
Chapter 27

Working with Rachel lost its appeal after the second building we stepped foot in. This was about as much fun as a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. My patience was wearing thin as I neared my breaking point.

"Rachel, none of this is what I had in mind. I don't want to be in a building where other people run businesses. I want to be secluded where our organization is the only tenant. Our patients need anonymity. They can't feel exposed as they walk in. I don't want people to know why they're here just because of the floor they choose on the elevator. Downtown Greenville doesn't offer that in a high rise."

"Look, Cammy, these are places offering discounted lease rates to non-profits. I think as a courtesy, you owe it to them to look at the space. Quit being a whiney bitch and suck it up. Welcome to the reality of starting a business and the bullshit details involved in that process."