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The next day.

Dream Rise House.

[[How are you feeling?]] Claudia inquired after Zed freshened up.

"Good," Zed took out a white shirt from the closet, "A night of peaceful sleep can do wonders!"

[[Of course. But you wouldn't know since you don't use the night for its intended purpose.]]

"........" Zed released a heavy sigh. He moved down for breakfast.

He had slept for 14 hours, which was a record for him. Usually, thanks to his busy schedule, he would barely have a sleep of 5-6 hours.

"Anyways, what do we know about Dharma Chakra?" Zed took a seat while two droids served him breakfast.

[[We don't know much. Only that Hank and many other top corporates are desperately trying to gain the favor of Dharma Chakra.]]

"Favor? Is this an organization of some sort?" Zed inquired.

He reasoned he could get information on the monk from Dharma Chakra, so he wanted to know what he could.