
You Tricked Me!

Holding Ashlyn's hand, Kiba brought his attention to the surviving forces from The Ivies and Dharma Monks. 

"It was nice to meet you all." 

Kiba said as he lifted his free hand and aimed it at the seal barrier surrounding the stadium. A column of spatial energy swept out, opening a portal in the seal. 


He leaped towards the portal with Ashlyn. Rita followed them. 

On the ground, Leabeu, June, and others were pleasantly surprised. They weren't killed! 

Even the silent Dharma Monks sighed a breath of relief. The pressure of impending doom has finally left them! 

"We survived!" 

They rejoiced and praised Dharma. 


Suddenly, an incorporeal cubic cage appeared inside the stadium, imprisoning The Ivies and Dharma Monks. 

"Give my regards to Hansen and Stina," Kiba's voice ringed in the cage. "And rest assured, I will send Ksitigarbha to accompany you all."
