
Chapter 26

"Kitten, what are you doing?" Dax hollered.

"I just got out of the shower." The sound of a thousand bulls trampling up the stairs startled me until I realized Dax was the stampede, and it had just dawned on him I was nude and wet. I turned toward the noise just as he came barreling through into the bathroom.

I gazed up at his tall frame, finding his eyes. They were fierce, and he was looking to play. Our time together was limited with the start of Healing Wings. He didn't say anything, just assessed my face. Slowly, I released the towel wrapped around my chest. As it fell to the floor, I followed, tucking first my right foot under me as I reached my knee, then my left. When my butt hit my feet, I cast my glance downward. Placing my palms on my thighs, I waited in a pose that drove him wild.