
Chapter 34

"Ah, Home sweet home." I said after walking through the gate to my private floor, heading to my private bar to get a day. Although I don't usually drink much as it doesn't really do anything to me with my absolute poison immunity, my subordinates recently found an interesting monster who's known for his deadly venom that even I am impressed with. What was its name? Ah yes, Leviathan. I am pretty sure mixing it with water will do wonders. Then suddenly while I was walking and humming happily a frown then a smile appeared on my face.

'It was about time, And here I was thinking of sending a soldier there.' Ashborn thought to himself while unlocking a space locker he created for his building banning anyone other than him and his subordinates from teleporting in and out.

"You're quite brave for a human, I will give you that. To have the courage to enter my domain without my permission, I really don't know if it's stupidity or braveness." I said to seemingly now one while pouring myself a glass of water while mixing with it the Leviathan venom, After summoning it from my shadow.

"... I apologize for my rudeness but you're quite the difficult man to find, Mr. Ashborn." A female voice sounded behind me trying to hide the tension in it. It would've worked if it was with a person other than me.

"... It's alright as I was gonna contact you anyways, We both know that this conversation is inevitable. Why don't you make yourself comfortable and have a seat? Drink?" I asked while sipping from the glass in my hand.

"... Unfortunately no, I am a person of Tea." The lady said another known as The Ancient one while sitting facing me, With a smile trying to hide her true emotions fully knowing that it won't work on me.

"Suit yourself." Saying that I waved my hand, And using the reality wrapping ability I got from the stone, a cup of tea appeared from thin air on top of the table.

"Now, Ms.Yao, today I am feeling a bit generous. So I will let you ask a few questions that I may or may not answer." I said while adding even more venom to my cup, Not bothering with her surprised face.

"How did you ..." I didn't let her finish before cutting her off.

"No offense, But that was kinda of a stupid question. I rule the shadows Ms.Yao, No secret can be kept from me."

"*Ahem* I guess you are indeed right, I won't waste your time with the question of are you a threat to the planet, as you could destroy it any second and you obviously didn't. Actually, believe it or not, I am not here for questions as it does not take a genius to answer them, and your activities are your personal thing so I won't question it. I came here with a request on behalf of the human race and its planet." She said in one breath. I have to say that I am impressed with her abilities and intelligence and not letting the emotions of fear control her to make a stupid mistake.

"Request you say. Hmm, Although I already have an idea of what it is, I don't mind hearing it." I said while obviously faking thoughtfulness, She noticed but can do nothing about it and can only swallow her pride up.

"... Would you be kind enough to help the planet, Whenever it needed your assistance?" She asked with the same smile while sipping from the tea. She already finished huh, I guess it was that good.

"Hmmm, Sure." I said but before she could 'relax' I added: "I won't be there for every single time the Earth gets threatened but I won't mind helping out when the planet truly needs a savior. A savior, not a hero"

Then added while getting up and heading for my bed: "It's been an interesting stay so far and it would be a pity to see it destroyed." Then turned to her with a not-so-friendly smile: "One more thing. Don't do that again, Intruding. You were excused this time but I can't say the same thing about next time and warn Strange about it. We wouldn't want another rude act now, would we?." Hearing his name she showed a shocked face for a second but quickly hid it away. Oh, how fun it is messing with her.

"...I believe you know the way out, and don't steal anything." After saying that I closed the door and jumped to my huge bed. Man, I wished the girls were here.

(Thank you for reading.)