warning. I'll correct her when she isn't encumbered." I said, as Dirthin slipped into James's office.

"There goes the threats again. Tsk tsk. Very naughty, Tyra." Sarial said.

"I don't have much patience. There is a belt that can make the process quicker." I informed her.

"Whatcha mean?" Sarial asked.

"Just a relic I found. One of the few I bothered to learn what it does." I shrugged.

"See you answered, but not really." Sarial said.

I took a belt out of my bag, it was thin, a cord really, and it fastener was the image of a bird with it's wings wrapped around a baby. The baby had a purple gem on its chest. "It's a girdle of speedy gestation." I tell her.

"Oh. How does it work?" Sarial asked, curiously.

"It reduces the time a woman is pregnant by speeding the growth of the fetus. For example, a Leonin would be pregnant for eighteen days with this belt. A human would likely take twenty seven." I explained as we entered the library, noted because there are three young ones- Seralyn and Daelyn, and another human, Sienna and Plight.

The second thing I noted was that this library was three full floors, measuring thirty feet by fifty feet by twelve feet per floor. With the exception of the first floor, they were lined with bookshelves, which were full of books of all sizes and thickness. The first floor had a section where all sorts of instruments were placed, as well as two separate nooks for sitting in windows. In the middle was a few desks, and where the twins and another child sat, was a cushioned sort of platform with three separate heights. The rest of the walls were filled with books as well.

"That sounds handy, where'd you find it?" Sarial asked.

"In a ruined city in the Underdark. I've found everything I own there, except my bracelet." I tell her.

"Does it harm the baby?" Sarial asked.

"I wouldn't know. But it does say it does not. It's a time manipulation coated with healing." I shrugged.

"Well, it's good to know about. I don't think I want to speed things along." Sarial says.

With that, I put it away. Unconcerned. The kids were all looking at their sister. I had assumed by this point that she's not married. That must be why her family seems upset. I know it's deemed inappropriate if you get pregnant outside of wedlock for some races, but for my clan that's just mating. That person becomes your mate regardless of marriage.

A lot of young ones in my clan find mates as soon as they reach adulthood. I would have probably tried to, as well, were it permitted. But as it is, I had no desire to tie myself deeper into the clan. By keeping me apart from them, they turned me into someone who has no care for them.

Daelyn jumped down and ran over to his sister, while the other two walked, "I don't see a glow." Daelyn said.

"Trust me, cub. That's a metaphor." I said.

Vincent said, "Indeed. A metaphor. Like I tried to tell you before they got here. Just like I tried to tell you not to let her know we already knew."

"I mean I sent Plight here to look for pregnancy and baby related books. I kinda expected you to figure it out." Sarial commented.

"Yes, but we wanted to gear it from you not from Daelyn running up and shouting stupid things again!" Seralyn said.

"Yes, I am pregnant. And I barely kept Uncle from going and castrating Mills. If he's going to listen in a prolonged manner." Sarial said.

"Uncle is not unreasonable. Just passionate about his defense of us." Seralyn said.

"Yes, but Uncle is also sneaky." Sarial pointed out.

"Dirthin.. Sneaky... I have literally seen him hide at the top of stairs." Vincent said with an incredulous look.

"That is true. And is why I didn't say stealthy." Sarial clarified. "Did I at least mislead you for a second by sending Sienna, too?"

"You gave us reasonable doubt." Vincent said.

Daelyn pointed at Sienna and said, "She sold you out."

"I can see that being the case. Did she tell you who her father is?" Sarial asked, grinning.

"No?" Daelyn said, puzzled.

"Mom's teacher." Sarial said. "Alexander."

Daelyn looked confused. Seralyn and Vincent said "Ah." Like it made sense.

"Speaking of that, I did consider your question about luring the bag man. What was this Alexander known best for?" I ask.

"Being a bard." Sarial said. "Being compassionate about helping others. He looked after Mom for six years."

"Then would music not be an excellent way to lure him?" I say, tilting my head.

Daelyn grabbed his loot, grinning and said, "Music I can do."

"I really feel like that should have occurred to me." Sarial said.

"I would suggest figuring out a melody he may know well, or have treasured. Also, was picking a fight with the musicians yesterday your plan?" I asked Daelyn.

"No, they were playing rather poorly, but no." Daelyn answered.

"Your father suggested otherwise. If you're being honest I would suggest creating a more responsible image of yourself." I said. It wasn't my business, but if I defended him even though he was causing trouble than it does bother me.

"I only do that when they're playing particularly bad." Daelyn said.

"If they do not practice, they'll never improve. Silly cub." I tell him.

"That's why I show them.. that they can do better." Daelyn said.

"If you crush another's spirit, they'll stop trying." I tell him. "And then there are no new things that challenge yourself."

"I'll try not to, but if they lose heart in something that easy then that's their own fault. If you want to put your heart in something, give it your all. Just because you lose shouldn't mean your done." Daelyn said.

I patted his head affectionately for a moment, smiling, and said, "You're right. But people are frail. I'm glad your attitude matches your talent."

Sarial laughed lightly and said, "You seem to soften for kids."

I sighed a little and said, "You can't help but press me, can you?"

"No, she can't help it. It's in her blood." Jasper said.

"You won't even fight Jasper, and he's a tough for only thirteen." Sarial said.

"You just want to figure me out. I don't enjoy your game." I replied, disinterested.

She laughed again and got a book and began writing a letter. Sienna appeared to be helping Plight read. Which I found odd.

"Are you upset, Jasper?" I ask after a moment.

"No, I'm not upset. I was, but I am not anymore." Jasper said.

"Leonin are considered adults at fourteen. I don't mind fighting you, then. But I won't do any more towards you than I did towards Dirthin." I told him.

Japser looked puzzled. "I would recommend not telling Uncle that you held back, because then he'll want to fight you again, but this time for real."

"I intend to fight him again. It was nice exercise. Besides, he held back, and it was just a spar." I shrugged, not denying the words.

"True, true. Seralyn, will you help me study some more Dwarvish?" He asked. She agreed to.

After a moment, I noticed Sarial had began to talk to Sienna and Plight about having meant to obtain seeds on the way here. A servant came and asked if Sarial's companions were going to join for dinner, Sarial invited me, but the other two declined. Since I was offered, I'd no reason to deny the request.