
White Angel!

"Oops! Sorry!" Kiba said on Hope's behalf.

Eva was speechless while Agatha wryly noted: "Hope is just like her father!"

Hank didn't appreciate the apology.

If not for his cybernetic implants, he would have been blinded forever from the little lightning attack. 

"Kiba, you just have to ruin everything!" Hank's mechanical eyes glowed brightly. "We all could have so much! Power and everlasting youth! But no! You have to refuse again and again!"

"I have everything I want," Kiba replied coldly. "So forgive me for not taking any interest in your petty schemes."

His body flickered and he arrived before Agatha and Eva. 

"Consume them," Kiba said as he gave them healing and recovery pills. 

Agatha and Eva nodded before stuffing the pills in their mouths.

The pills were of high-grade and created from unique materials, so, in just a matter of seconds, Agatha and Eva recovered.