
The Shadow monarch in Marvel (Solo Leveling x Marvel)

It's exactly as it sound, the twist is that a teenager took control of his body It will be AU MCU with some X men elements. -I don't own anything obviously only some oc's. After all it's all for entertainment. (btw , it's my first time writing and I am very sorry about any spelling or any grammar mistakes.)

AshburnDz · Película
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45 Chs

Chapter 43

Demiurge's Pov

'...Just make sure he doesn't escape and If you can't capture him, make sure he's dead.' And hearing that I was about to reply with my acknowledgement but it seems my liege isn't finished 'Ah yes, make sure to have the Blackheart symbol on. I trust that they will track it down to me eventually.'

'As you wish.' Just after my short reply, he disconnected. Leaving me to carry out my orders.

"... I take it that the emperor agreed to my little request." A voice sounded beside me that I recognize as Sinister, the person that is the closest thing to a friend to me... Of course, ignoring the fact we're constantly plotting on each other's throats.

" Hmph, it's better be worth it. My liege is known to hate to leave troublesome people alive." I replied, throughout the years Me and my lord's peerage has been tasked to eliminate a certain people. Humans, half humans, demons, vampires, different species throughout the Galaxy. Although we did not question his orders, we guessed that he recognized them as 'Troublesome' or they would be.

" Yeah yeah, I already know how cautious you and your lord are. I still has a bomb on my head remember." He replied sarcastically, which made a vein budge from my head.

"If you weren't as slippery as you are, we would've chosen more... civil way. But as my lord says 'It is what is'." Having said that I move to the controlling room of the quinjet that we're residing in and ignore his grumbling voice. This quinjet is one of the many ones that we have on one of our secret bases on The Mediterranean Sea. The reason that we're using this kind of ship that is limited to the planet's atmosphere, is because of the rule that the emperor made years ago that forbade any ship that could fly in space from entering the Earth's atmosphere. Although it confused many of us, the emperor's orders were absolute.

"According to the signal, We will find him in Cairo in the country of Egypt." I said to the crazy scientist besides that has just finished grumbling.

"... Alright, let's get right to it. I believe it won't be a problem for you to subdue him, and from what I understand from the emperor the quieter the mission is done the better. So the earlier we deal with this, the more pleased the emperor is." He said, Although his words are logical and this course of action is the most favorable. I didn't forget that I have been given another mission from my lord.

" Unfortunately, we will have to wait a bit before we go after him." I replied, making him frown.

" ... Explain." As expected from this clone master, Unlike other humans he won't let his emotions and desires cloud his vision.

" According to my lord, Some people will be after our target and stop whatever his planning and fail. We've been tasked to save their lives and befriend them. Although we won't be 'intentionally' revealing our identities as Lord Ashborn's subordinates, we will have to leave some tail for them to Trace it back to our lord." I said while studying his facial expression that kept changing and changing, till it stopped surprisingly at a calm collective face.

" I see ..." Was all he said which kind of surprised me a little, I was expecting some kind protest and even some yelling for the questionable orders that we have been given. Almost like he read my thoughts he responded.

" Don't act so surprised, Although I'm upset I'm not stupid to defy his orders. Plus I know for a fact that the emperor isn't stupid, he knows what his doing." Hearing his reply a smirk appeared on my face.

" ... I guess I underestimated you too much, I guess I now know why the lord didn't brainwash you or enslaved you when he had the chance." My words caused his eyes to widen, but he didn't have the time to think because shortly after I said that I accelerated after I set course to our destination. If he wasn't sitting on his seat he would have crashed into the back door, God I love messing with him.

" ... To Egypt." I muttered with a smile ignoring my companion yelling.